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Central Coast Bears, 2013.

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The commission has been clear they will release a statement of intent about expansion when the Games strategic plan is released at the end of the year. if it doesn't then we should all be moaning about not knowing when decisions will be made.

Who besides you is moaning? All this article is, is to get the petition out to the greater north shore community.

Perth Red

Post Whore
Who besides you is moaning? All this article is, is to get the petition out to the greater north shore community.

Florimo is suggesting the commision is not being clear about decision of expansion. Commision has been very clear that expansion will be cleared up at end of year as part of the release of the games strategic plan. As you said it is a nothing article designed to get people to sign a pointless petition.


Florimo is suggesting the commision is not being clear about decision of expansion. Commision has been very clear that expansion will be cleared up at end of year as part of the release of the games strategic plan. As you said it is a nothing article designed to get people to sign a pointless petition.

I take it you won't be signing it then?



Can I enquire as to why?
Obviously its partly because you're supporting a rival bid, but many of us cc supporters have signed similar petitions and shown support on behalf of the wa bid.
Maybe its because it is so "pointless". If that's the case, it can't hurt you or your bid's chances, and it might just get the expansion question back on the agenda a little quicker, which surely you consider to be in the pirate's best interests?
So it can't hurt, and may even help your cause. With that in mind, would you reconsider your position on signing our petition? And if not, I'll ask again, is there a reason?

_MayMoo 2

I'm not bagging any bid, I have always been very complimentary about the way the Bears have developed their CC bid, a lesson we learnt from. Doesn't change the fact that Florimo article has some stuff in it that has no basis for truth or that I think the two rare opportunities to expand the game should be used to expand it new markets. The only other bid that has been critical of expansion to WA has been Florimo and he lost a lot of my respect (not that he will give a sh*t) when he did it.

Boo Hoo,
Stop the spin PR.
Florimo lost your respect ? - Please. As if the WA bid haven’t pointed out they should expand in an untapped market first as opposed to the east coast.

He wasn't critical of the WA bid, you are stretching the truth there.
But even if he was, who gives a shite. He is allowed to say whatever he damn pleases in relation to any bid. As are the other bids.
From what I understand you are alone in having a problem with the Bears bid (from a WA bid perspective).

In relation to the petition that you say is useless. Well that is your opinion I guess. I for one can't knock the initiative. If you bothered to read some of the signatures on it and the attached comments you will see it is a very powerful petition. The comments alone show the passion and potential this franchise has.

At the end of the day the Bears are using one of the tools they have at their disposal being the mass of people already supporting the bid (8,000 financial members, 100 foundation members etc), and the many others ready to jump on. The reason they can do this is because they have been around for over 100 years and a shitload of people care about them.

If the ARLC decide this has no value to them (as you seem to think) then so be it.

They have been at this off and on since ‘99 so you cannot blame them.
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Perth Red

Post Whore
Can I enquire as to why?

1. Your a rival bid and whilst I don't think it will come down to Perth or Gosford you never know with the F88kwits that run RL
2. The ARLC is not going to decided the furutre spending of tens of millions of the games $'s on a petition signed by 7000 people
3. With expansion places in the NRL being so rare I do not think adding another NSW club is long term the most positive outcome for the game.

None of that is to say that I don't admire the Bears bid, that I don't think it would be more succesful than some current Sydney NRL clubs or that I wouldn't toast the die hard fans who have lost so much and will celebrate getting their team back if the bears are succesful.


Doesn't change the fact that Florimo article has some stuff in it that has no basis for truth or that I think the two rare opportunities to expand the game should be used to expand it new markets. The only other bid that has been critical of expansion to WA has been Florimo and he lost a lot of my respect (not that he will give a sh*t) when he did it.

That wasn't an article by Florimo (Greg is his first name btw), it was by me and me alone (I am not a member of the bid team) and what I perceive to be self-evident truths.

If you have a problem with the Roar article, don't bag Flo, bag me.

Rockin Ronny

1. Your a rival bid and whilst I don't think it will come down to Perth or Gosford you never know with the F88kwits that run RL
2. The ARLC is not going to decided the furutre spending of tens of millions of the games $'s on a petition signed by 7000 people
3. With expansion places in the NRL being so rare I do not think adding another NSW club is long term the most positive outcome for the game.

None of that is to say that I don't admire the Bears bid, that I don't think it would be more succesful than some current Sydney NRL clubs or that I wouldn't toast the die hard fans who have lost so much and will celebrate getting their team back if the bears are succesful.

Time to drop the crap after 13 years.

Rugby league has been run by self-interested wankers for over 100 years in which time it has basically been a game based in 2 states and northern England.

It will progress no further in years to come because the new "commission" was basically put together by the same old dinosuars who have run the game for decades.

The CC Bears "likely insolvency' in 1999 was a fraud then and their continued omission remains a fraud. I cannot support a code of such immoral, gutless people that allows this to continue.

Greatest game of all? What a joke.

Go Swans!


Time to drop the crap after 13 years.

Rugby league has been run by self-interested wankers for over 100 years in which time it has basically been a game based in 2 states and northern England.

