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Channel 9 Footy Show 2011 - New Year - New Ad - Same Crap


LeagueUnlimited News Editor
Staff member
vossy calling the main game tomorrow night with rabs calling the souffs/titans game. this should be interesting. is this the first sign of 'passing the torch' so to speak?
Gone missing in the last week? Rabs has prostate cancer and is being advised to limit major travel.


So that's alright then?
If 07 happened by itself and they got back under the cap the next year that premiership never would have been taken away from them. Almost every year you have 1 or more teams getting fined by the NRL for small breaches.

It's only when the cheating became disgustingly excessive that it warranted them losing premierships. And because of 08 and 09 they lost the 07 title. But the 07 cheating by itself was no more than almost every team has done every now and then.


They should get those tatts modified tbh. Just ridiculous to be in denial and keeping them as they are.


It's more to do with the memories and experience of winning it as a team, then what happened after.


Say what you like about the game, the AFL Footy Show is much better than ours.

100% agree

Mind u without Sam and Billy it would be pretty dry. Love it though

And Shane Crawford as well.

Difference is:
a) Much more relevanty footy content in the AFL version, too much BS segments in the NRL
b) a better balance of straight panellists (Lyon, prettyboy Brayshaw) and the comic relief (Newman). Meanwhile in the NRL it seems like every bloody host is trying to be funny 24/7 and noone tries to be serious for even part of the show. It's been like that since they got rid of Sterlo.
c) the AFL show is just run so much more tightly. They go from segment to segment, from topic to topic, without as many interruptions and they don't let themselves get sidetracked too far. If Newman gets too carried away Lyon/Brayshaw always pull him back into line. While the NRL one is nothing like that. They spend ages doing injokes only they think is funny (segments on Marios stupidity, Brohmans obesity etc etc). They run out of puff every 15 mins.

Channel 9 should get whoever is the producer of the AFL version to spend a season on the NRL version and it would be so much better.

I don't agree with you with a lot of things you've said on this forum. However, I do 100% agree with everything you wrote in this post. Regarding each part:

a) Yes, there are too many BS segments on the NRL footy show. I'm not suggesting that a show in that timeslot cannot have any humour and it has to be a full 100% footy show for it to succeed. However, any executive producer in the tv industry that has half a brain will tell you that segments like "Fat's Cash" and Mario's involvement on the show are not funny, a complete waste of time and add absolutely no value to it. If Ch9 are absolutely fair dinkum about doing a major overhaul of the show and looking to at least double their ratings in Sydney (like they keep saying every off-season in the summer, things like "THE NEW LOOK" Footy Show), it's segments like these that have to go. I mean, I do believe that Mario is a nice guy in real life and stuff and I feel sorry for some of the crap he cops (although he voluntarily goes on the show), but paying out on him with the same gag they have been doing to him since 1998 with all the close-up mirror stuff and constant changing of camera angles when he's talking, as well as him incessantly say "FAT, FAT, FAT.." is going beyond "flogging a dead horse".

b) This is probably the most noticeable aspect over the past few years. In the beginning, there was that cohesion and chemistry between Fatty, Sterlo (with Blocker being like a sidekick that used to get paid out on a lot, especially in the AntiAds). This was one of the reasons why they became household names (at least in NSW and QLD) and even in the eyes of non-league supporters, as soon as you mentioned their names, they were immediately synonymous with the phrase "The Footy Show", in the same way you would immediately recognise the voice of one of The Beatles if their song on the radio. Then when Blocker left, it was the Fatty and Sterlo combination. Where it COMPLETELY lost direction was after Sterlo left. Fatty/Sterlo/Blocker were all similar age, played in the same era. But after Sterlo left, Fatty was partnered with two people (Chief and Matt Johns) who were a fair bit younger than him and from a different era/generation. It was around this time that the "let's all try and be funny on our own" mentality started to set in, which has grown further to ppl like the Big Marn and some of the disgusting stuff he did last night which would've never happened on the show 10-15 years ago. It was after this mentality really kicked in (where the signs were very mild in the years before Sterlo left) that the show lost direction. Getting a random warm-up guy to participate in Fat's cash (and like the others, tried to make a name for himself by talking rubbish whilst thinking he was funny yet backfired terribly) last week, as well as Mario on for 2-3 segments was scratching at the very bottom of the barrel. And having permanent panelists like Freddy, who only says a few words at the beginning and then is MIA for the remainder of the show is very amateur and is something that wouldn't happen on the AFL show.

c) Yes, the AFL show flows more freely and in sequence when compared to the NRL show. This is probably the most noticeable aspect over the years. Even when I watch episodes from the early 2000s period, the NRL show flowed in sequence. Now, all the segments are all over the place. When you watch it, it feels like the hosts/panelists have done absolutely no preparation whatsoever and they all turned up and decided to ad-lib the whole show. Again, the host bears as lot of this responsibility. In the past, Fatty had control and was able to steer the show like a main host should, but he has completely lost that 'command' and 'authority' as the main host that he used to have in the early years. Now, when you have ppl like Benji Marshall correcting and setting him straight, as well as Braith Anasta earlier this year saying things like "it's a miracle this show's still going and you're still the host", it shows that they have no respect for the host, and so they shouldn't with a host who constantly cuts ppl off and changes the topic all the time. Again, related to what I said in the previous point, the host bears a lot of responsibility when it comes to the sequence of segments.

