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Central Coast Bears, 2013.

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First Grade
which better than the greatest living carnivore on the face of the earth? This is marketing 101, and surely even simple enough for a manly scumbag to understand?
Is that you Roooney???

Sounds like the same dribble!!!


First Grade
How in hell is that a short term solution? People typically have their team and stick with it, right? Forever. Which, as I understand it, is a fairly long time. Or is your concept of loyalty a little skewed from the popular (ie: English) definition?

Yes, the older people who followed Norths will stay loyal. Kids and most teenagers have little to no recollection of the Bears, how can they be loyal to a club they do not remember? Therefore, in the short term, those who followed Norths will stay loyal, in the long term, those from the North shore will have no reason to support the Central Coast Bears.

Why, in the longer term as you say, are people so certain to "follow other clubs... like Manly or Easts"? What could possibly make you so sure that in the future people are more likely to follow an out-of-area team than their local one?

That is my point, if they live on the North Shore, why would they follow an out of town team in the CC Bears?

Kids just starting to follow rugby league anywhere in Australia would just as likely follow a Bears team as they would a chicken or a rabbit or a titan (whatever that is). The brand is not only strong in an existing market, but it also provides huge potential scope in future markets. If a child wants a strong, bold team to follow, which better than the greatest living carnivore on the face of the earth? This is marketing 101, and surely even simple enough for a manly scumbag to understand?

On that basis we might as well not have teams affiliated with regions because by your logic kids are going to follow the coolest mascot. Funnily enough, sharks would be far better than most in the NRL, with the exception of dragons, yet they don't seem to attract too many supporters.

You, my friend, are a bigoted tool and know nothing about which you speak. I have no problems with people that are stupid or simple, I will happily let you dribble on your shirt, but please contain the dribble when in the company of people who see straight through your lies and incompetencies.

Bigoted? You might want to look the word up in a dictionary and show me where anything I have said is bigoted in any way.

If you don't have any idea about the discussion going on around you (as evidenced by your imbecilic posts), I would respectfully request that you remain silent, as the grown-ups are having a mature discussion now. Ill-considered and uninformed contributions do not help anyone, and only go to prove your ignorant and biased view of current discussion points.

I have plenty of idea. Like most rugby league supporters, I believe there is no reason to "expand" the NRL to the Central Coast. Perth and other parts of Queensland are much more sensible options. I also believe that there is no room in sydney for any other clubs, if the Bears want to cling to Sydney to bolster their claims for reintroduction then they should be eliminated from contention on that basis alone.

I wish you luck in your endeavors to one day mature into the ranks of a mature adult.

You make me laugh. Stupidity is obviously something that Bears supporters share, you'd stuggle to find half a brain between you lot. Just because I do not agree with you does not make me immature.


First Grade
But there is still the problem of an unsustainable number of Sydney/NSW clubs. We must get at least Perth, 2 South East Qld sides and Wellington into the competition. That must be the priority. Then further down the track Adelaide and others.

And that is the crux of the argument. Have a look at the AFL expension over the last 20 or so years. They've expanded to a truly national competition with 2 clubs in each of NSW, QLD, WA and SA. There has been no clubs added in Victoria for many years. That is what the NRL need to do. Expand nationally and even internationally before we start adding more teams into an already overcongested region in and around Sydney.


First Grade
And that is the crux of the argument. Have a look at the AFL expension over the last 20 or so years. They've expanded to a truly national competition with 2 clubs in each of NSW, QLD, WA and SA. There has been no clubs added in Victoria for many years. That is what the NRL need to do. Expand nationally and even internationally before we start adding more teams into an already overcongested region in and around Sydney.

Taking into account they (AFL) relocated two teams, both have taken years to take off and some would say, still battle.. So maybe relocation may be a plan. The issue is no team regardless of how much coin is offered will relocate..

