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Canterbury Bulldogs star Ben Roberts charged


Security are then alleged to have asked him to discuss the matter across the street - whereupon up to five bouncers punched him to the ground and then repeatedly kicked him.
Looks premeditated to an extent to me.
Or maybe just the goons usual MO.


First Grade
"discuss the matter across the street" is code for out of sight of the CCTV cameras. A common tactic used by bouncers.


Timmah said:
The judge jury and executioners in this thread have all gone off half cocked at what the media told them first and not waited for the full story. I have no doubt Roberts put himself in the position he did by trying to re-enter and then getting subdued etc but geez... some of the things said in this thread are f**king pathetic.

Exactly what i was saying about Legend yesterday- yet he is too gutless to come back in the thread and admit he is wrong...

Tom Ace

Dogaholic said:
The blokes must have been huge. Te Maari is no light weight.

5 of them though...and generally bouncers aren't lightweights themselves.

The only thing he could of done is outrun them, but there's no point doing that when you mate is back at the bar laying on the ground unconscious.


bobmar28 said:
Everyone calls them canterbury? Not around this area (and there are plenty of Bulldogs fans in Liverpool), in fact the only people still calling them canterbury are dinosaurs like Ray Warren and Sterlo, not the fans of the club.
By the way, let's wait for the facts about Roberts incident before passing judgement.

I call them Canterbury (and I was from Bass Hill originally).

That's their name to most fans I know.


First Grade
I hope Lee T and Roberts are both ok, it seems as if the bouncers had a pre meditated idea of what they wanted to do as asking Roberts to continue the talk across the street is just a bouncers way of getting out of CCTV cameras, i hope Roberts pursues charging and these grubs are dealt with.


First Grade
Dogs trial match against the Dragons down at the gong should be interesting, especially if supporters decide to go out to local clubs afterwards.


Nosir'rom Na'ed said:
Is it just me or do you only pop up when it has something to do with race ?

Victim mentality.

no its because he is a kiwi (well he plays for them anyway) but it had more to do with the story of what happened.

I thought I had something to knowledge to lend to the situation - knowing people who have been bashed by group of locals because of their race.

Also - some of use believe are blind to some of these things.


mean_maori_mean said:
no its because he is a kiwi (well he plays for them anyway) but it had more to do with the story of what happened.

I thought I had something to knowledge to lend to the situation - knowing people who have been bashed by group of locals because of their race.

Also - some of use believe are blind to some of these things.

???? Translation please


LeagueUnlimited News Editor
Staff member


February 5, 2008: Bulldogs Club doctor Hugh Hazard has today undertaken a full clinical examination of Lee Te Maari and Ben Roberts who were bashed in Wollongong on Sunday morning.

He has verified medical reports taken on Sunday that both players were heavily concussed, with considerable grazing and bruising to their face and head.

Ben and Lee have been placed on restricted training and their health will continue to be monitored closely.


NthKnight said:
???? Translation please

No, it is because he is of New Zealand race. (NFI on this part)

I thought I had some knowledge of the situation to lend to this conversation - having known people who have been bashed by a group of locals because of their race.

Also - some of you are blind to the truth.



gee i hope the police feel good about the work theyve done in this case.

charge the bloke who got the sh*t beaten out of him, but the guys who did it. well lets not worry about them. whats the bet that the actual attackers will never get done?

im no bulldogs fan (far from it) but i dont think you can blame him for going back to check on Lee Te Maari, if that is actually why he went back. Especially since his head would not have been on straight from the beating he got.


I work about about 200m from where the incident happened and i have been to the glasshouse about 200 times. The boucers at the glassie can get rough but only when neccesary. i've seen it first hand. Friends of mine from sydney and the shire have even commented to me on how well the bouncers treated them when they visited. And i'm pretty sure it will come out that the bouncers werent the ones who attacked Ben Roberts. and Mean_Maori_Mean you may be at little embarresed when you find out what nationality the attackers were.


Glassie used to be a awesome place to go. haven't been in over a year but i have heard its a bit rough these days


[furrycat] said:
Just because you sponsor a part of the club does not mean you can lay the boot in without any evidence or knowledge of the incident.

Use your brain (for once) and wait until things are clearer...

I've laid the boot in for years without being a sponsor. Regardless of the outcome, he should be reprimanded for going back to the club after being bashed. That is sheer stupidity and the fate of Ben Roberts has no bearing on my relationship with the Bulldogs whatsoever.

He's a mediocre player at best so whether he stays or goes does not bother me one iota.

For you to even draw that conclusion shows you have no idea.

As for the gutless remark, surely you can do better than that? I have more to do with my time than worrying about what you may think or say.

I stand by my comments 110%. Roberts is a tool and gives Rugby League a bad name.


Bulldogs_4_Life said:
No, it is because he is of New Zealand race. (NFI on this part)

I thought I had some knowledge of the situation to lend to this conversation - having known people who have been bashed by a group of locals because of their race.

Also - some of you are blind to the truth.


Cheers mate.

Considering 95% of the bouncers in Wollongong are of Pacific Islander background it makes his statement all the more rediculous


LeagueUnlimited News Editor
Staff member
legend said:
I've laid the boot in for years without being a sponsor. Regardless of the outcome, he should be reprimanded for going back to the club after being bashed. That is sheer stupidity and the fate of Ben Roberts has no bearing on my relationship with the Bulldogs whatsoever.

He's a mediocre player at best so whether he stays or goes does not bother me one iota.

For you to even draw that conclusion shows you have no idea.

As for the gutless remark, surely you can do better than that? I have more to do with my time than worrying about what you may think or say.

I stand by my comments 110%. Roberts is a tool and gives Rugby League a bad name.

So you'll ignore all facts and ignore a half-baked story the media FIRST presents you with, not bother to read the fine print and continue on with a serious agenda?

You're not fooling anyone, least of all people like Furry or myself.


LeagueUnlimited News Editor
Staff member
Fatdog said:
I work about about 200m from where the incident happened and i have been to the glasshouse about 200 times. The boucers at the glassie can get rough but only when neccesary. i've seen it first hand. Friends of mine from sydney and the shire have even commented to me on how well the bouncers treated them when they visited. And i'm pretty sure it will come out that the bouncers werent the ones who attacked Ben Roberts. and Mean_Maori_Mean you may be at little embarresed when you find out what nationality the attackers were.

So you've monitored the bouncers and you've seen all their behavioural traits? Please mate.

Until the facts are fully known... most of which are so far in Ben's favour as far as I can tell, let's keep hearsay and speculation, and media beat-up on the backburner hey?

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