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News Coronavirus and NRL

horrie hastings

First Grade

But it's the attitude that you and many others have displayed in here that's the reason we had to be put in that situation. It's the reason why her elderly parents couldn't see her during her last week in the hospice. It's also the reason why I couldn't be with her for a few days up until she entered the terminal, final 24 hours - the restrictions got so severe that it was one registered visitor only, no swapping people out, it was one person only (her husband)

So life's been pretty f**king shitty lately, dealing with all that plus work plus trying to sort out care and homeschooling for the kids. Then seeing people like yourself and JAC, latrell and Cleary saying "eh, I'll do what I want, who f**king cares"

I f**king care

So sorry to hear that mate, facing something similar coming up soon, one of my sister in laws goes into the hospice tomorrow and it will only be a matter of time now till she is gone, have agreed though that when she goes it will be only her ex husband and daughter will be there for a small funeral, maybe one brother also but all agreed that on the anniversary of the date of when it happens as long as it is ok by then there will be a proper service where all relatives and friends can attend. We did a video phone hook up with her today which was virtually a goodbye.


What rubbish, we were on a similar trajectory, if the growth rate had of stayed at what it was before we put restrictions in place we would have been looking at 200 000+ deaths right now. It is the effort people put into social distancing that caused has to be 88 right now instead of looking at something more like what the US is experiencing. We stopped the community transmission of this thing.

Do you think we would get 0 cases in SA if International travel was still going? That is what will stop the rates going up not having a few mates over


What data did they use to put into those models though?
I will concede that the death rate entered could have been too high, but to make like of the effects these restrictions have had is just plain nonsense. Our rates of infection came down significantly, we were on a similar path to countries overseas, who have seen 10's of thousands of deaths.


It was a combination of things it wasn’t one thing alone. Like now as stuff is wound back it won’t rise instantly or at all if people are smart
That's is because we have put systems in place to deal with it, social distancing will be in place for a long time though. Defend Cleary all you like but the fact his father is high risk makes his behaviour a lot worse, I understand people not caring about strangers, but this idiot put his own family member who is high risk in jeopardy. What a goose!
For those that have missed it, we are an island. We shut down our borders and that had the biggest effect.
Should have done that sooner.
As for woolies, yep it can be a madhouse but remember key criteria to risk of exposure is not only distance but the duration of exposure. 15 minutes or over is what the govt are concerned about.


What data did they use to put into those models though?
It is called the R Naught or R 0

One infects two
Two infects four
four infects eight
eight infects sixteen
sixteen infects thirty two
thirty two infect sixty four
sixty four infects one twenty eight

Hey presto in that short space of spread you are infecting hundreds, next thousands, then hundreds of thousands, then millions, then billions.

It happens really fast with the Covid 2. The maths is called exponential spread.

The US is at one Million.

Two months ago they were talking about it going away. Four months ago they had one case.

If they did nothing at all it will infect two million more per currently infected case...six million, twelve million, twenty four million, forty eight million....

The R naught varies depending on the unique features of each population. It is lower in some places.

But there is nothing very uniquely different about the US vs Aus...so...you would be looking at Millions infected, and hundreds of thousands of deaths over the two years you will likely have constant re occurring outbreaks in your country if it was not controlled by lock downs.

This is just the beginning. it is literally only just getting started, the really nasty shit to come is what people will find hardest to deal with in countries that mess around with this virus.
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For those that have missed it, we are an island. We shut down our borders and that had the biggest effect.
Should have done that sooner.
As for woolies, yep it can be a madhouse but remember key criteria to risk of exposure is not only distance but the duration of exposure. 15 minutes or over is what the govt are concerned about.

Not just closing our borders, so far we have been able to prevent widespread community transmission.
Not just closing our borders, we were able to prevent widespread community transmission.

Yes we were, couple of factors helped us there. Southern Hemisphere country in a time of year less likely to aid the spread. People like to be closer when it’s cold. Being lucky enough to live in a country with good medical facilities and not being stacked on top of each other.

And yes, most importantly the vast majority of people have behaved responsibly.


Yes we were, couple of factors helped us there. Southern Hemisphere country in a time of year less likely to aid the spread. People like to be closer when it’s cold. Being lucky enough to live in a country with good medical facilities and not being stacked on top of each other.

And yes, most importantly the vast majority of people have behaved responsibly.

I doubt we would have actually got to the strict restrictions we did if we didn't have 1000's of people showing up at the beach.

Last Week

It was a combination of things it wasn’t one thing alone. Like now as stuff is wound back it won’t rise instantly or at all if people are smart

I would suggest you watch a show on Netflix called Explained: Coronavirus. It gives a short history of the 1917 flu in the US and how St Louis (I think) implemented social distancing and after the curve flattened, they eased up on restrictions. They had a second wave.

It's going to rise. It virtually cannot be stopped unless we have a vaccine.

Last Week

To the people that think social distancing and the rules based on it are impractical, you need to take a step back and realise that you are not the most informed in this field. This is a forum so it's easy to get lost in the anonymity and the character you've created on here. And if you want to troll. Cool. Good for you. Enjoy being a child.

But, if you believe the bull that you're sprouting, you truly are foolish. Doctors, scientists, pandemic experts, etc, are the people that have pushed for these measures. If you are so arrogant to think that you know better than these, don't breed.

I tried posting this as a gif, but the 1MB limit that this site puts on uploads is quite restrictive.

Go to this link and see how it can and will work.


Hello, I'm The Doctor

First Grade
Ah, thinking like a Channel 9 CEO.

Nice stuff.

Haha, the f*ck??

Just because C9 is usually shit doesnt mean that EVERYTHING that they want is bad for RL. (Im surprised that even needs to be explained)

Like i said, Origin will sell out regardless of the day and Wednesday will get bigger tv audiences. For what possible reason would Saturday be the better choice?