We are all waiting for you to give us detailed info as to how money is spent at grass roots level for starters.
What is taking you so long?
You were also going to show that the AFL did not purchase Marvel Stadium nor did they use it as security for their 600m line of credit. Please tell Roy Masters his recent article is wrong. His research is nowhere near as accurate as yours.
No use quoting any media articles either. The LU brainstrust has declared any News Corp or NEC publications as propaganda.
Wasting your ample brain power here at LU PR.
told you before I don’t work for the nrl so have no idea the particulars of how they spend in individual areas. But then I’m not the one making claims the nrl is wasting money and needs to make cuts. You can’t say where you’d make them or how this money is being wasted, yet you want to cut it.
Nrl Invested significantly in its digital arm which is now returning significant profit margins. To say they haven’t invested as they haven’t bought a stadium is nonsense, even for you!
And like I’ve said a dozen times afl got marvel at a very favourable set of terms from the Vic Govt. I’m sure if the Nsw govt offered nrl bankwest at same terms it would jump at it. Eddie McGuire stated the loan was secured by the Vic Govt, given marvel is still mortgaged to the tune of over $100mill it sounds credible.