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Bugs/Errors Thread

Well I replayed the Bulldogs game, this time I'm leading 10-0 and then get a injury and it goes back to desktop!!! :evil:
This is one big fault which is frustrating and may cause some people to turn it off.
Can TruBlu please make a patch for this fast to save face, coz at the moment there is quite a few people pissed off after wait a year later for realese then it being full of bugs after is was held back for 2 months. Surely this bugs would have been picked up by the beta testers? Why weren't they fixed?
These questioned need to asked.
After paying near $90 which is above the average price for PC sports games I am a little bit peed off. :evil:


An annoying thing is when you change player when you are chasing a player who has made a break. You select the player and they stop running or run in a randon direction which stuffs up any chance you had of catching the ball carrier.

Another error is when a quick player makes a break and scores a try, the rest of the players are chasing and even though they are 15-30 metres behind him, they are keeping up!! Thats very unrealistic.

Last night when I was playing, during a cut scene, there was one of those closeups where they show the players standing there waiting...2 of my players were standing within about half a metre of each other..one behind the other, (very intimate) and they both did that nose blowing thing with their hand at exactly the same time...looked hilarious.


First Grade
I think I found another fairly uncommon example of the offside bug. Generally the ref doesn't rule the offside until the tackle is completed, regardless of where it happened.

What happened to me was playing against the Knights, Johns was a MILE offside on the fifth - it was very obvious - and tried to tackle my dummy half who still managed to get a pass away anyway. At this point I'd say the game flagged the "call offside" decision, but waited for a tackle to be made. Anyway in one of my very very common displays of throwing the ball to nobody in particular, Tahu screamed through and grabbed the ball but I was there to tackle him. The result was that the Cowboys were penalised for being offside!

There's no way I could have been *genuinely* offside because at the start of the play I was the attacking team and lost possession of the ball.


Yeah the offside calls can be pretty random sometimes, but at least I've figured out about the general play offside rules, you can generally see when the AI has left a player offside (I don't know if this happens deliberately or is just an AI bug in not getting players back onside), they stand about 2 metres offside in the line, and you've just got to hope you can change to that player and get him back in the line before he makes a play on the ball. I can generally tell when a player will be called offside or not now though, which makes the game a little more bearable with what I thought was random offside calls.

Still, it shits me when a mate I play against constantly charges out of the defensive line as soon as the ball is played to smash the first receiver, then he blames bugs in the game when he gets called offside and has a go at the developers, blah blah blah, ignoring that he's the one causing the offside calls every time and conveniently ignoring that I never get any offside calls against me.


Last night I was playing and a player of mine got tackled and Vossy announced that he would be picking out grass from his teeth after that one..

Problem is he landed on his back in the tackle...



when I was playing last night:

Devere kicked a penalty goal after the half-time siren and Vossy said that Lockyer had added the 2 points.

I interchanged some players at halftime (when the stats screen is up), expecting the fresh players on the field at the start of the second half, but no, they had to wait until there was a break in play to come on....that is not right.

Sometimes I get frustrated when i am over the tryline and press the try-scoring button but it doesn't respond and I get held up.

I did a dropout from under the posts, and I aimed it to the right hand side to try and get it into touch, but the ball bounced off the post and went backwards?!

I was playing a game at a ground where part of the field was in shade and part was in the sun. I was surprised to see the players who were in the shade had shadows!!! There were grey shadows (as opposed to the almost black shadows the rest of the players in the sun have) and from about the 30 second mark of thre game onwards, every player, whether they were in the shade or not, had these grey shadows which looks really bizarre.


Like that guy that posted Fittler kicking a fieldgoal on the siren when 2 points down (ala Terry Lamb) - Fittler again (this time for NSW) gets a penalty 5m from my line - instead of taking 2 points to tie and go into OT, he takes the tap - gets tackled - game over

One day I look forward to a game where the AI is a little better. It's getting better, but it's not there yet!!!


And yet again some more....am finding bugs and errors every time I play this game

I am not happy :evil: I was just playing my first grand final as Broncos against Raiders..was leading by 8 points and with 1 minute to go the Raiders scored. Schif kicked for the conversion, it bounced right off the post, even Vossy said so, but then he said that he added the extras, and the scoreboard showed that he did get the conversion even though it clearly wasn't. Immediately then the game crashed to desktop...
As I said in another post, these PC version crashes are not hardware problems but are definitely software bugs - they only occur immediately after a break in play, usually a kick. That shows a pattern - it it was hardware problems the crashes would happen randomly.

At kickoffs, the kicking team should all be in line with the kicker, not loitering 10-20 metres behind the kicker.

Players coming back from the sinbin have served their 10 minutes, and then should therefore come back into the game straight away rather than having to wait until the next break of play to run back on.


