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Crowd Watch 2011

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The last 3 years of utter shithouse performances has seen our season ticket numbers drop by roughly about 4-5k people to this year, you add that on top of the crowd figure we've had this year and there's the people who aren't turning up. Bays in the eastern stand where I sit used to be chockers, now it is very sparsely populated. People feel burnt by the club, this year was always going to be a rebuilding year both on and off the field. Our season ticket numbers weren't that great before Yasi hit admittedly, but since it hit there's people further up the road who are hurting big time with no house, no job, nothing. Football is the least of their concerns, I doubt they would have the finances to come to the game in all honesty.

Canberra's biggest crowd of the year is against the dragons which is about 20k, the only reason that is a big crowd is because it gives people from Wollongong the chance to get to the game, unfortunately being so isolated up here we get minimal away fans to our games so we don't have the luxury of the away fans helping us to inflate our numbers.........

Was last night's crowd disappointing??? hell yes, but is it the end of the world??? hell no. Manly is one team along with Canberra and Penrith that has never really dragged people through the turnstiles, form my memory at least. They tend to be one of the smaller crowds of the year.
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Gallop - yes gallop, not the NRL - punished the players and the fans for the breach, not the people actually responsible. And it was a punishment far, far greater than the crime deserved. If I was a new fan to a code and I saw the doofus running it do something like that, I think I'd turn away too.

And where's this $100m investment? I'm pretty sure you'll find the NRL hasn't given any more money to the Storm than any other club. And don't tell me that News money=NRL money, unless you want to look like more of a genius than you already do.

And anyway, you support a team that was able to sign a world-class centre despite leading the comp and having plenty of rep players already on the book. Your time will come :lol:

Its all a big conspiracy to kill off Melbourne isn't it? You are a spastic of the highest order. You need to take your tin foil hat off.

There has been a $100m investment in the game, coming from one of the games half owners, who are also owners of the Storm - it has been in everyones interest for the Storm to become a super club. But your team were a bunch of cheats, managament and players (yes, they knew) being aware of it.
You reap what you sow.

As for Gasnier, its a back ended contract... how many of those are there in the game you fool? It has had an impact hasn't it ? We lost Smith, Costigan, and our saffa because of it.

You clearly don't know the difference between a side operating within the salary cap rules and one that is a bunch of corrupt cheating rats.

Sgt. Kabukiman

Its all a big conspiracy to kill off Melbourne isn't it? You are a spastic of the highest order. You need to take your tin foil hat off.

There has been a $100m investment in the game, coming from one of the games half owners, who are also owners of the Storm - it has been in everyones interest for the Storm to become a super club. But your team were a bunch of cheats, managament and players (yes, they knew) being aware of it.
You reap what you sow.

As for Gasnier, its a back ended contract... how many of those are there in the game you fool? It has had an impact hasn't it ? We lost Smith, Costigan, and our saffa because of it.

You clearly don't know the difference between a side operating within the salary cap rules and one that is a bunch of corrupt cheating rats.

Not a conspiracy against the Storm, just a poorly thought out, irrational punishment that far exceeded the crime, and which did nothing to punish those actually behind the corruption. Only the fans and players were punished, and we're seeing a drop in crowds because of that - and who can blame them? If you really see things in such a black-and-white manner, then you need to grow the f**k up and get some perspective on the world.

Also, learn the difference between being funded by the NRL out of NRL money, and being funded by News Corp out of their own money. Until you do, you're just going to look like a bigger dumbarse than you need to be.

And keep telling yourself Saints are under the cap, I just hope they know how to hide their books ;-)

And I've gotta laugh at the assumption that the Storm are my team :lol: Try again, sunshine! I'm just able to see the situation without bias, unlike dweebs like you who are still hurting over a grand final loss 12 years ago!

Jason Maher

You certainly stole all your insults from a Storm fan...

And you're being completely naive if you think the players and coaching staff were all completely in the dark...


Just brought tickets to Brisbane vs Melbourne next week and it's already sold more sections then this weeks game.


LeagueUnlimited News Editor
Staff member
Loving the QLD mentality of "giving us curry over crowds is a bit rich".

