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Cheergirl photos are back

Hollywood Jesus said:
no offense chloe, but you seem to be a perfect example of the hedonism that is dragging our society down. Style over subsctance, image over integrity et al.

You probably like ads such as the Listerine Pocket Pack ad, and that new one for the toothbrush that sells itself by having two people get it on. Your favourite show is probably Temptation Island 2 and you probably can't leave your house without standing in front of the mirror for two hours applying make up.

And people wonder why Western Society continues to spiral downhill? Well you and the likes of you need to be forced to wear grey woolen tracky-dacks and flannalettes for the rest of your life, Paris Hilton needs a bullet hole in her head and all brands except Black and Gold need to be eliminated.
please hollywood let this forum be the only place on earth i never hear that name the perfect punishment for paris hilton would be for everyone else on earth to totally ignore her i can just imagine her running naked down the street screaming "pay attention to me!!!"

Stagger eel

Staff member
The EELiminator said:
Hollywood Jesus said:
no offense chloe, but you seem to be a perfect example of the hedonism that is dragging our society down. Style over subsctance, image over integrity et al.

You probably like ads such as the Listerine Pocket Pack ad, and that new one for the toothbrush that sells itself by having two people get it on. Your favourite show is probably Temptation Island 2 and you probably can't leave your house without standing in front of the mirror for two hours applying make up.

And people wonder why Western Society continues to spiral downhill? Well you and the likes of you need to be forced to wear grey woolen tracky-dacks and flannalettes for the rest of your life, Paris Hilton needs a bullet hole in her head and all brands except Black and Gold need to be eliminated.
please hollywood let this forum be the only place on earth i never hear that name the perfect punishment for paris hilton would be for everyone else on earth to totally ignore her i can just imagine her running naked down the street screaming "pay attention to me!!!"

Paris Hilton running down the street naked is like a sailing boat in a wind storm, it's a bit cryptic but if you really think about............ :D


Accredited Media Releases
chloe said:
JessEel said:
i hate the way people my age dress, i can angry and ashamed!

ugh boots - no
belts larger then the mini skirt you are wearing with it - no
the whole "im a scary punk look" - no

have i mentioned ugh boots? ugh boots with a mini skirt - NO

mini skirts at the football - no

shall i go on? :lol:
So um, do you know anything about fashion and style?

chloe said:
I don't see what's so bad about wearing a miniskirt to the footy, especially if you're going out afterwards.

JessEel, no wonder John Morris didn't accept that lollipop from you.

chloe said:
It seems like some of you don't like miniskirts. Well I don't like jeans that look like they were bought before we won our last premiership. So what if I dress up nice to go to the footy! I still love watching the game as much as any of you. Maybe if some of you had nicer legs you wouldn't be against miniskirts so much.

bring it on sunshine!!
i know plenty about fashion, well, i know how not to dress like a twit anyway :roll:
john morris didn't take a lollipop off me because the guy doesn't like them!
and i could have the best legs in the world and i would STILL NOT DRESS LIKE ITS 40degrees when its clearly the MIDDLE OF WINTER

even if i am soo 'out of fashion' at least there more then hairspray residue clonking around in my head!!!!!!!
:lol: :lol: ;-) ;-)


Accredited Media Releases
haha, i was only told about this reply yesterday, so i thought 'better get in there, im notorious for getting the last word' :p ;-)


Go Chloe...there's absolutely nothing wrong with what chloe has said. Everyone can dress as they please.

Personally I think HJ dresses like a woman, and its not my style...but just cause Chloe doesn't dress like a slob doesn't mean anything..Go Chloe, keep wearing mini skirts and keep giving it to the slobs!!!

Usually after a night game I go out- so i'm dressed up at the footy, i'd expect it's the same with alot of girls. If it's a day game and I have no where to go, it's shorts and thongs all the way.

The people who just wait around the back of the sheds for a glimpse of a player can afford to dress like slobs, cause they obviously have nothing to do after the game.


First Grade
Boys and girls. We are all beautiful in different ways (especially the gals). Who cares what we wear or do not wear. Lets take off the gloves and get over it. Or an even better idea lets take off our clothes and walk free and natural. Forget fashion and lets all get nude............... :oops:

fish eel

I would just like to say I have no problem with mini skirts at the football.

