He’s totally missing the point of sustainability. 17k for the Tigers makes them a hell of a lot more sustainable than 8k for Balmain and9k for magpies!
We all know you’ll lose the rusted on sharks fans, some will stop following the game in protest, some will follow the game more apathetically, the softcocks might become swans fans but the kids, there’s no reason to lose them if the nrl does it’s job correctly. As they growup, and as long as RL is still,aged and talked about at school then they will grow up following one of the other Sydney teams, probably whoever their mates are following.
After that factor in the new fans you gain in a new expansion area and things don’t look so bad for the game overall, sucks for the fans of the lost club though.
You missed the point.The fans lost in a growing population not a stagnant nor falling one ,is his point.
JVs don't solve all the problems. Robbing Peter to pay Paul and finding the amount taken is getting less each year, solves little.
It's not much use having a joint venture if your crowds keep dwindling.That in the long term does not represent sustainability.
Balmain were in dire straits so agree they needed support, and had no way of financially getting back on their own.They lost fans as a result, and so did Illawarra.And they haven't been made up ,as Masters has elaborated upon.
As far as Shark fans goes, as North Sydney has shown, it's not just the rusted on fans ,but the casual ones that drop off.And the Sharks have plenty of casual ones as semis and finals have shown.The ones who attend a couple of local games a year with their mates are also important.They also buy merchandise and final's tickets and watch on TV>
I saw the antagonism and people throwing in the rugby league towel when the Sharks decided to go to SL.I attended the meeting then, you didn't.
You appear to have little idea of the attitude of Shark's fans, if they lose their team.They won't be talking about their team at school, because the area won't have one.Some will protest LOL.
You may as well be spruiking that view from Hull.
And you're also surmising the Sharks will not be financially sustainable, yet the NRL want to see a viable long term presence by the Sharks in the Shire , and Beattie has admitted expansion it's not an easy matter anyway.
As to the the younger generation, there are other options now ,which did not exist to that extent in 1995.The Sharks were just about the first to push for rl for women, and bring in womens and girl's teams.
Masters does (and he is pro expansion viz a viz Melbourne),and I would also back his judgement as well as my decades following the team in my local area.As well as opinions of locals who have similar interests to me.
It's well presented on these and other sport sites, the local press, the position that would prevail should the team relocate or be axed.
Ironic, when SL came in fans dropped off all over the place ,and when Perth Reds were on the way to losing out ,their numbers dropped off markedly.Soft cocks !!!!! The argument just some would drop off ,is thus flawed.
Just as it was also for the JV teams
You still work on the armchair general approach, without knowing the conditions on the "battlefield"
The point you missed in my addendum, expansion can be achieved without the need for further cuts.