Having dealt with this situation previously, when MITS, I and a couple of others made attempts to setup an "Un-biased & Open Army" it's sad (and no surprise) that the same things are coming out again!!
The problem is that too many people have their own ideas and for some strange reason there are power struggles.
As I've said countless times before, a simple structure whereby EVERYONE sits in one area (and not in small groups spread over 3 or 4 bays) and chants together is what is needed. Not this crap of "I am the leader and I want it this way" or "Nah, that's not how it should be, I want it this way".
What should happen is: The entire group get together and chant and sing and support Parra and let the group grow from there.
Matt, your ideas are great but I'm sorry to say however, that they are not New or Pioneering. We have seen over the past couple of years the evolution of the EWO and the Parramaniacs. The EWO was created for the Drinkers etc who want to sit together and cheer etc etc, and yes, they have created a small loyal group, but unfortunately, it hasn't grown much more. With the Parramaniacs, it was created to get Fans to sit together to support the eels, however it faced the problem that alot of the vocal people didn't want to be seen wearing bright yellow wigs and t-shirts and the other problem being that the tickets were freebies that were handed out to anyone who in essence wanted to save a few dollars. In saying that, alot of the people who sat with the maniacs were loyal parra supporters and I was glad to meet them, but in the end they were just there to see Parra win or lose - not to cheer as a group or make friendships etc.
What we need is all of these sub-groups to bite the bullet and say "Hey, we can still be our own group, but we join forces with other groups to share a common cause. This is something that won't come to fruition without a bit of sacrifice from everyone.
If WE, AS A COLLECTIVE, can come up with a good proposal, I am more than confidant that the Eels will support us.
We can't just expect Parra to cater to our every whim & desire, WE ALL need to show that we are willing to put our money where our Mouth is and show that we want this as much as anyone.
A Great Army is a major benefit for both the Supporters and the Club. if we have a strong and vocal army, then the Club reaps the benefits and so do we. Folks, we are extremely lucky that we have some of the best people working at the Eels and I know as does Colonel, MITS, Nikki, Jess, Hollywood, Suity, Eelavation and many others that those people have and will bend over backwards to try and support us. The Parramaniacs started from Trish Crews' Vision to have a United supporter group and she got that through. Let's support hers and our vision to have an Army to rival others.
As Rachael Hunter says "it won't happen overnight, but it will happen!!"