I also think that NSW doesn’t need anymore teams


Rockin Ronny

And that is the crux of the argument. Have a look at the AFL expension over the last 20 or so years. They've expanded to a truly national competition with 2 clubs in each of NSW, QLD, WA and SA. There has been no clubs added in Victoria for many years. That is what the NRL need to do. Expand nationally and even internationally before we start adding more teams into an already overcongested region in and around Sydney.

Why would anyone waste time listening to a Manly, Blacktown-Sur-mer oxygen thief?

Count your lucky stars that the criteria in 1999 and the Beagles fraud helped you survive at the Bears' expense.
If there was a real criteria conducted tomorrow, then Manly and Cronulla would be tossed out immediately.

Manly fans would then finally have a classy team to follow in the central coast Bears.


First Grade
Why would anyone waste time listening to a Manly, Blacktown-Sur-mer oxygen thief?

Count your lucky stars that the criteria in 1999 and the Beagles fraud helped you survive at the Bears' expense.
If there was a real criteria conducted tomorrow, then Manly and Cronulla would be tossed out immediately.

Manly fans would then finally have a classy team to follow in the central coast Bears.

Wake up Rooney, you'll wet the sheets!!!

_MayMoo 2

And if that is the case, the Central Coast deserve their own team and not the relocated carcass of some old, failed Sydney club. However, no more NSW licenses should be given. Expansion needs to happen outside of NSW. 10 of the 16 existing clubs are already in NSW, all in the region from Newcastle to Wollongong and out to Penrith. Expansion needs to happen outside that small region.

What you need to understand is that the link to the North Shore of Sydney is a strength of the bid, not a weakness.

Gallop has confirmed that there will not be a team on the Central Coast unless it has the link to the North Shore (Bears).

And with good reason too - Why on earth would you bring in a new franchise, yet remove a strength and appealing feature of it.

This is why the Hadley and cronies such as Fulton do not want the Bears in as they can see how strong the club will be.

They claim the CC should not be the Bears, but yes should have a team.
Knowing full well that this scenario is not possible.

F***, the day cannot come soon enough that the IC is formed, common sense prevails and the Bears are admitted and the people that fought against the Bears can go and cry into their beers.


]What you need to understand is that the link to the North Shore of Sydney is a strength of the bid, not a weakness.[/B]

Gallop has confirmed that there will not be a team on the Central Coast unless it has the link to the North Shore (Bears).

And with good reason too - Why on earth would you bring in a new franchise, yet remove a strength and appealing feature of it.

This is why the Hadley and cronies such as Fulton do not want the Bears in as they can see how strong the club will be.

They claim the CC should not be the Bears, but yes should have a team.
Knowing full well that this scenario is not possible.

F***, the day cannot come soon enough that the IC is formed, common sense prevails and the Bears are admitted and the people that fought against the Bears can go and cry into their beers.

Many of the anti Bears brigade dismiss this by design, not by omission. It doesn't suit their agenda to take this into account. The best they can do is repeat the mantra 'I tawt it was a CC bid' or 'No more teams in Syd-a-ney'. It's painful and monotonous.
Some are anti Bears because they fear it will undermine their own club's future (Peters, Fulton, some Northern Filth fans).
Some are anti Bears because they fear it will put pressure on clubs already struggling.
Some are anti Bears because they fear it jeopardises their own preferred bids.
Some are anti Bears because they genuinely believe it offers the least benefit in terms of TV dollars.
Whatever the reason it is a constantly circuitous argument that is painful to watch.
I feel for the Bears fans. I see a shafting of disastrous proportions coming and I will be sorry if that is the outcome. I just don't see this ending well. The almighty dollar is going to dictate the direction it goes. Maybe that's as it should be, I'm not smart enough to know.
It's professional, but it ain't sport.


They have bids?

