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Bye Bye Mckinnon, O'Dwyer, Delaney, J Smith, Peterson, Morrison, Widders and Morris!

Parra Playa

Who are you sad to see leave and who would you have Kept??

J Smith



I am not sad to see any of them go, today just showed this club needed a clean out, and Hagan was smart enough to see it!


I would keep Wade if we end up with Burt at fullback. If Hayne goes there on the other hand we've upgraded.

O' Dwyer is a good utility and should've been kept ahead of Burt.

The rest are usless including the 'super coach'


We have to put Hayne closer to the action. He has to go either to Fullback or centre as he is wasted on the wing.
The only time that he got the ball today was where he had to run it out after the storm had kicked and that was to the forwards. He isnt a battering ram.

A new world next year but Im happy with who we have lost and who we gained.


I'm sick of Morrisons 5 penaltys a game...it kills us.

Ian Hindy will do as good a job if not better


MCkinnon, O'Dwyer, Morrison, Widders and Morris r the biggest losses, but in saying that we have people to fill their shoes nicely


parra pete said:
John Morris is the biggest loss, in my opinion

I usually agree with you Pete, but not this time. Morris is a nightmare of a player, especially in the games that count.

I for one was doing cartwheels when I heard that we opted for Finch over him.


First Grade
parra pete said:
John Morris is the biggest loss, in my opinion

I don't see how anyone can not rate Tim Smith and Rate Morris. Did you see his kick on the 2nd or 3rd tackle after we had 3 consecutive sets on their line which released all the pressure after which Kafusi scored?


ParraManiac said:
I am not sad to see any of them go, today just showed this club needed a clean out, and Hagan was smart enough to see it!

problem is hagan forgot T Smth, Cayleess, Vella, burt ETC


lucablight said:
I don't see how anyone can not rate Tim Smith and Rate Morris. Did you see his kick on the 2nd or 3rd tackle after we had 3 consecutive sets on their line which released all the pressure after which Kafusi scored?

Things is Moriss can tackle and is not a big cat and runs the line when needed. All Tim Smith did was pass and kick and averagely did that. There were a few times he could have ran and stepped but opted to pass it instead.

Hes so predictable kick or pass thats is, 1 dimensional game so now the offence have worked him out so thats why he is not perfomring as he is no longer a threat!


First Grade
jayjayselmes said:
Things is Moriss can tackle and is not a big cat and runs the line when needed. All Tim Smith did was pass and kick and averagely did that. There were a few times he could have ran and stepped but opted to pass it instead.

Hes so predictable kick or pass thats is, 1 dimensional game so now the offence have worked him out so thats why he is not perfomring as he is no longer a threat!

Morris runs occasionally but he must be the slowest five eighth in the comp. Tim Smith may not have been brilliant today but he did create a few opportunities and his kicking game kept the Storm camped in their own half for a while. What did Morris do today apart from kicking on the 2nd tackle after we had 3 consecutive sets on their line and doing that stupid pass which pretty much sealed the game?


Part of the modern game is the movement of players around a system to both earn themselves better money or a better shot at game time, and for the clubs to adjust their combinations and skill sets in their playing pool, not to mention salary cap. So I take a fairly balanced view of players leaving and staying and know these decisions happen for reasons oustide our control.

Given that, I'm happy for Wade to have a go somewhere else, and for Parra to be able to try some different options there (Burt, Hayne?, Reddy?). Wade's a good player who has served the Eels well, but you can't keep every good player on your books not giving them 50-80 mins of First Grade most weeks. Widders has been tremendous in his time at Parra, but the coaching change seemed like a chance for him to look for a different challenge somewhere else, playing starting team perhaps at Souths, best of luck Deano.

Same for O'Dwyer, came into his own second half of this season, but when he signed with GC most people wouldn't have really cared. Good luck to him, he'll be a good player and has served the Eels well when called upon. Jeremy Smith will get much more opportunity at Souths, as he only got a go this year due to injury. He's proved himself and been part of the brilliant resurgence, and will be keen to develop himself further, best of luck.

Would any of them make top 18 next season? Barring injury probably only Deano, with Wade too but at the expense of another player because you can't carry outside backs on the bench too often. All handy guys to have around though, but you can't keep everyone, or deny them the chance to try for other/better things.

From the "piss off" list, again I think these guys are all handy to have about and have served us well. They wouldn't have been used in first grade had there been alternate options available, so bagging them out to me doesn't serve any purpose. If we feel we should have had better players available in their positions, to me that comes down to hoping the club develops its own or purchases depth in those positions for the future, rather than bagging the guys that are asked to step in and do their best.

Morro, a guy on the cusp of rep duty but never quite made it. Solid, and would never have been out selected of the top 13 in his entire stay. Served us well, wanted to crack rep scene by playing closer to Sydney, didn't happen, best of luck in Bradford. Delaney, again when he signed for GC people thought it wasn't great loss. He didn't "come on" or seem to developp this season, he may do so under a different set-up. Filled a spot when asked for the Eels and handy to have around given the (lack of) remaining options, and best of luck to him at GC but we can't keep everyone....

Petersen was in the handy to have category already this season, having only just managed a contract to keep him in action before transferring to GC. Were it not for Jaryd Hayne's development, and John Williams recovering from his injuries to be an option, then we might have seen a lot more of Petersen in first this season. Has served Parra well over the years, no need to keep everyone when they have greener pastures, best of luck to him.

Which brings me to the occasionally maligned John Morris, the eternal utility man. Makeshift winger at Newcastle, hooker with us, half/five-eighth when we had few other options in that role in recent seasons. Has talents, but is probably not the guy you want as your main go to man. But he had to do a job, and he did it to the best of ability - not his fault we were weak in depth in the halves. Have to remember he went well outside Witt in a late season comeback when Dykes hadn't done the job, and again in this season's resurgence outside Jeremy for lots of wins in a row. Has served the Eels well, and good luck to him in finding a set role and combination at Wests, but given the purchases and young players coming through, like with Wade I can understand the decision not to retain him.

So pretty neutral to everyone leaving or staying, but excited about how things might turn out with next season's squad, and wishing all ex-Eels best of luck and thansk for their efforts!