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Cheergirl photos are back


I don't like people picking on me for what I wear, especially when I offer very valid reasons. I didn't start the argument and I would like an apology.
Hollywood Jesus said:
no offense chloe, but you seem to be a perfect example of the hedonism that is dragging our society down. Style over subsctance, image over integrity et al.

You probably like ads such as the Listerine Pocket Pack ad, and that new one for the toothbrush that sells itself by having two people get it on. Your favourite show is probably Temptation Island 2 and you probably can't leave your house without standing in front of the mirror for two hours applying make up.

And people wonder why Western Society continues to spiral downhill? Well you and the likes of you need to be forced to wear grey woolen tracky-dacks and flannalettes for the rest of your life, Paris Hilton needs a bullet hole in her head and all brands except Black and Gold need to be eliminated.

Trust someone of the Church to say that.
:) Someone has to stir the pot :)

I would, however, like to vehemently stand by one thing I wrote - namely, that Paris Hilton most definately needs to cop one in the face............um, a bullet, that is ;-)

Also, the general feeling behind what I wrote is also true. Look at society, and how being "trendy" has become so important that 99% of the population are braindead, shallow idiots who probably couldn't even light a fire if they didn't have a can of petrol and a lighter! If an advertisement for a worthy product does not contain nudity or the like then it has no chance of selling. Where Avril Lavigne carries around a skateboard, despite the fact that she cannot skate, so as to impress teenyboppers so they will blindly buy her crap albums and then go on to imitate her by pretending to be skaters (and this pretending comes in the form of simply wearing the right clothes!!!!!). Where some fat, talentless 16 year old "Idol" gets an hour of screentime every week in some pathetic populatiry contest, whereas an informative, enlightening science program would last 5 minutes because the females didn't have knockers like Pamela Anderson.

I mean, Jesus, if people put the time they spend trying to look good into more worthy things like science, engineering, medicine, moustaches and so forth, imagine what our society could achieve?

And yet, for some reason if I took a gun to these people, it would be ME who would be looked upon as having done the wrong thing!
The Question Comes then HJ, why bother how we look at any rate.

I know I am not the best for this, what with my sometimes mullet and my physical size but hear me out.

The Question you really raise is why is Sex or More Importantly Sexuality, the base cause for purchase or entertainment.

I think of it this way, and give me a sec here, what is the meaning of life.

I guess there are two answers the philosophic and the Scientific.

The Scientific answer is, for life to perpetuate itself. So let’s put it down to making more life. Short Skirts or Guys going around topless are all part of the erg that each of us has to perpetuate life. We look for in a mate survival characteristics. The Human Body is designed to help perpetuate its form. With Strength and Beauty.

The Philosophic is to better life. Which can be quiet hedonistic as well. I find nothing more exciting that a good debate over an Ale or Something stronger.

Some may say that to have a great life you have to find a balance between both. I completely Disagree, in my opinion you must have each as much as you can. Don't be afraid of the instinct and don't be afraid of the side effect of being sentient. Take them both as gifts.
The Scientific answer is, for life to perpetuate itself. So let’s put it down to making more life. Short Skirts or Guys going around topless are all part of the erg that each of us has to perpetuate life. We look for in a mate survival characteristics. The Human Body is designed to help perpetuate its form. With Strength and Beauty.

The Philosophic is to better life. Which can be quiet hedonistic as well. I find nothing more exciting that a good debate over an Ale or Something stronger.

Short skirts or topless blokes are not necessary for procreation. They serve their place in our society because the chances for procreation increase with physical beauty for women and traits indicative of physical prowess for blokes (loosely anyways). Thus, without knowing it, dirty tramps run around in mini skirts and blokes rip their shirts off.

However, as I have said, it is not necessary for procreation. All that is needed is for a sperm and egg to meld and form a cytoplast. We have proven this can be done without sex using IVF.

So scientifically speaking, we have the possibility of perpetuating the race without the needs of mini skirts and shirtless wankers. As such, hedonism (once again, loosely) is not necessary anymore. In fact, we will soon (it is only a matter of funding, basically, if we choose it to be) be able to tailor the traits of our offspring to be individually specific. Basically, we can create clones that fulfill the specific needs and roles of a more holistic species.

