Simo said:I think what he meant is he didnt find out her age until after it had happened, at which point he refused to take part in it anymore.
She knew what was going on, he didnt.
Thierry Henry said:That often doesn't matter either, but let's not get all legal about it
The point is, imo, if I asked the question "should statutory rape be shown on TV, with the victim displayed topless and as a willing participant", a fair few people would agree that this should be censored as part of the general practice of not promoting underaged sex and sex crime.
Wrap it up in a nice big-boobied package and people's standards change a little.
Samwise said:It's a fictional series. It's not promoting underaged sex crimes.
Do the Kill Bill movies promote murder?
Thierry Henry said:fmd Sam
Like it or not there's an established convention against showing certain criminal acts in certain contexts
For whatever reason, it's ok to show murder in pretty much any context, but it's never been ok to show sex crime in a titillating or eroticised manner. Especially not actually showing the underaged character unclothed and acquiescing to her victimisation.
This is a pretty established standard and that's exactly why this caught people's attention
Samwise said:Rubbish, what established convention?
It's never been ok? Kubrick released Lolita 45 years ago. They even made a remake of it 10 years ago.
This is not the reason it caught peoples attention. Prudes kicked up a stink, cos of the nudity, swearing and drug use. And i'm pretty sure those christian vigils were because they were upset that Duchovny's character threw up after smoking weed and rooting a chick.
Thierry Henry said:sex- has always been, for whatever reason, more prone to censorship
kiddy sex/paedophilia/sex crime- has always attracted the closest attention from the censors
Samwise said:and yet the censors don't have a problem with it. The show meets all regulatory codes of conduct.
Thierry Henry said:I'm interested as to what the NZ censors will say
I certainly maintain it falls into a questionable area when it displays an underage character in such a titillating way and then fails to condemn her statutory rape
Thomas said:I don't see the problem.
She plays a 16 year old character and 16 is legal where I live.
Should I be bothered?
Thierry Henry said:Well, if it makes you feel better when having a tug over a "16 year old"
But the point is that it's a storyline about statutory rape
Thomas said:I don't have a tug over a "16" year old?
Some blokes can refrain from tugging their dick whenever tits are on screen.
And are you sure it is statutory rape?
El Diablo said:it was a story about seduction
Shorty said:Thierry,this isn't the first time this has happened in a television series and it's not the first time channel 10 have done it as well.
I remember an episode of 'Dawson's Creek' had a 15 year old boy sleeping with a 34 year old woman and there was a sex scene also.
If the scene was plain old missionary and 2 seconds long you wouldn't have posted in this thread at all.
Shorty said:Thierry,this isn't the first time this has happened in a television series and it's not the first time channel 10 have done it as well.
I remember an episode of 'Dawson's Creek' had a 15 year old boy sleeping with a 34 year old woman and there was a sex scene also.
If the scene was plain old missionary and 2 seconds long you wouldn't have posted in this thread at all.