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Bugs/Errors Thread


Some things that I noticed after my first 2 games..

I made 2 interchanges at the same time, and then a player got injured, and there were only 2 players on the bench to choose from to be a replacement. The 2 who i just interchanged should have also been choosable.

At kickoffs, the ball is sitting in mid air - it has a shadow, but there is no tee nor sand nor tee shadow.

The delay in goalkicking after pressing the button is annoying.

In scrum animations, the defensive halfback should be there too.


NPK said:
Some things that I noticed after my first 2 games..

At kickoffs, the ball is sitting in mid air - it has a shadow, but there is no tee nor sand nor tee shadow.

The delay in goalkicking after pressing the button is annoying.


The ball isnt floating its the way its placed. its not siting on the t on its end its like in real life how its slightly lent forward. from the angle you cant see the t.who cares anyway

Whats with all the gripes with the goal kicking. I happen to find it a peice of piss. when i first played it was hard to get it spot on but after figuring the timing its pretty easy to get it near the middle. and having it not always dead set in the middle makes it just a bit harder from the wider kicks. stop ya bitching and go practice. some of you guys must be shit at this game
i have but 2 problems. i agree with the guys that say the player two positions from the ruck should run on to the ball. very annoying when you cant help but pass it to him sometimes. its supposed to be 2 taps i think but sometimes even one tap passes it to him and all it does is lose you 5 metres. another is IVE LOST MY F#*%ING SUPER TEAM AND ORIGIN AND INTERNATIONAL MATCHES AND EELS V BULLDOGS VIDEO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i have the ps2 version and unlocked them 6 nights ago and theyre gone. my saved games with the scores of the legend and god mode matches are still there. and last thing, and you can take it as gospel cause ive played league for 14 years and currently play grade football that when a ball goes dead (knock on, into touch, held up,over dead ball line anything like that) after the siren its game over sunshine. you can tap and run of course if youve received a penalty but kicking to touch will get you nothing but a chance to shake hands. dont believe me? read the rule books it will nearly say the same thing as i have. itll just say it more technically.


I keep getting players who just freeze and stay that way for the rest of the game. Handy if its a defender - leaves a big gap in the line. Not so fun if it happens to one of my players.. :p

Raiders Rock

Sound is OK up till the kickoff then it goes into sounding like a huge echo or something?? And it kind of sounds like the sound is having trouble keeping up with the game!! I've done all the predictable stuff like downloading the latest versions of soundblaster live drivers, direct x drivers and so on I even did a bios update but it was if anything worse with the new soundblaster drivers so I used driver rollback to the previous version and it's marginally better but still sucks!! Can anybody help?? My core system is as follows... It's got to the point where I now play with the sound off!!

Pentium 4 - 2Ghz CPU
Gigabyte P4 Titan Motherboard
512Mb PC-3200 DDR RAM
32Mb Ge-Force II Mx 400 VGA Card
Sound Blaster Live! Sound Card
Windows XP Professional
XP Service Pack 1
whilst there are little bugs, like Jamaal Lolesi putting up the bomb, the ball gets gathered by the opposition, Lolesi MAKES the tackle and is offside? :evil:
Result opposition scores with a minute to go and win. The only other thing is when you dive to score, and lets say you were running back under the post and dive and end up back in the field of play, but your first point of contact was over the line, you do not actually get the try(lost me a game once :cry: ) There are too many high tackles, and I agree about the send off/sin bin stuff. It's funny with the Xbox version watching players turn bald...for about the first two times :badgrin:

Other than that the game is great. Such things will never be a perfect replication of the real game, but it is tops! :D/


I had Peachey get injured today, and he never left the park. He just stayed down on the ground holding his head in pain while play continued around him...


A few more things that I noticed yesterday:

After I scored a try by placing the ball down (not diving) he kind of fell on the ball that was on the ground..looked weird.

Often players tackle nothing. I'm not talking about when they fall for sidesteps etc, I'm talking about when they stand there and wrestle mid-air.

When the AI team takes a tap sometimes (not a quick tap) my team is all on 1 side of the field, so they have a huge gap?!

Apart from the hitup stats being wrong (after 6 rounds I had only 19, with the next lowest 173), the 6 tackle sets completed stat is weird too - after 6 rounds i had completed only 4 from 99 sets?!

I tackled an AI player and his feet were on the sideline but it was play on.


First Grade
TripleM said:
I have yet to have a 6th tackle resulting in a scrum feed, all of mine are turnovers. Maybe its only on one platform?

The problem only occurs if you hold them up over the tryline on the last tackle. They get the scrum feed when it should be a handover. If you tackle them in normal play it's always a handover which is correct.

One thing I had happen to me last night was actually fairly comical - making a charge at the line with the Cowboys and it did the tackle on me where they go low and you slow push your way a bit ahead and then collapse forward after gaining a few metres. I did that and happened to do it over the tryline, but no try was awarded - in fact he just got up and played the ball, a good few metres over the tryline. McWilliams was the dummy half and simply just planted the ball down as it was played for a try! :lol:

The Engineers Room

First Grade
Firstly I want to say the game is good. I only paid $77 for it :D

I have seen some of these problems too but as a whole I am extremely satisfied. The game plays well. Also regarding the interchange injury request. The other two are on the sideline waiting to go on so this situation is inevitable, unless the substitution system is changed to have the players immediately changed like in the NBA series, where the replays look ridiculous especially when you sub SHAQ for say Larry Bird.