First Grade
Have the PC version here ,As mentioned having the same bug when one of my players get injured, straight back to the desktop. Also had a scrum feed, except the half back refused to put in the ball just stood there, until time ran down to HT (5mins) #-o


- one funny bug i've seen that has only happened once, i had the feed to the scrum and held down pass, instead of putting it in the scrum he passed it straights to first receiver lol!!!

- also from kick offs on pc version at least, when they catch the ball it appears behind them, looks weird
When i play on God or Legend, when the computer kicks on the 5th tackle they allways kick it so that it sits on the sideline but doesn't go out, and of course my players rush at it and pick it up and go over the sideline. i find this really annoying and has cost me a few games :(


Not sure if they have been raised yet but here goes

Some of these are funny and should be kept in the game just for their comic relief, while others must be fixed by the next verison or I'm afraid I think sales will go way down.

Must be fixed

- Passing system (it has potential but there is no way to control the passes, tap it one time long pass next time short pass, press left pass goes right, press pass to unmarked winger, winger moves in without ball, ball over sideline etc)

- Goal kicking system (same as passing has a lot of potential and I really like they were trying to do with the kicking system but it still needs a bit of work to get 100% currently I'd say it is abotu 80%)

- Kickoffs (while it should be possible to get the ball into touch from kickoffs it sahould not be as easy as it is)

- Fends, dummies and steps are WAY too effective. EG: Gower made a break not a Panthers player in site. Burt (my FB) goes into tackle but Gower pulls out a dummy, Burt stops for a second allowing Gower the extra space he needed to score. I had controll of Burt but could do nothing to stop him getting sucked into the dummy.

You should NEVER NEVER NEVER loss control of the selected player.

- Held ups unrealsitic. EG Vaealiki crosses the line, Finch has hold on 1 foot but unable to ground the ball.

- Truy scoring button not always responsive. If you have broken a tackle in goal in takes a couple of seconds for the try scoring button to work quite often by this time when the player dives he goes over the deadball line.

- On some tackles pass button doesn't work from dummy half. found this happens a lot on the 5th tackle when the 1/2 back is the dummy half.

- Ref AI - knock ons not called, better way of showing forward passes no more banana passes I like the idea that if you press forward and pass it is a forward pass but the animations should be better.

- General AI - all above + CPU team kicks for goal when given penalites more often.


Funny things

- Fittler getting a field goal when down by 2.
- touchie "moonwalk" when getting into position for goalkick.


ripper73 said:
Ive never seen a scrum go against the head in League

warriors v knights 2002, i think hohaia fed and knights won it, scored and prob cost the warriors the match


the biggest bug of all is the terrible port of the game to the ps2.

Xbox framerate is perfect but ps2 is terrible.

Whereas games like Pro evo soccer 3 and madden which have far superior graphics have a smooth framerate on the ps2.

If sidhe get a bigger budget i suggest they can make a ps2 version to be good.


Ever Noticed on the P.C. Version if the ball gets kicked into the crowd on the 6th tackle, or for whatever reason, the Players just stand around waiting for something to happen until the clock runs out, and even if it is full time and one team is ahead of the other on the scoreboard, they just stand there! Vossy doesn't announce a victory or anything. :?

A similar thing happened when I was playing the Wests Tigers at Campbelltown Stadium: Big "T" tackled one of the Tigers wingers and dragged him in to touch, the ball flew off into the crowd, next it cuts to the scene where a scrum is packing down and Gowie looks around for the ball! :-s Now we were 38 points ahead by that stage and had only 9 mins left for play in the second-half so I decided to let the clock wind-down to no avail! when the full time hooter sounded, the scrum was still packed, and Gowie was still looking for the bloody ball!! #-o No glorius victory to the Penrith Panthers! No result whatsoever! I had to exit the game and reload my previously saved competition round!!! ](*,)

My Kingdom for a patch to fix this bug! [-o<




The choice of what lines Vossy says should be improved too. For example, a player does a dummy, and then immediately gets smashed in a tackle, and Vossy still says "They fell for the dummy"!

Another example, Vossy says that a tackled player will be picking grass out of his teeth even though he landed on his back when he was tackled.

Vossy often calls the wrong tackler's name too. eg. Swain is the first player to touch/attempt to tackle the ball carrier, then Tallis comes in and makes a huge tackle, but Vossy credits Swain for the big tackle.


gee you guys are picky.......the game is better than what we had before.....so what its not perfect, when they make another one they will iron out all the problems....the game will never be as good as the real thing, and i think the guys who made it did a bloody good job.. :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: #-o #-o #-o #-o


carlnz said:
gee you guys are picky.......the game is better than what we had before.....so what its not perfect, when they make another one they will iron out all the problems....the game will never be as good as the real thing, and i think the guys who made it did a bloody good job.. :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: #-o #-o #-o #-o

We know it's a great game, and we all want new versions to be made and this is a way to give constructive criticism. :)