It is fine to mention it all you want, talk has always been cheap. But when it comes down to it they don't fit into any of the criteria to be considered for membership with the RLIF.
We've seen these sort of press releases over and over and over and over again from the AMNRL. It's good news that the AMNRL teams are playing in the 9's tournament and at least the management don't seem to be actively trying to harm/discredit the USARL anymore. But I don't see any reason to buy into any of their press releases until they actually back up the things that they've claimed.Hmm.
So does everyone think the amnrl teams should just join the usarl?
Looks like a new era has begun, where the executive isnt run as a boys club.
First time the amnrl has mentioned gov funding!
Correct. FIRL didn't even meet the criteria for the RLWC qualifers, RLEF simply included the rebels clubs, as FIRL only had "three" teams not minimum 4 and said something like "well there was a split so wasn't enough time and on the membership it has development in "nation" not "federation".You could say the same about the official Italian governing body but they still have RLIF/RLEF membership and recognition.
Cunz said the AMNRL is now working with the RLIF, the world governing body, to secure member nation status.
This will open government funding opportunities to implement youth development programs, strengthen the domestic competition and boost the league’s community engagement programs.
Engaging grass roots support and becoming intrinsic to school sport curriculums is crucial to the growth of rugby league in America.
Haven't heard about american samoa,
I was referring to the work they were doing in Hawaii (they had a league up and running, or were in the process of doing so I'm not sure).
From what I gather the Hawaiians train both codes and are just happy to play against whoever. I don't know if there is any sort of organized RL competition there, or if there ever has been. Either way, David Niu supposedly fell out with the Hawaiian officials about two years ago and burned most of his bridges, I have no idea if there has been any kind of AMNRL presence there since then although they keep saying there is.Hawaii is a real mystery, it seems to be RU sides playing RL in the offseason. I know that when the Indigenous side played the Hawaiian side there was no AMNRL staff to help, promises were unkept and Hawaiian Rugby Union sides had stalls at the game, it just seems to be a funny marriage over there between the 2 codes.
Great news about NOVA. Anyone know what the Dragons are planning, or if the Raiders are actually going to be in the AMNRL this year after publicly announcing that they were leaving?