Don't adopt the siege mentality. We're not allowed to, neither should you be. I'm not even attacking your club - I'm stating, with facts, that there is a very worrying problem out Cronulla way. It doesn't lie with Saturday's crowd, but an ongoing pattern which resulted in you being the lowest drawing Sydney team in 2008... a year you came THIRD.
I want a solution as much as you and I'm worried for Cronulla's sake it's not Toyota Park.
To tell you the truth, I think compratively speaking, Penrith's crowds are by far the worst. How can such a vast League-mad area with the BIGGEST junior league base in the world have such consistently sh!t crowds?
Apart from their golden year of 2003, their crowds have ALWAYS been diabolical. Penrith should be another Newcastle and consistenty drawing 20,000-plus. Penrith had the worst crowds in the League last year at 10,000-odd. Absolutely shameful.
With such a large junior league, surely with the sheer weight of numbers of personnell involved in running the junior league they can fill their stadium with just junior league players, officials, coaches and administrators and their families alone - and that's even without attracting the average footy fans that have no direct involvement in the game other than to follow their team.
I mean, why is it that these many junior league players, officials, coaches and administrators and their families that live out west and obviously have a passion for the game somehow inexplicably can't be bothered to move their ar$e to CUA Stadium and support their own NRL team?
You could forgive them for Saturday games as that is when junior league matches are played, but that doesn't explain the diabolical crowds they get on Friday night and Sundays.
Isn't it funny how we're picking on Penrith and Cronulla? Super League teams! Aaah, the vision!