It will progress no further in years to come because the new "commission" was basically put together by the same old dinosuars who have run the game for decades.

The CC Bears "likely insolvency' in 1999 was a fraud then and their continued omission remains a fraud. I cannot support a code of such immoral, gutless people that allows this to continue.

Greatest game of all? What a joke.

Go Swans!

So true.....we fight on though and the end-game is nigh. fair chance we can do it, too. Flo meets the ARLC tomorrow and there's more publicity planned for the weekend and next week which will give fans a chance to be heard. The ARLC will be left in no doubt that we will not be fobbed off anymore. Review our bid or the game will suffer. I think one problem we have always faced is that the admin believed they could always put us off and treat us with disdain, but not this time - the opportunity cost for them will be significant...ironically they've left it so long that its given time for manly to prove they cannot cover their peninsula, let alone northern suburbs or the coast.

If they decide otherwise, its very fitting the Swans are in the GF. AFL is a game which respects traditional clubs to such an extent they will not let them die - they relocated Sth Melbourne to Sydney to great effect. As bears fans we are acutely aware of that story. If rejected, i think many bears fans will switch codes to afl with a few staying interested as bunnies fans. Expect an increase in mariners memberships also.

We are far more healthily placed than sth Melbourne were and have done the leagues work for them by grooming the coast over 20 years and building a stadium. If they still don't get the importance of preserving and respecting their heritage they simply don't deserve the bears. We've given them every opportunity to right the wrong, but if they still don't get it, we'd be as &$)?! as them if we stayed involved with this game. The old saying rings true - fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.


So true.....we fight on though and the end-game is nigh. fair chance we can do it, too. Flo meets the ARLC tomorrow and there's more publicity planned for the weekend and next week which will give fans a chance to be heard. The ARLC will be left in no doubt that we will not be fobbed off anymore. Review our bid or the game will suffer. I think one problem we have always faced is that the admin believed they could always put us off and treat us with disdain, but not this time - the opportunity cost for them will be significant...ironically they've left it so long that its given time for manly to prove they cannot cover their peninsula, let alone northern suburbs or the coast.

If they decide otherwise, its very fitting the Swans are in the GF. AFL is a game which respects traditional clubs to such an extent they will not let them die - they relocated Sth Melbourne to Sydney to great effect. As bears fans we are acutely aware of that story. If rejected, i think many bears fans will switch codes to afl with a few staying interested as bunnies fans. Expect an increase in mariners memberships also.

We are far more healthily placed than sth Melbourne were and have done the leagues work for them by grooming the coast over 20 years and building a stadium. If they still don't get the importance of preserving and respecting their heritage they simply don't deserve the bears. We've given them every opportunity to right the wrong, but if they still don't get it, we'd be as &$)?! as them if we stayed involved with this game. The old saying rings true - fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.

AFL will have to let some club die. I don't see how they can keep funding 9 teams in Melbourne.

As for the Bears, I have said before there are too many teams in NSW and the Sydney region. If 1 or 2 of them dies or merges the Bears will be in.


I'd say AFL teams are just far more healthy due to the assistance from the administration.

NRL follows the dog eat dog capitalised system. Every team is on their own. Have the occasional grant but other than that each team is run independantly run.

There's a reason why the biggest leagues in the world are heavily controlled by the league administrators.

Perth Red

Post Whore
I find it incredulous that RL fans would go and follow another code (especially a despised one) just because they don't have a NRL team on their doorstep. I would rather slice off my testicles than become a Western Force supporter!

Perth Red

Post Whore
I'd say AFL teams are just far more healthy due to the assistance from the administration.

NRL follows the dog eat dog capitalised system. Every team is on their own. Have the occasional grant but other than that each team is run independantly run.

There's a reason why the biggest leagues in the world are heavily controlled by the league administrators.

AFl takes from the rich and gives to the poor. it amazes me that fans of big clubs don't seem to have a problem with some of the cost of their ticket going to struggling clubs tbh. AFL have continually tried to rationalise melbourne and I am sure will at some point will take the hard decision to do so. having said that they have done what they wanted to do in terms of expanding their game and now have clubs in pretty much every locality they wanted so there is little need for their comp to grow any further than it is in terms of number or geography of teams. Min 2 teams in every major capital city market and a regular (and paid for!) presence in every minor capital city in the country. We are a long way behind in some regards and have focussed on regional heartland centres rather than expansion capital city presence up till now. Which model will have the sustainability and ultimately prove to be the best will be interesting to see.


I find it incredulous that RL fans would go and follow another code (especially a despised one) just because they don't have a NRL team on their doorstep. I would rather slice off my testicles than become a Western Force supporter!

If you knew the history of the bears and their treatment by hq over a long period of time you may feel differently. Each to their own. I would never abandon the NS bears - whatever happens I will watch them at NS oval and assist wherever possible, but I would not reward an organisation that has shat on me not once, but many times. For me at least, this is the nrls last chance to show integrity and loyalty to an organisation that since 1908 has been helping to grow the game - if it wasn't for us there would be no manly. Whether that's a good or bad thing is for others to decide, but we expect the same support from them and every other clubs supporters as was given to souths.
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