No, but according to some around these parts, we would be better off putting $2 plastic franchises in these places (or even Brisbane) than a bid as solid as the Bears because


In 1994 there were 13 NSW teams and the game was doing pretty well in regards to TV ratings and national interest. Anybody who uses the 'Too many NSW teams' excuse as the reason not to admit the Bears has their head up their arse and doesn't know the first thing about what is good for our game.
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Agree Manly have a tremendous football department headed by a very capable man in Des Hasler. I admire and acknowledge their football success but despise the Club's arrogance on all other fronts.

Give me 2 premierships and an honourable club any day!

that is some funny shit, right there.....you might want to have a read of this



By Paul Kent - www.news.com.au

Now that a future for the Northern Eagles has been decided, coach Peter Sharp can finally devise a plan to lift the team to the next level. PAUL KENT investigates

AS Peter Sharp tells it, what he needs is three or four good first grade players.

"It's not going to happen here overnight," the Northern Eagles coach said. "It's got to be a gradual process.

"It's the only way we can do it. You can't run around buying reserve graders from other clubs and expect to come fourth or fifth."

It is not rocket science but it is not simple algebra either.

Sharp is one of those career coaches, a man capable of putting together an outfit like a Brisbane or Parramatta or Newcastle, the type of clubs that not only win, but do it year after year.

He understands the protocol and procedure: he just needs it behind him.

A sound administration, with a solid recruitment and retention policy, is the one leg missing from Sharp's coaching repertoire.

Since he joined the club in 1999, every year has been a rebuilding year, the next seemingly more drastic than the previous.

He is hoping, after the events of this week, that the club has begun doing its part.

A board meeting last Tues day voted to return the club name to Manly and play them in maroon and white, out of Brookvale.

It ended an era that bordered on comedy, the Northern Eagles one of the great shambles in modern sport. When the two clubs first put their heads together it was a Three Stooges moment — clunk!

Why? Any number of examples should prove the case.

Manly had been forced into the merger because they were broke and Norths had moved to the Promised Land on the Central Coast — but had failed to meet the NRL criteria.

They merged, then Manly found the Bears' major sponsorship — with Business Barter Exchange (BBX) — called for 300,000 barter points. In other words, worthless.

There was trouble finding sponsors. Once, after an exhaustive campaign, the club's marketing staff triumphantly announced a new deal with Motorola.

It ah, ahem, called for six mobile phones.

Then chairman Geoff Bellew would walk in and say, "What's the latest on a major sponsor?"

"Not a lot of joy," he would get back.

It became a catchcry.

In the boardroom, it got to the point that directors had to wear gumboots to save their socks being soaked in blood.

The Bears felt they were being set up from the start. A decision would be made, they said, then by the time the next meeting came around, the Manly faction had changed its mind. The belief was former club supremo Ken Arthurson was pulling strings behind the scenes.

For their part, the Sea Eagles felt the Bears had little intention of making the joint venture work. They even turned up at the first board meeting with a news paper clipping, quoting Bears representative Mark Cannon saying the Bears would be playing out of NorthPower Stadium as a stand-alone club by the time the club's six year NRL licence expired. Where did that leave them?

As marriages go, it was a disaster of Roseanne and Tom Arnold proportions.

The hardest part, though, was the way the club's financial troubles meant each year they would lose much of their playing staff, forcing Sharp into another rebuilding phase.

What changes Tuesday's meeting brings to the club remains to be seen. After all, it is not like they found a pot of money.

While the club recently announced a major sponsor, North Sydney administrator Max Donnelly questions its long term viability.

"What they've done is sold the building the Northern Eagles' offices used to be in," Donnelly says.

"The major sponsor is the developer that bought the real estate and they've given him the major sponsorship for buying the land.

"They've sold that building and they've released the money to pay the players. But they've sold their last asset.

"The leagues club is in administration, it just can't make money. You can keep selling assets until you run out of money, but then where do you go from there?"

Example one is Arthurson's promise, made in July last year, when the joint venture dissolved and the club's ability to meet player payments was questioned. "We gave a commitment to pay the players and we will honour that commitment," Arthurson said then. It was an undertaking he gave to meet by the end of the year.