You're not immune to criticism - you've been shouting NSW down for years and now the teams up there aren't drawing what they used to - people will ask questions. The answer isn't "well NSW sucks more", it should be what your CEO's collectively up there supposedly wanted to meet about. I hope that meeting did/still will take place.


then Bronco fans outa look at themselves before complaining about anyone elses crowds in future
otherwise they sorta look like dribblers

Numerous broncos fans have been critical of Fridays crowd.

If you needed to have good crowds in order to express disappointment at others.. No one could say anything because the whole code is a little bit sad.


Stadium QLD is killing crowds here, the prices for food and drinks are rudiculas. People can't afford the crap there forced to pay and vote with there feet.


QLD mentality my ass Tim, I identify myself as a NQ'er before I do QLDer, I couldn't give a rats about the petty bullshit in here about NSW v QLD crowds, I don't think I have really ever weighed into that debate ( i guess a post search would answer that either way but I honestly don't remember ever banging on about that crap NRL wise, origin I may have dabbled in the 'mines better than yours' arts....)

Not trying to blow my own trumpet but I've pointed out why our crowds are down, f**k I even told everyone I reckoned the figures posted for the first few games was wrong and the reason why, only to be proven 100% correct. I am not the oracle of all things NQ but I'd like to think that living up here and having a passion (probably at times highly an unhealthy one)for my team I can give you guys that don't get to know our side of the story the real info and what actually is going on here.

If a raiders fan wants to have a shot at our crowds then I'm sorry, but everyday of the week I will call that person out.

On a side note, the 15k or whatever it was here at DFS was probably the loudest I have ever heard it for a regular season game, a roof on the joint (ala Skilled park) would do wonders for us, the crowd noise unfortunately dissipates deluxe into the night air when there is no roof on the stadium.
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OMG, the sun is shining down and blue sky as far as I can see from this vantage point (I have views of the city) so hopeful that it is indeed going to hold off raining today - great news!

BOM and some forrumers that posted it were correct, well done!

Jason Maher

Am I the only one who gets sick of the dick-measuring in this thread? I want to see all 16 teams getting decent crowds to their home games. Better for the atmosphere at the games, better for the viability of the clubs, and better for the game as a whole.


First Grade
Just brought tickets to Brisbane vs Melbourne next week and it's already sold more sections then this weeks game.

What was the Pax?

Bit confused why some broncos fans here say saturday night is their least favourite timeslot in brisbane. Surely people would head to the game in a central stadium then out on the piss? big attraction in my eyes


It's part of the contra from the last deal, free ads for the Swans on Ten and Seven.

a contra agreement means all parties to the agreement register a 'contra asset' & a 'contra liability'. That is, the AFL have also had to perform/allow advertising for the networks to the same value.

you lot need to get over this 'free' and 'favoured' BS. you lot think that businesses are doing shit for the AFL for nothing in return? it's the AFL's ability to negotiate (Demetriou offers a competitive advantage to them, Gallop doesnt to us) and not being hamstrung by it's structure and the self-serving interests at play in rugby league that have allowed them to get to the position they're in with crowds, rights deals, and financially overall. For them, all key stakeholders have been moving in the same direction. This is the basic requirement for any successful organisation.


Gold Coast - horrible financial position still due to the GFC (by far worse than anywhere else right now). The dollar is also killing small business and all froms of tourism.
Nth QLD - was hit by 2 cyclones and to a much lesser extent 2 earthquakes.
Brisbane - the inner city suburbs and CBD (most of where Broncos fans are drawn from) experienced the worst flooding to their homes/city in 35years...

These are surely contributing factors along with the consistant rain on game days (just like the ones affecting some crowds in Sydney)...

Honestly if NSW from Newcastle down to the Sydney CBD and to Wollongong was affected in the same way I am sure there would be a drop.

If all 3 teams keep up their winning ways and weather suffices there averages will be back to normal by midyear so we wil be sweet. :D


Just the two bob's worth of a Broncos member...

Numerous broncos fans have been critical of Fridays crowd.

I was a bit disappointed with the crowd on Friday night, but not terribly surprised. The weather was pretty ordinary (although cudos to Suncorp Stadium for opening level 7 on the eastern side for anyone who wanted to get out of the rain). And whether anyone likes it or not the TV ratings suggest that a LOT of people were interested in watching some wedding. (I thought it was amusing when the wedding was flashed up on the big screen at half time and roundly booed.)