Or anywhere.


Post Whore
fish eel said:
I would just like to say I have no problem with mini skirts at the football.

Or anywhere.

I think more girls should dress like the cheerleaders.

No probs with mini skirts here. I have a problem with the overweight women that want to think they are "fashionable" by having their midrift showing. (They need a bigger mirror or something - its just so wrongggggggggggggggg)


Accredited Media Releases
The people who just wait around the back of the sheds for a glimpse of a player can afford to dress like slobs, cause they obviously have nothing to do after the game.

well obviously :roll: cause we must all be groupies who only go just to be near the players :roll: and don't have friends :roll: or parteners :roll: or lives of our own :|

Stagger eel

Staff member
PIG said:
Go Chloe...there's absolutely nothing wrong with what chloe has said. Everyone can dress as they please.

Personally I think HJ dresses like a woman, and its not my style...but just cause Chloe doesn't dress like a slob doesn't mean anything..Go Chloe, keep wearing mini skirts and keep giving it to the slobs!!!

Usually after a night game I go out- so i'm dressed up at the footy, i'd expect it's the same with alot of girls. If it's a day game and I have no where to go, it's shorts and thongs all the way.

The people who just wait around the back of the sheds for a glimpse of a player can afford to dress like slobs, cause they obviously have nothing to do after the game.

from the outset I'll say each to their own!..people can dress how they please as long as they feel comfotable in it...but answer me this????? WHO THE f**k ARE YOU????????......to judge people what they are and what they do at the football whether it's waiting at the back or going for a drink later, where do you come to the conclusion that they are slobs and having nothing to do???

Quite simply I think your a Moron!!...for pre judging people without knowing them.


First Grade
This entire topic is a little immature and needs to be put to bed. Who cares..... Lets not get personal and get back to the footy. Lock this one down Colonel or Twiz. Get over it. :roll:


eelavation said:
PIG said:
Go Chloe...there's absolutely nothing wrong with what chloe has said. Everyone can dress as they please.

Personally I think HJ dresses like a woman, and its not my style...but just cause Chloe doesn't dress like a slob doesn't mean anything..Go Chloe, keep wearing mini skirts and keep giving it to the slobs!!!

Usually after a night game I go out- so i'm dressed up at the footy, i'd expect it's the same with alot of girls. If it's a day game and I have no where to go, it's shorts and thongs all the way.

The people who just wait around the back of the sheds for a glimpse of a player can afford to dress like slobs, cause they obviously have nothing to do after the game.

from the outset I'll say each to their own!..people can dress how they please as long as they feel comfotable in it...but answer me this????? WHO THE f**k ARE YOU????????......to judge people what they are and what they do at the football whether it's waiting at the back or going for a drink later, where do you come to the conclusion that they are slobs and having nothing to do???

Quite simply I think your a Moron!!...for pre judging people without knowing them.

Who cares- it's just my opinion...let me clarify- if u only plan on waiting around the sheds after the game, ur obviuosly not going out, hence you can afford to dress like a slob- now who the f**k are you?


Post Whore
eelavation said:
PIG said:
Go Chloe...there's absolutely nothing wrong with what chloe has said. Everyone can dress as they please.

Personally I think HJ dresses like a woman, and its not my style...but just cause Chloe doesn't dress like a slob doesn't mean anything..Go Chloe, keep wearing mini skirts and keep giving it to the slobs!!!

Usually after a night game I go out- so i'm dressed up at the footy, i'd expect it's the same with alot of girls. If it's a day game and I have no where to go, it's shorts and thongs all the way.

The people who just wait around the back of the sheds for a glimpse of a player can afford to dress like slobs, cause they obviously have nothing to do after the game.

from the outset I'll say each to their own!..people can dress how they please as long as they feel comfotable in it...but answer me this????? WHO THE f**k ARE YOU????????......to judge people what they are and what they do at the football whether it's waiting at the back or going for a drink later, where do you come to the conclusion that they are slobs and having nothing to do???

Quite simply I think your a Moron!!...for pre judging people without knowing them.

Yeah - what eelavation said - spot on :clap: :clap: :clap:

People can wear what they like - just like they can do whatever they find fun after a game.