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Burt or Hayne


As much as Finch show's heart he is no Tim Smith

When Tim was on his game we could beat anyone in the comp but when he was not we were awful.

Unless Finch finds the form he had in 04 we wont be winning a comp with him at number 7, i hope im wrong but i dont think he can.

Starry Eyes

Burts a good player takes a long time to recover from injury and gain confidence again give the man a go. I remember when he was the highest points scorer until he was injured.


I agree, i like finch, but i dont think he's the answer, i'd still be looking at our options.

See what DA can do.

Yeah; I reckon one of our top priorities might be to buy a top-class half-back in 2010 (and a couple of forwards too, of course.) Unless Kris Keating can turn into a good half for us.


As much as Finch show's heart he is no Tim Smith

When Tim was on his game we could beat anyone in the comp but when he was not we were awful.

Unless Finch finds the form he had in 04 we wont be winning a comp with him at number 7, i hope im wrong but i dont think he can.

True, but unfortunately he couldn`t run and he couldn`t tackle. And he was a piss-pot. (Bi-polar, my arse!)


i find it funny that people say finch doesn't create enough opportunities. sure he lacks the creativity of a player like tim smith but in a side that was dominated for most of the year by our opposition he led or was close to the lead in try assists and line break assists. he may not have the same flair and creativity as a player like mateo but he is putting our players into space.

imagine what he would've done if our pack hadn't under-performed for most of the year.

parra pete

True, but unfortunately he couldn`t run and he couldn`t tackle. And he was a piss-pot. (Bi-polar, my arse!)

Careful, careful, careful.........there are some mighty sensitive people on here when it comes to Golden Child 1....
I don't know if 'couldn't run and couldn't tackle' is a true statement...but he WOULDN'T RUN and WOULDN'T TACKLE, and was good at hiding himself on the field when the pressure was on...
I don't know whether the kid is bi-polar. If he is, I feel sorry for him and hope he can control it. Life is more important than football
People on this forum saw GC1 as the solution when, in my opinion, he really was the problem...BUT mine is a minority view, so it doesn't really count..
Be warned....If you have an opinion other than the general flow it is seen as "BASHING"..

parra pete

No bleeding heart here Suity...Just letting Lingard know how it is as he is a 'new boy'. Just taking a protective role on him like the 'buddy system' when kids start Kinders..I wouldn't like him to be ostracized for having a minority view point. Maybe Lingard would like to be accepted into the clique`, I'm not sure, you will have to ask him....
All I want to let him know is this ----- It's OK for GC1 supporters to sing his praises and lament the fact that he is not here, but it is not OK to suggest that the side is better off without him.

BTW, I thought The Colonel was the protector of all things good and evil on this forum...:lol: - are you taking over the role????

The Colonel

Hey pete, no it just seems I'm not the only one who thinks your routine is getting rather old and crusty.....

The Engineers Room

First Grade
Finch was the lone playmaker in our team. He would have been credited with at least 95% of our tries as assists. That doesn't mean he is creating enough opportunities.

Tim Smith could run but it is a different thing to pass the halfback the ball and expect him to run when no one else is in motion and the defence can therefore read that he will either run or kick. He kicked a lot because quite frankly his team mates were leaving him with little other option.

Good playmakers will run when they see a weakness in the defence and our side never created enough doubt or options for the defence to be worried.


Finch was the lone playmaker in our team. He would have been credited with at least 95% of our tries as assists. That doesn't mean he is creating enough opportunities.

Tim Smith could run but it is a different thing to pass the halfback the ball and expect him to run when no one else is in motion and the defence can therefore read that he will either run or kick. He kicked a lot because quite frankly his team mates were leaving him with little other option.

Good playmakers will run when they see a weakness in the defence and our side never created enough doubt or options for the defence to be worried.

i don't think finch even had half the try assists when tim was in the side. ditto when playing alongside mateo.

re: tim's kicking - i thought at the start of his first year he mixed it up well but as the season went on he started to get kick happy. there were a number of times when he'd kick wide for a higher risk play when putting it through hands was the better option.
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Pete in all seriousness, and i realise u like to stir up,you cant really believe the side is better without T Smith and the opportunities he made for the team when playing at his best.

parra pete

Most certainly do. He was a passenger in defence and could not or would not run the ball. Next time you see him in action for Wigan...Just watch him Don't imagine what he is doing WATCH IT...He shovels it out usually without taking a step and back pedals in defence..or runs alongside the player in possession.

(Colonel/Suity please note - This is an answer to a query by Raudonikis asking for MY opinion)


Ok,everyone has opinions,but i will say this,the first time i watched him in 05,and i did watch him,i thought he would go on and play for Australia,his fault he didnt reach that potential because he had it..Im saying that as a former half back myself


I don't know if 'couldn't run and couldn't tackle' is a true statement...but he WOULDN'T RUN and WOULDN'T TACKLE, and was good at hiding himself on the field when the pressure was on...

Pete, you've talked some utter sh*te on here from time to time (as no doubt have I) but that sentence is perhaps the biggest pile of dog turd I've ever read.
Perhaps you should have taken your own advice while he was still here and actually watched the kid play instead of imagining or worse still taking the word of others about what was happening.
I know you dont live local so probably don't get to see many live games and perhaps there are things I've seen live that don't come across when watching on TV, but hiding when the pressure was on was certainly not something I ever saw. In fact I would say the opposite is true. I know he wasn't the best defensively but he busted his ass more often than not to make up for his lack of ability in this area. Sure he always had a Tony Carrol style "minder" in defence but I don't mind that at all. His main role was in attack and he performed admirably there while doing his part in defence.

Ron Jeremy

Most halfbacks are liabilities in defense, including the golden child Brett Finch, seen him miss plenty of one on one'.....

And Pete to suggest a player was hiding on the field is ludicrous, players get over hiding on the field when they turn 15, you don't make it to FG in the NRL by hiding!

Ron Jeremy

Ok,everyone has opinions,but i will say this,the first time i watched him in 05,and i did watch him,i thought he would go on and play for Australia,his fault he didnt reach that potential because he had it..Im saying that as a former half back myself

What he produced in 2005 cannot be done by an average player, since then his form hasn't been as good, but we all know that that ability is still there.

I honestly just think Tim became too nervous on the field, he wasn't relaxed and tried too hard.