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Blacklock wants out of Rugby


Assistant Moderator
"...you can't just go around asking for releases willy nilly. "
What does 'willy nilly' mean? Is it a small gust of wind or something between your legs?
If it means, 'frequent and common' then you're wrong... again.
Cute choice of words though.

El Duque

Here's the Macquariemeaning for you

<dt><span><span>willy</span>-<span>nilly</span></span> :adverb<span> 1.</span>willingly or unwillingly.<span> 2.</span>in random order; in disarray.
--adjective<span> 3.</span>shilly-shallying; vacillating. [from phrase will I (he, ye), nill I (he, ye); nill be unwilling] </dt>


Assistant Moderator
Let me see if I transpose this...

can't just go around asking for releases willy nilly
can't just go around asking for releases willingly or unwillingly
can't just go around asking for releases in random order; in disarray
can't just go around asking for releases shilly-shallying
can't just go around asking for releases vacillating

Loses something in the translation but I like the last one the most. So by asking for two releases in 8 years is willy nilly...? Well, you learn something new every day.


At the end of the day ,it boils down to the fact that Blaclock (apparently) doesn,t want to honour his contract.
St George don,t have the wherewithal to buy out the contract so therefore it all depends on the NSWRU being prepared to be magnanimous
If they do ,they are Captain Rat,s. They will open the door for players to sign
RU contracts ,decide they don,t like it .renege on their contract and high-tail it back to League.
I have no truck with Union ,bit in this case ,if they don,t stand their ground they are mad.


Assistant Moderator
We're half in agreement midas. The NSWRU have more to gain by keeping Blacklock. IMO, they can do without the embarrassment of having a player return to League.

"St George don,t have the wherewithal to buy out the contract so therefore it all depends on the NSWRU "
It seems that way but I heard an interesting story today.

Apparently, if St George secure Nathan Blacklock after the Super 12s are done with, he will cost them less than $10,000 for the rest of 2003. The figure coming from low match and/or incentive payments.

Now, if this fair dinkum, then it throws a new light on the subject. Think about it... getting a player of Tingha's ability for only $10K... its within the salary cap and represents a coup for St George. In basic terms, its a case of nothing ventured, nothing gained... especially when when the dollar risk is next to zero.

Its pure business I know but considering this speculation surrounding Blacklock's price tag, it gives another reason why Saintswant to pursue this.



The NSWRU have more to gain by keeping Blacklock. IMO, they can do without the embarrassment of having a player return to League. Wouldn't it be more of a case of embarassment to League, that one of the best players couldn't cut it in union and had to jump back to league without even putting in a full year?

I think Blacklock should give it a full year to see if he can make it in union, before deciding to go back. But will coach Dwyer bring him back to the S12 side after all this?



Assistant Moderator
Steve, it all depends on which slant you want to take on it.

For example, there was on report last year which claimed Blacklock was disillusioned by Rugby Union's anti-League stance - behind the scenes, he had told someone in the NSWRU as much. One side might applaud a player for standing up to his bosses while the other side will say that he is paid to do as his told. It just depends on how you want to look at it.

But that was a story amongst many stories.... it would take all day to sift through everything thats been said or alleged to have been said.

Personally and at the end of the day, there's only one reason why I'd like to him back playing League.

50 second video
9. 1 Mb


I heard the same story.It was based on the premise that the $10k plus his S12 payments would give him a liveable wage for the year.
All well and good but it is contingent upon the NSWRU paying up his 2003 fees in full and then releasing him from the balance of his contract without penalty.
Plenty of "ifs" in that scenario.



Assistant Moderator
Yep... thats why I said 'nothing ventured, nothing gained.'
St George, being the tight-arses they always have been will be looking at the pennies. While the Waratahs might want to save some dough by letting Blacklock go.. as you say, they may be able to pick up a few penalties payments as well. Plenty of 'ifs'.

I suppose that in the end, it'll come down tobeing purely a business decison.
Contracts are ended early quite often. Not only in professional sport, but also in business.

When this situation comes up, each party needs to make a judgement call on whether they have more to gain by saying yes or no.

The Dragons said yes last year. By doing this they lost a good player, but now they have a chance of getting him back as a fresh enthusiastic player.

Blacklock will now have a bit of reputation and will probably never get a the same type of contract as he had before with the Dragons but that is the jugement call he made.

It's now up to the Warratahs to make that call.

If they dig their heels in then the next player they target might think twice about jumping codes knowing that there might not be a way out if it doesn't work out.

They could also end up with a disillutioned player on their books who couldn't be bothered trying anymore and will be looking to leave the minute the contract ends.

Or on the other hand - Dwyer might change Blacklock's mind and he could become their best player.
Just for all the contract buffs out there:

If push came to shove, wouldn't it be advisable to push the line that Blacklock signed the contract at a time when he was 'not of clear mind' or something of the like? He was struggling emotionally after family problems and i think it would be fair to suggest that he was not in a state of clear thinking at the time



After playing for St George, I think it can be successfully argued he never was.;)


Assistant Moderator
I'd hope it wouldnt come to that Moffo. Releasing him on compassionate grounds is just another theory but imo, it sounds like the courts would get involved. Pretty messy and I doubt it would go that far.


He,d be battling to sell that theory,moffo.
after he,s been quoted about how much Dwyer and Burke have done for him ,I don,t think it,d wash. Are you suggesting he should not only renege on his contract but lie about the reasons as well?
Should be good for the game,s image.


Assistant Moderator
"Are you suggesting he should not only renege on his contract but..."
Again and for you midas, in slow motion replay...
Blacklock has not reneged on any contract. He-has-asked-for-a-release... he has stated that if-that-release-isnt-granted, he-will-see-out-his-contract.

El Duque

I wonder if St-Illa will have to draft a special contract for widdle Nathan as it seems anything he signs isn't worth two squirts of camels piss.