Shame they can't play the dogs can't play Ina Sunday afternoon. Is it tv that dictates it has to be sat night?
Hopefully it will be against sth's for a bumper crowd
I know I'm going to sound like a broken record saying this, but I'll repeat myself again...
This is exactly what Brutus, myself and others have already mentioned regarding the compromise Ch9 got with the NRL in 2008, when they got Fri night/Sat night finals in weeks 2 and 3 in exchange for having the Grand Final moved from night to late afternoon/early evening. Now that they have got their beloved night Grand Final back, it is ONLY FAIR that the weeks 2 and 3 finals are moved back to the original Sat night/Sunday format like they were. I'm surprised this hasn't been picked up in the media and I got a "we'll look into it and see" pissweak response from the NRL when I emailed them on this issue.
Seriously, more fans really need to be pushing this issue to the ARLC and Ch9 should not be allowed to get away with the dictatorship they have been allowed to exert on those people who have made the game the success it now is post-SL war. It's easy to read history books and talk about what Hitler, Mussolini, General Franco etc. did to people and call that dictatorship when most RL fans have turned a blind eye to the shoddy treatment Ch9 have given RL since they acquired the rights 2 decades ago. And they really think that playing that "home of RL" tv ad ad nauseum is going to convince RL fans otherwise? Turn it up...
This is just one of two major issues I hope the ARLC rectifies next year. The second one, which I've also mentioned, is the "home finals" situation in the final series. How is it that Dairy Farmers Stadium (due to distance) and AAMI Park (with only 30000 capacity) are eligible to host a preliminary final, yet Newcastle and Canberra - both in regional areas and a fair distance from Sydney - are not allowed to? Completely inconsistency (like most things currently with the NRL) if you ask me. Now, I know ppl will say that I'm biased because I'm a Knights supporter. However, I also have 100% sympathy for Raiders supporters on this issue too if it arises that they finish in the top 2, win in week 1 to advance to week 3, and may potentially have to play their "home final" against the Bulldogs at ANZ Stadium or Sydney Roosters at Allianz Stadium? How is that fair? It is then a preliminary final, not a "home" preliminary final.