But then we come to the issue of semi-asexuality, namely that a narrowing of the genetic blueprint variety through specific gene or attribute selection, that works against the very thing that has allowed us to get to the point where we can sit in our loungerooms, behind computers, discussing this very thing in the manner that we currently are. Namely, survival and development through evolution, a process which is based upon random genetic variation and its relationship to a dynamic environment and ecosystem. If we start to clone, we may lose the edge that has got us here in the first place. And so it seems that mini skirts and topless blokes are indeed fundamental aspects of our continuing evolution and survival in a dynamic environment.

But alas, this is not yet the end of the thread. You see, we now also have the means to make our environment largely static, and eliminate much of the dynamic aspect of the environment we live in. In lay terms, we can control and mould our environment. While asexual, or clone reproducing, organisms are unable to survive in a dynamic environment, they in fact thrive in a static environment to which their specific development is well suited.

As such, considering that we have unprecedented control over our environment (once again, further development is only a matter of funding and attitude), our other ability of control over genetic reproduction and development comes back to the fore, and as such mini skirts and topless blokes are selfish attributes that may benefit the individual self-ego but which can work contrary to the larger benefits a society could receive by moving past such pretensiousness.

* * * * *

But then again, all that means nothing. Everyone wants to look this way or that way, express their individuality to its maximum, so forth and so on. BUT, and this is the clincher, said individuality, sexuality, hedonism etc etc should only be applicable once all communal and holistic aspects have been fully met. Our first priority should always be to our community - friends, family, town, country etc etc. And that is the problem with todays society, that people are more concerned with themselves and their own shallow self-image (amongst other things) than they are with taking care of the more important things - working for the greater good, for the benefit of their country, for the development and progression of the human race. Seriously, if people put towards the sciences the effort they put into their make up or outfits, imagine what we could achieve? Sustainable envoronmental solutions, colonisation of space, serious medical advances that could see us living healthily well past a century, elimination of poverty, so forth and so on.

And, funnily enough, what is the major focus of the braindead idiots today? Australian Idol and Survivor? The latest Gucci items? Cars designed for the very purpose of breaking the speed limit? The Real Cancun? Matching eyeliner to hair colour to what belt you are wearing? The fact that the likes of Cleo magazine even exists is a disgrace on our species. Look at some of the damned Avatars on this site - where is Hawking or Einstein or Zubrin?

I find it funny that a species that has come so far, overcome so many obstacles, and developed so much potential, is being let down by a bunch of people like chloe and her like. But don't you all worry, the time will come soon when their like will become obselete, and they will be left behind to rot in their own filth while the truly elightened laugh at their finely clad, prettily painted, rotting corpses.


First Grade


First Grade
Look at society, and how being "trendy" has become so important that 99% of the population are braindead, shallow idiots who probably couldn't even light a fire if they didn't have a can of petrol and a lighter!

i think your just jealous cause no one has followed your trendy look :|
Redback71 said:
i think your just jealous cause no one has followed your trendy look :|

It is you're jealous (as in 'you are'), not your (as in, relating to you)


(Sorry, just one of my pet peeves)

Stagger eel

Staff member
so is fare to say, HJ that if you had a choice in watching Quantum and Big Brother??....you'd choose to watch BB hosted by Laurie Oakes with contestants including, Bush, Howard, Ozzie Osbourne, Saddam Hussein, the blokes from Mythbusters, Paris Hilton, Bin laden, archbishop Desmond Tu Tu and steve Irwin???
You see that is the difference HJ, you are saying that we should all be one and the like is great in theory, but we have even seen in the practicality of a small group, say the eels supporters that we have differences and can't all pull in the one direction for one cause.

Those that choice to indulge in sexuality and hedonism, do share the want for a world were we are all the world has the same living standards as Australia, the UK and the US. But the problem is the side effect of technological advancements, they all cost money. Comparatively, A cab driver in Sydney earn over 50 times what a cab driver in Vietnam earns. They can't afford our health care, and other possible requirements to live like we do. This is a side effect of capitalism, which when linked with Democracy is what is violently sweeping the world and has been trying to since the early 20th century. People want to consume, it is an all consuming drive, and to deny that and to put the egg heads and leaders in charge to me does not smell of democracy.