Sadly , its good to see I'm not the only one with frustrating bugs . I'll list the ones I can remember and return with more later . Game against Broncos , 3rd extra time I caught the broncos on the fourth about 15 out from my line and the ball starts to float where it was at the point of impact in the tackle and stayed floating for about 15 secs. with my players running all around it eventually I get the ball (changeover of posession , camera rotates) and Mark O'meley is suddenly tackled 15 out from my line on the 5th . The hovering ball is pretty common but ususally the tackle count is reset . Kicked the ball into the crowd from a misdirected crossfield kick . siren sounds for half-time and 3 players gather around the point where the ball left the field and stay there , no half-time no way to continue . Players who stop dead on the way to making a tackle , thier legs move but they remain on the spot . Players who won't respond to any input after a play the ball or tap . Halfbacks who can't run normally from the scrum until they pass the ball . I have a lot more but that will do for now . I hope they fix this because the game has enormous potential (except the graphics)
Regards ,

Go the Doggies!!!


Here's one I haven't read elsewhere yet:

In the PC version the defending halfback never attends the scrums, I only thought about it whil watching a replay of Sherwin scampering away for a try last night and thought to myself: "where the heck is Johns".

Maybe it was just a one of glitch but from memory I don't think the defending teams halfbacks attends to scrums like they're supposed to

Also I had a weird one in one game last night where a defender was running on the spot and the play moved on leaving him out of my defensive line running on the spot in backplay! [-X Only get him back in the line after a stoppage in play


ngunity said:
Here's one I haven't read elsewhere yet:

In the PC version the defending halfback never attends the scrums, I only thought about it whil watching a replay of Sherwin scampering away for a try last night and thought to myself: "where the heck is Johns".

Maybe it was just a one of glitch but from memory I don't think the defending teams halfbacks attends to scrums like they're supposed to

Also I had a weird one in one game last night where a defender was running on the spot and the play moved on leaving him out of my defensive line running on the spot in backplay! [-X Only get him back in the line after a stoppage in play

Read up 13 posts - I mentioned the lack of the halfback at scrums 8)


Azkatro said:
TripleM said:
I have yet to have a 6th tackle resulting in a scrum feed, all of mine are turnovers. Maybe its only on one platform?

The problem only occurs if you hold them up over the tryline on the last tackle. They get the scrum feed when it should be a handover. If you tackle them in normal play it's always a handover which is correct.

Thats what I was referring to. The rule works fine on my PS2.


The other day I kicked the ball into touch, in the in goal area. The game kept playing but I couldn't see the ball. Vossy kept saying things like "There right on the line now"... "Nobody wants to concede points at this time of the game". After changing the camera a few times I discovered the ball was between the bilboards and the crowd. I couldn't get to the ball though so I had to restart.

CPU somtimes gets a scrum feed after kicking to touch from a penalty.

After the 5th tackle I was held up about 1 m out. It was going to be a hand over and it went to the cut scene and the ref said "Right, thats a handover" or whatever. But, the cpu sometimes still tackles you in those cut scenes. One of the defenders did a mamoth jumbo tackle and threw me into the ingoal where I scored a try. They should have had the ball from the turnover but it was "3 letters, 4 points, try..."
about the offside rule - somthing happened to me today concerning it. Warriors Vs Tigers, Jones kicks off to the tigers, Benji Marshall catches it on the 10m line - RULED OFFSIDE! how the hell does that work? #-o


Why do they catch the ball behind their heads? - looks stupid

Why do they stand in the wrong positions half the time ?

Why can one player steamroll sometimes 5 or 6 players in a row, a winger for example, that's just stupid

why is there no tackle restart if it hits another player, does that even happen anyway - it should

Why is the huge increase of speed sometimes - like a tackler can move way too fast to tackle a line breaking player, looks stupid and wrecks the game - speed should be consistent

Many Many more bugs in this game....

If madden is the pinnacle, this is the bottom of the barrel, the only reason I can play the game at all is because it's rugby league, honestly very poor effort for this day and age.


just a bit more

its a great and fun game to play

but the crowds are poor, they are not dynamic at all

i asked this several times and got little reply pre-game. I can accept that its hard to do, but Mario or Vodka, what was the process and programming used to change crowd sizes, as i have seen no evidence of it at all yet




Kick ffs are very easy to exploit - if you do a big kick for the corner post, providing you get the right angle, the opposition will leave the ball to bounce into touch 99% of the time, even in 2 player games.

Can become very frustrating especially when u see the computer take a kickoff at that angle and u know there's nothing u can do about it.


Twice (both in SOO) the half back as spilt the ball at the base of the scrum - Vossy says something like "and he's put that down" - but then the game freezes :?

Hope to see a patch for some of this stuff soon!!


My game takes about 2mins to load - and then - i have to push Alt/Tab to back to Windows desktop (minimise) and then push it again to return to the game to get keyboard and joystick access - otherwise i only have touchpad access (laptop) - can be annoying if that doesn't work!!!! (occasionally)