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Carney career threat over lewd photo


Assistant Moderator
Definitely looks fake. Seems to have fooled the media in a big way.
Well, I posted this on the phone device whilst leaving airport, travelling between Sydney and the sunny province known as Near NSW. I have since settled into the PC and TV. Suffice to say, I should have said, "IF fake".

Btw, lots of photoshop pics are now in full circulation... famous and not-so famous people doing the bubbler. The most recent one of a certain tabloid sportswriter has to be a pisstake.

The Chef

When the story broke this morning, some were saying that it was worse than the Joel Monahan & Lassie affair, what rubbish! While what Todd did was distasteful (well, not sure about that-I have never tasted piss) he didn't hurt anyone and it was not even in the same category as Monahan.

So the incident showed Todd to be a goose............newsflash?? Like the scum didn't know that when they signed him? If the scum want to sack him, well that's their prerogative. For sure he has bought himself and the NRL into disrepute, again, but I don't think it should be a hanging offence. He needs some conselling and if another club is game to sign him at a discount that should be punishment enough.

He is a great talent, it would be sad to see him piss it all away.

The Chef

I'm aware of that, otherwise a picture of someone taking a leak at a urinal would not make the news. Sure, it's disgusting and I would not want him at the Dragons under any circumstances but I don't think he has broken any law(code of conduct, bringing game into disrepute-for sure) and no other person or animal was involved.

He pissed it into his mouth


Assistant Moderator
Chef, unfortunately for Carney, it's not just this one incident. He has history.

We don't what else he has been getting up to in the Shire. So this time he got a photograph taken. But at the very least the Sharks had Carney on a short leash - not an unfair assumption. He must have been on wood... in a manner of speaking.

Wouldn't have happened if Beeker was there.

Blood Shot Eyes

First Grade
what a waste of a talent.....watched him dismantle the Broncos on Friday night and thought to myself this kid really has got a special talent when he's on.......still if its all true then these blokes have to realise they have a moral obligation not only to themselves but to their family and fans to behave whether their drunk or sober

The Chef

Fair enough Willow,

point taken. I guess my attitude is that because he ain't a Dragon, it doesn't worry that much. Some have implied that Duges is a ticking time-bomb, God forgid that! But if it was Duges in that picture I would want him sacked for sure.

Also there has always been people talking about "role models". Thankfully there is alot more good ones than bad in RL. With characters like Toddy, I just say to my kids that he's a dope and definetely do not follow his lead, an example of what not to do.

Again, in this instance he didn't hurt any person (eg Ferguson) or animal (Monahan) so I hope he has learnt his lesson and wake up.

Chef, unfortunately for Carney, it's not just this one incident. He has history.

We don't what else he has been getting up to in the Shire. So this time he got a photograph taken. But at the very least the Sharks had Carney on a short leash - not an unfair assumption. He must have been on wood... in a manner of speaking.

Wouldn't have happened if Beeker was there.


Fair enough Willow,

point taken. I guess my attitude is that because he ain't a Dragon, it doesn't worry that much. Some have implied that Duges is a ticking time-bomb, God forgid that! But if it was Duges in that picture I would want him sacked for sure.

Also there has always been people talking about "role models". Thankfully there is alot more good ones than bad in RL. With characters like Toddy, I just say to my kids that he's a dope and definetely do not follow his lead, an example of what not to do.

Again, in this instance he didn't hurt any person (eg Ferguson) or animal (Monahan) so I hope he has learnt his lesson and wake up.
Hopefully guys with history like Duges, Ferguson etc will see what has happened to Carney and it might drive the message home that their next big night out or dumb decision might end their career.


Hopefully guys with history like Duges, Ferguson etc will see what has happened to Carney and it might drive the message home that their next big night out or dumb decision might end their career.

So what about Garvey? Where do we stand with his indiscretion?


So what about Garvey? Where do we stand with his indiscretion?

At the minute... innocent until prove otherwise.

Just on this, can someone tell me what Dugan has done that ranks in the Monaghan, Carney, Feguson mould ?

What were his indiscretions ? The RoofGate?

Has he been charged / convicted of anything other than 1-2 totally benign incidents?

Having a breezer on the roof is one thing, having perfomed lewd acts in a public toilet is a little different.


So what about Garvey? Where do we stand with his indiscretion?
Sorry to clarify, my point was that Carney has had more than a few chances to get his act together and those who have had their issues in the past should take note.
Garvey is on his first chance as far as I know, not that that excuses what he's alleged to have done.


Assistant Moderator
So what about Garvey? Where do we stand with his indiscretion?
Well dezzie...

First offence. Club is handling it well. Give him a boot up the proverbial. Lucky he didn't do any alleged permanent damage.

He's doing (or done) his time at the Club and media level.

Hopefully he now has a wiser outlook, more empathy, remorse. Let's hope he knows that grownups avoid that sort of crap.

We all make mistakes - everyone here included, some worse than others. Most get punished.

But... after all that, everyone deserves a second chance.

Does that do as an answer?
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