It is going to take money and attitude, and that will come from a complete social upheaval. If you think you will see that shortly, then that is your opinion.

But to say IVF should replace sexuality is to deny yourself the something that your body has been designed for. Changing the blue print wont help as that desire is in us all.


Post Whore
I just want the world to be peaceful.
Because I want a world where my children can enjoy the life that I have.
Selfish it may be, but I am responsible for others of my own blood now.

People want to consume, it is an all consuming drive, and to deny that and to put the egg heads and leaders in charge to me does not smell of democracy.
Democracy does not equal truth, Mark. And as I have said, 99% of people are self-indulgent idiots who can't think beyond the next episode of Desperate Housewives.

My personal opinions on matters are quite different to an objective view of what we should do. Personally, I want to be able to do whatever the hell I want anytime I want to do it, but objectively I know that this wouldn't help us get anywhere and as such I should only be doing what I want once I have discharged my duty to my community. This is what people these days fail to understand.

As for poverty, well why did some people develop societies that advanced and others didn't? It can only be one of two things: either a) all the different racial/geographical groups are equal and a favourable environment allowed the Europeans/Middle Easterners to develop while everyone else didn't, or b) it was genetic differences that allowed some to go forward while others remained behind. Either way, tough luck...........but having said that I am all for helping out the less fortunate, but only if they are willing to help themselves. My personal belief is that I'd give them whatever they need as long as they were willing to enter into population control programs where a couple was sterilised once they had had one child. There is no use us pouring significant amounts of cash into these countries if they continue to experience hyper-Malthusian situations, is there? There is a good sci-fi book called "Society of the Mind" by Eric L. Harry that discusses this. You should check it out, I can lend it to ya sometime if you want.

But then again you have the very valid argument - every bit of time/money etc that the strong put towards helping the weak, takes away from their own ability to continue their personal advancement, and so we are selling ourselves short just to help a group of people that originally started in the same place as us, but couldn't stand on their own two feet. Shouldn't we just ignore them as the weak and the inferior and put all our efforts into pushing ourselves as far as we can, even if it is at their expense? Don't we owe it to our species to take ourselves as far as we can? Why should we look after the poor when they started from the same place as us, but failed?

It is going to take money and attitude, and that will come from a complete social upheaval. If you think you will see that shortly, then that is your opinion.

lol, first off don't think I am talking about socialism here. I am vehemently anti-socialist. Lazy bums. I'll tell ya now, as soon as we have significantly colonised Mars (which will happen this century thanks to George W :D ) then Earth will fall into insignificance pretty quickly. Because of its frontier nature, it will need to develop am arithmatical development curve in order to survive and prosper. Considering those that will be sent will deliberately be the type of people that will can do this, it will happen. And Earth will continue to stagnate because they will be tied down with massive poverty and social inequality which a bunch of stupid hippies won't let them ignore.

But to say IVF should replace sexuality is to deny yourself the something that your body has been designed for. Changing the blue print wont help as that desire is in us all.

Well, I'm not necessarily saying that we should do it, only that if we focused we could do it very efficiently. And we could still have the desire in us, and get buck nekkid and do the shimmy-shimmy, while having genetic control over our offspring. "Brave New World" shows how this can be done, but brings up one of your original points - does our "Humanity" come before the progression and development of our species? My personal view is no - it should only come after we have discharged our duty, but once done - have at it! Would I be correct in assuming you hold a different viewpoint?

And Suity, I totally agree. I personally think everyone should fall into line and do what they have to, so as to ensure that everyone can have the most available to us all. But the key there is that everyone should fall into line - thats the problem we have today...........that no one wants to fall into the socially beneficial line, but instead they all want to run their own line. This will get us nowhere.


Post Whore
Hollywood Jesus said:
And as I have said, 99% of people are self-indulgent idiots who can't think beyond the next episode of Desperate Housewives

mmmmm - I'm thinking about the one who's having an affair with her gardener - wow, I think I will become a gardener

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