Compare to the A-League where crowds have dropped almost 43% since 2006.
If the NRL had the same drop since the record year of 2005 we would be averaging 9,461.
And you would believe from the media that rugby league is dying.
Long rant coming up here...
To put it more accurately, since the 2007/08 season. The 2007/08 season was when the crowds peaked, with the average crowd attendance during the regular season being 14608 (which was very good, given that the average crowds for the NRL in 2007 was 15750. However, A-League has less games during the season, as well as there being no more than one team in a town (until Melbourne Heart was admitted last season), hence no competition from other soccer clubs in each respective area). However, the average crowd last season (2010/11) was 8393.
Sydney FC, the richest club in the A-League, or the glamour club if you like to call it that (aka the Manchester Utd of the A-League), has had a whopping
53% decline in crowd attendances over this 3 year period. Melbourne Victory had the highest average attendance last season of 15234. However, this is still a massive
45% below their peak average of 27728 in 2006/07. In fact, they even got over 50000 for a game against Sydney FC during that season. Oh, how the mighty have fallen...
Shall we keeping going...
The CC Mariners could only muster a pathetic, paltry 7539 for their Preliminary Final/Grand Final Qualifier last season. 7539! And three seasons ago, they were regularly getting over 18000 a match during their golden run at the end of that season. When I was at that sell-out semi-final between the Mariners and Jets, it made me feel a case of "what could have been?" for rugby league on the Central Coast. Although league has lost a bit of ground since the failed Northern Eagles venture and the Mariners have the monopoly of being the only professional sporting team on the Central Coast, I'm 100% confident that if the CC Bears were to get an NRL side there, they'd completely obliterate the Mariners and put them into oblivion. The Mariners wouldn't be able to compete with the Bears, in terms of support and sponsorship.
And as pccp said, here are ppl crapping on about how rugby league is "dying":lol::lol: If anything, the A-League is in real dire straits. Although the Socceroos will always be the most supported team in Australia out of the three national football teams we have (Socceroos, Wallabies and Kangaroos. I could be a bit facetious and include AFL in this, since there was apparently an AFL World Cup here a couple of months ago or so:lol: I don't know what our national AFL/International Rules team is called), no amount of puff pieces by the likes of Craig Foster will ever be enough to convince me that soccer is strong at the domestic level in this country. I'm confident that by 2014/15, which is when the NRL is considering expansion, we will have more than enough talent to field an extra 2 teams. This isn't the case with the A-League, as has been seen over the last three seasons. The A-League's biggest downfall is that the it expanded too early when the talent within the domestic ranks clearly wasn't there, and as result, this diluted the quality of football/soccer within the competition, diluted the talent in the teams and it subsequently turned a lot of fans off.
Even with the star recruits of Kewell and Emerton (which, will benefit the Victory and Sydney FC in the short-term, but in the long-run will remain to be seen), clubs all around the comp have accumulated massive debts from large decreases in crowd attendances over the last three seasons, with the Knights and Fury folding and the Western Sydney side not even getting off the ground after all the talk that was going on for years. Besides Dwight Yorke in Season 1 of the A-League, pretty much all the other so-called "marquee" signings have been abject failures.
To put things in perspective, although some NRL teams at times do face crowd slumps due to performance related factors, could you imagine if teams like the Broncos or Knights (who rely very heavily on gate revenue from crowd attendances, especially the Knights since they have no leagues club) basically had their average attendances halved like some A-League teams have?