Carn THE CHAMP, we can be bro's!
Shit i thought you were a chick....sorry my mistake.
yes it is you sped, Dogslife said it aswell. How can anyone be this spastic? Please leave this forum, how can anyone show their face around here after being absolutely disgraced by nearly every member?
Fair call. Doggiesbro has skin like a crocodile.
Maths is NOT electable.
Maths is Electable in NSW. Doggiesbro not understanding different strokes for different folks. More geniused and insular than Sea Eagles supporters.
In NSW English is the only compulsory subject for yrs 11-12.
In QLD there's a special school that LOL@BRO attends, it still has maths for slow learners!
Just looked at big petes line ups, close enough.
Titans, Eels, Bulldogs and Rabbits did not inspire me, The Raiders have the Furner factor.
But injury plays it part.