Question: Has anyone who opposes the CCBEARS ever had their own business? If so then go into detail about the effort of setting it up then I ask has anyone ever opened a franchise? (eg. Subway, 7-11 etc) and again I ask the details about how it was set up.
I ask because in the business world money has to come from various revenues. Placing a team or franchise in spot a or spot b purely based on TV money is basically killing off the team before it has a chance to grow in it's community.
Now, for those who have their own business and their own franchises. Why did you open it in spot a or b instead of interstate where possible income stream could be double? Because again revenue has to come from different streams in the business world and the local scene is where most of that will happen.
So now i get back to the point about expansion. Jets provide TV money which is equal to the CCBEARS TV money. As a matter of fact I'd say the CCBEARS will provide more revenue to the NRL from the TV Rights. Prime (Channel 7) and NBN (Channel 9) are signed on as minority/foundation sponsors. That's two completely different and competing companies signed up for one purpose.
So now we dwell into other facets of revenue. Merchandise, memberships, stadium takings, sponsorships and endorsements. The CCBEARS have all these area's covered. So now we dwell into support. The CCBEARS through community engagement have 70% of the 5180 members living on the CC. The rest are NS and interstate. The brand is nationally known and still remembered. Matter of fact the more news coverage we get the more people will remember the red & blacks.
So publicity is there. Revenue streams are there. Endorsements are there. Community involvement and support is definitely there.
So now whats left? Ah yes, NSW has too many teams. Well thats because NSW has the biggest populaton of any state in Australia. QLD maybe the fastest growing but people would make you believe that they'll catch up to NSW by tomorrow... please. QLD is one of the most expensive states to live in and the growth is actually slowing down due to these reasons.
Infrastructure, the missing link I like to call it. The CCBEARS have it all in place, stadium aside, they also have land 5hecs to be exact ready to be used to build their Center of Excellence center on. Ipswich has lacked the proper infrastructure for decades. Yes they have 2 train lines (one in bound, one outbound) and a two lane high way. Both these services are usually down or congested. But people will still have you believe that getting to Suncorp from Ippy is as simple as walking up to the local corner shop. Back on the stadium, that is the huge advantage of having one smack bang in the middle of the area you represent.
What more can I say?
Go the Bears.