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Coach Bennett


Ratified by the board last night. Only issue is where he'l live. Being a one-eyed Shark am not trying to win friends here - so you can take it or leave this - but this has come directly from the boardroom. Godd luck, this move can only be positive for you guys, as much as it hurts to think it. I just know the pain of coaching troubles! Cheers from across the bridge.

Dave Q

Wobbygong said:
Hey Dave Q,

We are happy to take Bennett on board at the Dragons, the additional revenue and sponsorship he'll attract alone makes it a great move, let alone the fact he is a winner and will attract players to the club.

I think pan face taylor has been found out @ Souths, after three straight losses he's appears more inept than Brown, but they'll keep him regardless of how poor you go in 2008, because of the pay out involved.

Last year JT got Souths into the finals in his first year of full time coaching.

Browny was fighting a grim battle to avoid the spoon after several years of experience.

You should refrain from stupid insults if you want to be taken seriously.

We have a thread for your sort on Souths LU.

When Bennett comes to Saints, he will need time to build up the squad and implement his plans.

There will be no overnight miracle.


First Grade
Dave Q said:
Last year JT got Souths into the finals in his first year of full time coaching.

Browny was fighting a grim battle to avoid the spoon after several years of experience.

You should refrain from stupid insults if you want to be taken seriously.

We have a thread for your sort on Souths LU.

When Bennett comes to Saints, he will need time to build up the squad and implement his plans.

There will be no overnight miracle.
it will better than what happend at the bunnys:lol:

Dave Q

it will better than what happend at the bunnys:lol:

They made the finals lol @ you!

The Panthers thought Elliot would fix everything.

The point is that Bennett will be stuck with a number of players he ddidnt try to recruit for the Bronco's so he's going to have to help them re-learn their trade the way he wants them to.

There will be axings and fresh faces.

I expect he will start planning as soon as he has signed.

It will take at least 2 years to bring the squad up to his dizzy standards.

There will be no instant christmas.


About time! Only problem is that we have to wait to 2009! That said though, Brownie can't tackle for them, he doesnt give away idiotic penalties and doesnt drop the ball. He has had his shot and unfortunately for him, his run is ending. The 2008 squad members looking to stay next year need to pull their socks up because Bennett doesnt mix words and will make tough decisions with his head and not his heart. GO THE DRAGONS and welcome Wayne!


Staff member
Dave Q said:
They made the finals lol @ you!

Based on the "one finals series every 17 years" principle, I guess we'll see Soufs in the semis again around 2024 or 2025??

Dave Q

Where some of these moderators get their badges from is beyond me!

I dont want to rain on the Saints parade but for the reasons outlined, success will not arrive overnight.

Elliots approach was sweeping and drastic changes everywhere and a year and a half later the beneficial results have yet to manifest themselves in full and robust fashion.

Bennett is smart enough to start the Saints work now ( but not be seen to be) but it will take a long time.

Brown is well and truly lame-duck. Its both embarassing and huniliating for him.

He should save face and leave now. If the team falls apart this year, he will wear it and given that they dont follow his instructions, thats on the cards.

I stand by what i said before and that was the Saints fall from grace cannot be solely attributed to Nathan Brown.


Dave Q said:
I stand by what i said before and that was the Saints fall from grace cannot be solely attributed to Nathan Brown.

Yep, there is also Peter Doust. The board should take on some responsibilities. But at least this is one positive move we have made. We got the players, we got the juniors, now we have the coach, why wouldn't we make instance success if Benett gets their act together.

Dave Q

Southernsaint said:
Haha, kick the old Moderator can...

In the old days, we used to look up to the mods, they were our betters and they kept the peace. They were dependable and could be trusted.

These days, now you find them trolling, flaming, going off-topic and being rude to people.

I hear that Admin have been having trouble getting good candidates and they have had to lower their standards to let more through the hoop. Thats the rumour anyway.

No not bourne out in my experience, but I hear it whispered from rookie class to First Grade.

Never trust a mod!

Except if they are Souths Mods, the pride of the Moderators.

Dave Q

Syren said:
Yep, there is also Peter Doust. The board should take on some responsibilities. But at least this is one positive move we have made. We got the players, we got the juniors, now we have the coach, why wouldn't we make instance success if Benett gets their act together.

Doust may be a contributing factor, the board perhaps and its a positive, oh yes.

Do I think he is the best coach in the NRL? He must be pretty close.

But he cant make an instant success of the club as he wont have the players he wants. Many of those will be at the Bronc's or elsewhere for awhile longer yet.

Some players are already here such as Gaz who is just about the best centre in the world.

But the other players he will inherit...he will have to train them in his ways and in his style. If they cant cut Waynes World, then goodbye ala Brian Smith who swung his axe in brtual but neccessary fashion.

Wayne doesnt muck about just ask Hodges.

The Bronco-isation of SGI presents as exciting for the whole league.

Just dont expect an instant christmas.

Theres plenty of pain, anger, blood and danger ahead.

It will make you men again!


Assistant Moderator
Dave Q said:
Where some of these moderators get their badges from is beyond me!
Oh dave... you're not doing it again are you?

I thought you got over your old whinging ways.

Silly lad... looks like we'll have to rub your tummy again. There there...


DaveQ if i was a souffs supporter i would be more concerned about your clubs current situation instead of shedding your doom and gloom for whats to come for us.Iam sure theres not many saint supporters lining up for 09 grand final tickets already , but theres many out there that are reliefed that we have signed the premier coach in the competetion..Bennett might not get us a premiership, but he will bring his style and hardline approach and fix the players lack of discipline on the field.



if i where you this is what i would be most worried about ..... look where souths is compared to the dragons:lol:


Dave Q

I just tried to add some balance.

No-one appreciates honesty anymore!


Its Ok, I can find my own way to the swamp.

big pat

what bennet will bring to this club is a winning culture, something we have been lacking lately.