Yet here we are almost a year later and while the players that have remained at the club have been paid, those that have left — Mark O'Meley, Brett Kimmorley, Adam Muir and plenty of others — have yet to see a cent. Hey fellas, would you settle for a few spare BBX barter points?

It is this financial state that will make or break Sharp's plans to get the club, to get Manly, back to the gloried heights it once occupied.

For three years he has been trying to do it, coming unstuck each year when dollar-wary players left and he was forced to recruit from an increasingly shallow talent pool.

"You look at your better clubs with your better educations," Sharp said.

"The Newcastles and Parramattas, the Brisbanes and Canterburys, those sorts of kids have had good educations.

"Newcastle didn't buy a player this year, they supplied all their players from within.

"And although they're not experienced in first grade, they're experienced in the ways of the club and the skills of the club."

And when Sharp says he has been forced to start again each year, he has literally been forced to start again. It has been the Eagles' biggest problem.

"Your attention to detail at the club that has been together a long time is far better than you get at the clubs that have massive personnel changes," he says.

"If you get 10 or 11 new players each year, even more in our case, you're continually going back over things.

"The last three years — it's been a bit of a waste of time for everyone. We've had to start again each year, you don't get any continuity in your football, your development.

"If you can't get continuity you can't expect success. If you have a look at the top clubs, they've all got that."

Which is why a player like Steve Menzies, as honest as a day's work, has been so important to Sharp.

Sharp cannot say enough about the bloke.

Two years ago, Parramatta offered Menzies everything short of Town Hall to switch clubs.

Asked why he knocked it back, Menzies says: "The players, the coach, growing up in the area, playing for the same club... all those sorts of things."

From many others, it would look like PR, but Menzies is not that complicated.

Occasionally there have been the doubters, those that look at Sharp's results and question his ability.

The answer is in the form of Menzies, who just gets better, and even the likes of Brendon Reeves and John Hopoate, who have brought new levels to their game. Because they have been around.

With Menzies as his cornerstone, Sharp has put proposal to the Eagles board this week designed to build the club into a contender.

"Hopefully next year we'll get two or three genuine first graders — not second graders — and get some kids in below them," he says.

"Their age I'm still to determine mine. But get them in your system and put them there for a couple of years and see how they go."

It is a strategy he knows will work, given time and the right administrative support. But that remains important.

On the plus side, with the Northern Eagles to become the Manly Sea Eagles next seasons, and playing fulltime out of Brookvale Oval, the timing could not be better.


Northern Eagles clarification

THE Daily Telegraph wishes to clarify and correct a report regarding the Northern Eagles in yesterday's paper.

The report stated that Manly leagues in administration; this is incorrect — he club is solvent and no administrator has been appointed.

At the time of its merger with North Sydney in late 1999, the Manly club was not "broke" as reported. It had met the NRL criteria which included solvency requirements and secured a five-year licence to take part in the competition.

In consideration of its sponsorship deal, Delmege Commercial provided substantial cash and other benefits to the club and it was not "given away" as suggested in the report.

The report stated that players who left the failed joint venture entity at the end of last year had not received "a cent" — in fact, they have already been paid 50c on the dollar.

"Arrangements to finalise payments to these players will be made after the legal process, currently under the jurisdiction of the company's liquidator is concluded," said club CEO Ian Thomson.

The Daily Telegraph regrets the errors.
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And that is the crux of the argument. Have a look at the AFL expension over the last 20 or so years. They've expanded to a truly national competition with 2 clubs in each of NSW, QLD, WA and SA. There has been no clubs added in Victoria for many years. That is what the NRL need to do. Expand nationally and even internationally before we start adding more teams into an already overcongested region in and around Sydney.

AFL didn't have a Super League War that extinguished the equivalent of say Geelong (regional team 1 hr from Melbourne)...if they had a war, bringing back that team would be their first priority if possible.

