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Cheergirl photos are back

fish eel


we've gone from talking cheergirls and miniskirts to a psuedo intellectual debate about how society. :lol:

(btw, were you talking about UWS? I mean, thats just a glorified TAFE anyways isn't it?)

Hey!!! Thats were I went and I'm important now!
Sorry mate, but being a UNSW Alumni :clap: , I tend to look down my nose at everyone else :D

I'm sure you worked real hard to get your TAFE Certificate *pats head*

sportive cupid

Hollywood Jesus said:
lol, sshhhhhhhhhhh ;-)


(btw, were you talking about UWS? I mean, thats just a glorified TAFE anyways isn't it?)
once again you are bending the truth :lol: it's a glorified COLLEGE OF ADVANCED EDUCATION :roll:
(& btw I am an allumni of bot UWS and UNSW

sportive cupid

Hollywood Jesus said:
lol, sshhhhhhhhhhh ;-)


(btw, were you talking about UWS? I mean, thats just a glorified TAFE anyways isn't it?)
once again you are bending the truth :lol: it's a glorified COLLEGE OF ADVANCED EDUCATION :roll:
(& btw I am an alumni of both UWS and UNSW )


First Grade
talking about deeeeeeeeeeeeep! what has become of this thread, its sinister, and decieving and full of deep and meaningful talk, non of what the title suggests.
Pffffffffft, Charles and Camilla's wedding. lol, you are so stereotypical, NSE. Typical of you lefties, where you can only think in generalised, steoreotypical, propagandist terms :p

Although I must admit that I was having a chat with someone the other day about the Royals, succession etc, and he bet me a case that Charles wouldn't get the Crown. C'mon King Charles!


Being a graduate from both Kenso Tech (doing the same Dip Ed Degree as Hollywood Jesus, with the same History Teaching lecturer, only two years later) and from Sydney Uni (THE No:1 university in Sydney) I can see where Hj is coming from.
However, I ma sure this is straying from the original post , Which is not about Camilla, Kenso tech, Liberal scum or idoelogy.............Bring back the pseudio biff I say. I need another beer......
lol@btaag - sorry dude, but Sydney USED TO BE the number 1 in Australia. That was back in the 1950s! SU is now nothing more than a collection point for try hard hippie socialists who feel superior because they get to hang around with old style buildings that make them feel they are truly students of Marx.

New South has more international academic connections, gets more citations in research papers, and is a true world leader in areas such as medicine, biology, physics and astronomy. SU is a good Arts school, on that I will agree, and Macquarie wins hands down on History, but overall UNSW is consistently considered a superior institution by the international community. (PS, I did a B.Ed, not a Dip ;-) - and which Lecturer you talking about?)

sportive - COFA stands for College of Fine Arts, basically meaning all those Artsy Fartsy wankers who go on about being "Uni Students" when all they do is randomly throw paint on canvass, chuck in some genetalia, and call it Art that deals with social issues such as poverty and the suppression of femaninity over the centuries. :arrow: Pure crap, but it does come under the UNSW umbrella so they can call themselves UNSW students. But you already know that, don't you :|
Hollywood Jesus said:
Pffffffffft, Charles and Camilla's wedding. lol, you are so stereotypical, NSE. Typical of you lefties, where you can only think in generalised, steoreotypical, propagandist terms :p

Although I must admit that I was having a chat with someone the other day about the Royals, succession etc, and he bet me a case that Charles wouldn't get the Crown. C'mon King Charles!
I dont know what gave you the idea I was a leftie? Not everyone stereotypes like yourself. :lol:

I figured you would love the royals, thats all. They are a great example through history, of making themselves rich whilst pushing the working class further down.

Once again your mate Johnny has bent the working/middle class over, with the increase in the medicare threshold. At least you will start the weekend happy! :lol:

Say thanx to Johnny next time you see him. (For all people doing it tough)

Im surprised your not actually a Manly supporter?? :roll:

Stereotype, ha.
Im starting to think HJ is actually John Howard, with comments like these.
Zig Heil Mr Howard.

Surely you cant be serious with these comments? The world is already going down the track of the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer. The IR reforms that will come through in the next couple of months, should make certain this country toes the George Dubya line. Sorry days ahead for the poor old working and middle class of Australia.

Sorry, mate, thats got leftie hippy written all over it. I don't make generalisation - apart from the one where everyone who doesnt have a 'stache is a loser, but thats obvious - you made it for me ;-)

And as for the Medicare levy
a) Yes, itsa a broken promise, but it wasnt a core promise ;-) :roll:
b) Don't tell me about poor - I know about poor. The only people who will be affected are those who are known by their first name at Centrelink. Losers don't deserve healthcare.
c) I'd prefer this to Medicare Gold anyday. (Medicare Gold :lol: )


I dont think it makes a diff which uni you graduate from. Its what you do with your degree afterwards that counts. Being humble, I don't like to boast about the Law/Commerce major I'm completing. I prefer my skill as a casanova

Oh, in fact it does count. I don't mean to be rude to UWS graduates in the least, but if two people both went for the same position, a UNSW grad would walk all over the UWS grad any day of the week.

Like I said, not meaning to be rude, as I know people choose UWS because of its location, and sometimes because courses aren't offered at other institutions, but to deny the utter superiority of UNSW over all other Universities in Australia is nothing more than blind folloishness.

After all, i went to UNSW, didn't I? (*Insert Moustache Smiley Here*)

fish eel

Oh, in fact it does count. I don't mean to be rude to UWS graduates in the least, but if two people both went for the same position, a UNSW grad would walk all over the UWS grad any day of the week.

Once you've been working for a couple of years it doesnt count. employers are more interested in what you've done in the workplace, not where you got that bit of paper.

I guess I should have gpne to UNSW, I would have learnt words like:



First Grade
Most of the guys/girls that graduated with flying colours from my degree, BMus (performance), are dragging their arses around teaching instrumental music in schools.
I graduated with average marks but am in, what is considered by the music industry people in the know (ie not pop culture commentators) one of the more non mainstream, succesful independant bands in the country.

Go Adelaide Uni :lol: :lol: :lol:

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