The start of the second paragraph ( the post was in question to age related percentage of mortality. Not number of deaths.)
"While flu seasons can vary in severity, during most seasons, people 65 years and older bear the greatest burden of severe flu disease. Approximately 90% of influenza-related deaths and 50-70% of influenza-related hospitalizations occur among people in this age group. "
That doesn't really say anything about mortality rate.
Simply older people will die more from Influenza than young people.
I read further in to the study example.
The study linked states, that for people over 65, for influenza, 6% either died or were transferred to a hospice. Over 85 was 8.7%, 75-84 was 5.3%, 65 - 74 was 3.8%.
For Corona virus, the mortality rate for people
over 80 was 14.8%
70-79: 8%
60-69 3.6%
The figures don't support the point that Covid19 is just the same or no worse, than influenza.