5) Our future.
I can't predict the future, despite being the "internet expert genius". But the problem with a big lockdown of a country (other than the obvious economic and social problems) is that no one has yet figured out how to escape such a lockdown. If people just start mixing again, the coronavirus will just flare up again and start taking off exponentially.
The sobering model presented to the UK government that convinced them to lock down much more despite only being at 3200 cases (including their schools, when they too said that wouldn’t happen), suggests that we may have tight social distancing restrictions for the next 18 months or more
To be fair, at this point we don’t actually know if Italy will flatten the curve, or if China managed to (or if they are just lying to us again). We don’t know if people can develop immunity or not, if children can transmit the disease as easily as others, if there are a lot of asymptomatic people with coronavirus, or if there are two strains that act differently.
It may be that we will get to that awful 7% mortality and overwhelmed medical systems and not develop herd immunity, despite a big lockdown also costing billions of dollars and millions of jobs (see, I can easily up the fear spreading ante…don’t even start me on if the virus becomes seasonal and gets worse from previous immune reactions, which has been speculated).
It may be that most people are asymptomatic and really the virus is already everywhere and only a few are badly affected and very soon life will go on normally, but I really doubt it. And I don’t think we should pretend this is likely in case we are wrong and then face the possibility of those million deaths.
But despite accusations to the contrary, I would like to shoot for an optimistic future. I hope we can develop a vaccine that allows us to develop immunity before coronavirus tears through 60% of us. To slow it down and give us time to develop a vaccine, we may have to go through a few months of relatively extreme social isolation. This will be devastating for many and will cost billions of dollars.
It may even wreck the NRL.
But hopefully we will keep loss of life to a minimum. And after a few months we will get vaccinated and rebuilding our economy can go on, with most of us still alive and kicking.
My grandfather is still alive. He fought in World War 2 for us. Lost most of his hearing. Spent years as a POW. Pulled dead mates out of the water, and lost mates in the camps. Came back and continued to contribute to society as both a great mechanical engineer and loving father.
Every year, even at his ripe old age, he marches in the Anzac parades, proudly displaying his medals. He is about the only one left from his era who can walk. Sadly, he won’t march this year.
But I’m really, really hoping that is because we are all locked down and doing our best to protect him. Not because we couldn’t make a few economic and social sacrifices to protect him. After all the sacrifices he and his generation made for us, at a time even worse than now, it is the least we can do.