Nice to see you admit you're a noob tuber and part of the problem and if you're getting 10 kills in a match from claymores and you play either free for all or team deathmatch then you're spawn killing on a map like Nuketown and in any other game mode you're dying way too much.
If they make the experience crappy then you either have some coping mechanism issues or have no idea what you are doing.
If you can't kill a camper then stay away from his little hideout. It's not as if he's shooting you from an unknown position. You can see where he is from the kill-cam. Campers mean an instant kill for me once I know where they are. An easy kill too.
As for grenade launchers, they are a valid tool. No more annoying than claymores and C4. Do you like those?
I'd love to play against these special Ed campers you get because the ones I come across shuffle around when they have killed somebody because they know that person will come back there and they usually set themselves up in a choke point where they don't have to worry about what is behind them. I don't care how you see it camping is a pussy tactic used by sh*t players who can't rack up a kill streak going out in to the action and getting it done properly, and that is exactly why I don't chase after campers.
C4 lol I'd come across anybody using C4 and I don't care about claymores I sorted that sh*t out a long time ago by using flack jacket pro but some noob running around with a grenade launcher attatchment and not using the gun and just shooting two grenades at the ground infront of me is piss weak.
Oh, I almost forgot those other pussies that camp in a corner with a f**king flamethrower but flack jacket pro sorts those noob's out.