Finally (to finish off a long rant), I'd say up until as recently as 2005, the NRL show was better and funnier than the AFL one. Eddie/Sam/Trevor were like the equivalent of Fatty/Sterlo/Blocker in the early years and they too had good cohesion. Although the AFL show still exhibited a lot of professionalism during this time, in the years just before Eddie left at the end of 2005, a lot of AFL supporters were sick and tired and believed that even though he was the main host, Eddie McGuire had way too much input and influence on the show, like he had a completely stranglehold of everything and the show was all about him. Although Sam did some funny and wacky stuff back then, his role was very heavily constrained by Eddie, whereas alongside Garry and James, he is allowed to be himself. However, since then, from the AFL show's point of view, I can definitely say that replacing Eddie with Garry Lyon and James Brayshaw as co-hosts, as well as replacing Trevor with Billy and Shane Crawford has definitely been for the better. The cohesion between the co-hosts Garry/James/Sam Newman is a lot better, and when the 'fab 3' combination was split up after Eddie left, in the context of the show, Trevor Marmalade (although his schtick had gone a bit stale by this stage) served very little purpose and it was the correct decision to give Billy and Shane more airtime at his expense after they got rid of him at the end of 2008.

I'd like to see the NRL show adapt a format similar to the AFL show, but I'm not holding my hopes up high anytime soon.
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Parra Pride

Only if the subsequent cheating is much much worse

So, If a team goes over the cap by $100,000 and wins the comp, then goes over the cap by $1,000,000 the next year and purposely gets the spoon, they still get to count the initial premiership as they were only $100,000 over? good deal if you ask me.


Gone missing in the last week? Rabs has prostate cancer and is being advised to limit major travel.

No, I haven't been missing. You misunderstood me. I meant that it will be interesting to see how this will go. This is the first time (that I recall of since the two Friday Night match agreement commenced in 2007) that Voss will be doing the main game and Rabs playing second fiddle.


His got health issues ATM mate.

No doubt its not to far off though.

EDIT: Yes Gut, plenty of fat jokes RE Brohman, mainly from the big mahhhhhhhhhhhnnnnnnn himself.

I agree. As I said, I don't see him going beyond the end of next year after the Olympics and when the NRL tv rights expire.


2005 was when the wheels were falling off the Footy Show when they got Rebecca Wilson on for an episode. Before then it would get way over 400k in Sydney each week.


2005 was when the wheels were falling off the Footy Show when they got Rebecca Wilson on for an episode. Before then it would get way over 400k in Sydney each week.

Ah yes, I remember that whole fiasco. Amazing that's how quickly 6 years goes. I remember that they were going to call her and Ray Hadley in. 2005 was also the year the AFL show's ratings were at their lowest as well, as is stated here:


400k, as recently as 2005? Wow, that's pretty massive, when you think that this year was the first time the ratings in Sydney dipped below 100k (got 98k in either the 2nd or 3rd show). Last night got 190k, which is their highest this year (I think). If what you're saying is true, I think it would've been a lot more than 400k in the early years.
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Yep, I think it was getting well over 500k in the 1990's when it was on after ER.

And that 98k is the all-time record low, beating 110k for an episode in 2008.

Steel Dragon

How good is the Barefoot Footy Show?

Topical talk. Nice video segments highlighting the greater rugby league community. Decent guests. Knowledgable panelists (who dont gibber). And they rarely discuss anything non-league related!

Five Stars!


I heard there was a fat joke at Brohman's expense last night. Can anyone confirm?

9 out of 10 things that come out of brohmans mouth are about his weight get sterlo back full time and drop brohman to 1 appearance a month


They should get those tatts modified tbh. Just ridiculous to be in denial and keeping them as they are.
Getting tatts removed/changed is painful. And while I've heard most Storm players have that arrogant "we know we won it and noone can tell us differently" attitude Inglis has actually said in an interview earlier this year he is eager to win his first proper grand final. Of their big 4 he's the only one I've heard who has actually acknowledging losing the premierships.