Nonetheless, people here seem to be agitated when either (a) the Broncos don't get 52,500 for every match they play, or (b) they get below their 35,000 or so average from last seaosn/

To those in category (a), I suppose you are never going to be pleased. I would love to have a full house every week, but I don't think it is going to happen. Que sera sera.

As for category (b), and average is just that. By its very nature there are going to be crowds above and below it every season. Casting an eye over last season they have their share of mid-20s crowds, but also some solid 40+ crowds that keep the average ticking over nicely. So far this year we've seen one already and I expect that St George (in June) and the Titans (in July) will also top 40+.

What can Brisbane do to improve crowds? Well, the ground is sorted out, and every year since they have been back at Suncorp has seen a consistant improvement. Let's not forget that back at ANZ there were plenty of crowds in the low teens. Membership is also important. Although it isn't as high as it could be (those Sydney teams with around 20k members are doing a spectacular job IMHO) it was announced at the game on Friday that it is now at 15k. Membership, too, continues to show a steady year-on-year increase (in contrast to the Lions, across town, who have seen something like a 5k drop this year). Marketing? Plenty of ads in the paper, and a fairly solid public image. Doing alright here, too.

In short, this isn't an apologia for the Broncos crowd on Friday night if you were disappointed in it. But I do think it is worth noting that it isn't really an abnormal crowd and the everything does seem to be heading in the right direction up here.

Stadium QLD is killing crowds here, the prices for food and drinks are rudiculas. People can't afford the crap there forced to pay and vote with there feet.

The beer price at Suncorp has skyrocketed again this year. It is now $6.60 for a plastic cup of Gold. I don't even go near the food. Getting very close to the point where I won't have one at the game any more. Actually, if they top $7.00 next year, that will be it.

Gold Coast - horrible financial position still due to the GFC (by far worse than anywhere else right now). The dollar is also killing small business and all froms of tourism.
Nth QLD - was hit by 2 cyclones and to a much lesser extent 2 earthquakes.
Brisbane - the inner city suburbs and CBD (most of where Broncos fans are drawn from) experienced the worst flooding to their homes/city in 35years...

I don't know if the majority of the Broncos support comes from the inner suburbs. Anecdotally, it seems that no matter which form of public transport you take into the game (whether hopping on a train from the end of the line or getting on the bus at a transport hub like Carindale) that the majority come from far and wide. I don't have any meaningful stats to back that up however.

These are surely contributing factors along with the consistant rain on game days (just like the ones affecting some crowds in Sydney)...

The best thing teams can do against rain is sell memberships. Season tickets are a hedge against the weather, getting us out the door (and our money out of our wallets in advance) regardless of the weather. I know that without mine I probably would've stayed in on Friday.

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First Grade
Anecdotally, it seems that no matter which form of public transport you take into the game (whether hopping on a train from the end of the line or getting on the bus at a transport hub like Carindale) that the majority come from far and wide. I don't have any meaningful stats to back that up however.

Whenever I get on the train at Darra (10 stations away from Suncorp on the Ipswich line for those non-locals) the train is usually already 3/4 full...this is all the more impressive because when I go it is usually early enough to catch NYC. However I should also add that given most games are on Fri night which means that even inbound into the city at 5-6pm there would still be a fair few people on the trains anyway.

But yes using my very unscientific approach I would agree that Broncos crowds are drawn from a very large area - also helps that every game is free on public transport, really adds up if you are coming a fair distance.
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Perth Red

Post Whore
I suspect that not having fixed scheduling makes a difference to fans travelling as well. very difficult to plan to travel interstate when you dn;t know when the game is going to be.

This seasons crowds have been pretty underwhelming, especially as memberships are growing and we all hoped that mean alot less low crowds. Maybe we just have to accept that NRL isn't as popular as we all want it to be?


I suspect that not having fixed scheduling makes a difference to fans travelling as well. very difficult to plan to travel interstate when you dn;t know when the game is going to be.

This seasons crowds have been pretty underwhelming, especially as memberships are growing and we all hoped that mean alot less low crowds. Maybe we just have to accept that NRL isn't as popular as we all want it to be?

I'm going to Adelaide and was going to fly home the day Storm v Dogs is on down there.

I took a stab and pushed back my flight until the Sunday hoping it would be on Sat night. My little gamble has payed off.
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