Souths would lose money if they weren't playing at ANZ. Their attendances this year were exceptionally poor.
This isn't about Souths. This is about the entire comp failing at making money from crowds.
It's not to do with crowds, it fees etc eg Lecihhardt can sell out and only just break even (maybe small profit)
Crowds not being as high as they need to be is part of the problem, not the entire problem, but part of the problem. That's why I said the entire business plan when it comes to marketing, hosting and profiting from crowds needs to be reviewed.
That covers everything including building an attendance culture that the EPL, NFL and AFL among others have built. Last time I checked the people of NSW and Queensland did not evolve down a different evolutional branch from our cousins in England, the US, Victoria, SA and WA. We have the same ability to get off our arses and get down to a game. That ability has to be maximised by the NRL.
As well as an attendance culture we need to look at making deals with stadiums and governments that benefit us more.
There is no simple solution, it has to be a boots and all approach taken by the people with power in this game. I'm not holding my breath under the current regime, but hopefully this can be one of the things the IC works on.
The potential of crowds to help fund Rugby League has been ignored for way too long. Every extra dollar we make (or not lose as the case may be) from crowds is a dollar we don't have to get from variables out of our control, like pokies and tv contracts.