Due to the Bears hard work, this is possible.


A big group of CC Bears will be in the audience of The Game Plan on One HD tonight at 8.30pm....we'll make sure we are noticed!


No, but according to some around these parts, we would be better off putting $2 plastic franchises in these places (or even Brisbane) than a bid as solid as the Bears because


In 1994 there were 13 NSW teams and the game was doing pretty well in regards to TV ratings and national interest. Anybody who uses the 'Too many NSW teams' excuse as the reason not to admit the Bears has their head up their arse and doesn't know the first thing about what is good for our game.

That's the truth.

Perth Red

Post Whore
and it hurts sadly.

It's not a reason to not have another team in NSW on the CC but it is for not adding to the existing NSW stretched pot. Frustrating as it seems the CC Bears would add more than some exisitng NSW clubs offer but there is no way they will be booted so it seems it is stalemate. Bears best chance still lies in a Q'land bid not being strong, or (god forbid) the Perth bid not being able to secure the backers.


No, the truth is that giving licences to the strongest bids, financially and supporter-wise, are the best ideas. Not subscribing to the 'dots on a map' school of expansion and winding up drowning in red ink because (surprise surprise) being in a fancier location doesn't guarantee viability!

I've said it before and I'll say it again: There are people here who would seriously back a Souths Sunnybank NRL bid funded by a chook raffle over the Bears bid, based on this "dots on a map" logic, and I really, really hope to f**k the I.C won't be as daft or short sighted. Surely not?


First Grade
Any accepted bid must meet minimum requirements, so the analogy of the South Sunnybank bid is just insane. Expansion must help to develop the NRL in the long term and not simply cater for a region where there are already plenty of people who follow the game. Perth adds this more than anyone else. It may take 10 years but they can increase the national interest in the game. Those on the CC are already interested, most already follow existing teams. Expansion should be about growth of the game and the National Rugby league should be a truly national competition, not one that has a minority of teams outside Sydney and it's surrounding areas.

Perth Red

Post Whore
TBF I don't think the bid battle has ever been between Perth and CC. Even the NRL can't be as dumb as to miss out on a golden opportunity to expand into another capital city given the strength of the Perth bid. The real battle lies in which heartland area will get an expansion team. Will it be Brisbane, Western Corridor or CC. If either of the Brisbane bids can prove as strong as the CC bid in areas such as corportae support and fanbase then the TV $ issue comes into play and the Bears will miss out. The big question is can the WC or Bombers demonstrate enough community/fan support and sponsorship backers by the time the bids are called for?

Bears have done everything they can and very well, they can now only wait with bated breath to see what the Q'land bids manage to do.


The big question is can the WC or Bombers demonstrate enough community/fan support and sponsorship backers by the time the bids are called for?

I think this issue is over stated. New clubs that have no top level history aren't going to be able to leverage an old fan base to generate support/memberships. The bar for the various criteria needs to be set at different levels for the different bids.

That said, I'd be expecting the Brisbane bids to have more corporate support than any other. If they submit bids that are outpaced for corporates by CC or CQ that would be shameful. Bris and Ipswich should beat every other bid in every criteria except members. If they don't, they are being lazy.


TBF I don't think the bid battle has ever been between Perth and CC. Even the NRL can't be as dumb as to miss out on a golden opportunity to expand into another capital city given the strength of the Perth bid. The real battle lies in which heartland area will get an expansion team. Will it be Brisbane, Western Corridor or CC. If either of the Brisbane bids can prove as strong as the CC bid in areas such as corportae support and fanbase then the TV $ issue comes into play and the Bears will miss out. The big question is can the WC or Bombers demonstrate enough community/fan support and sponsorship backers by the time the bids are called for?

Bears have done everything they can and very well, they can now only wait with bated breath to see what the Q'land bids manage to do.

The rumours that one expansion team will be from the heartland and one will be from non-heartland are getting loud again.
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