Referring to what I bolded, do you realise what you've just done by saying that. After all the things you've said on this thread. After all your paranoia on the State and police using more coercive powers. If I knew how to paste double face-palm .gifs, I would.
I don't think I've ever met a dork as big as you.
For the record I couldn't give a shit about the stuff I didn't bold in your post.
The process of being expelled from the base was actually really funny (I wanted out
and pursued an academic career after that(unsucessfully in the en)). Initially I was
banned from driving on the base. They had a three strikes and you're out policy.
I kid you not: I was supposedly banned for driving three time over the limit in the space
of 20m. Not three times over the limit, three times in 20 m.
Apparently, in the military, that isn't funny. The military and I don't really get on.