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ParraMatt said:eelavation said:ParraMatt said:Families that support Parramatta and aren't just in it for free tickets, And who are willing to chant and scream for their team right Colonel?
I'm sure that all involved are dedicated fans you can pick those out a mile away there are also young families with tight budgets that would jump at the chance and would be dedicated to the course.
but having said that we shouldn't be getting to far ahead of ourselves this a shitload of ground work left for us to do. [yes Colnel your not alone mate 8)]
No that's bullsh*t, You are either a dedicated fan who can afford the 10 dollars a week or you have serious problems. We wont take random people of the street just because they can't afford to pay for a ticket, We aren't the salvation army, I actually hope they don't even give us free tickets. I think it is pathetic. It's rent-a-crowd all over again, All waiting outside for Colonel to come along to get our tickets then we go in together, It's like a school excursion.
We are an army, We get out season tickets, We stand in our respected bays, We wave our flags, Sing and enjoy watching the eels play. If it's not like this, Then consider me out, And a few other's will join.
first of all! since when has it cost $10.00 for a family of 4 to go to the footy?
secondly, whether we get free tickets or not depends on a number of matters as I said before there's a heap to do before we even get to that stage.
but at the end of the day! does it really matter? no one will be putting a gun to your head saying you've stay out there until 5 minutes before kick off before your allowed to go in.
and whats the big deal about a couple of "Johnny come lately" joining in the fun, as far as I'm concerned the only people I notice on the North terrace at the start of Jersey Flegg is Hillgirls! so that would make the rest of "Johnny come lately's" don't you think?