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D day for Parramatta

Name three players Parramatta must keep if they are to make the playoffs.

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LeagueUnlimited News Editor
Staff member
Should be like a judiciary appeal, the penalty risk is greater on appeal.


Even in his written judgement and reasons Greenberg only ever refers to Seward as the whistleblower.


You realise that there is plenty of evidence of the club knowingly cheating and covering it up, after Seward was gone, right ?

Last Week

Yeah, I'm not sure if I agree with this.

I don't agree that previous years TPA's are being added onto this year's cap (thus pushing us over). I would prefer that our true spending under the cap be included for those years, and for fine to be reflected this year. Either monetary, points or both.

For Watmough and Foran's salary and TPA's, I don't think they should be counted from the time they retired and left respectively. If those payments are deemed guaranteed, fair enough, but the rules allow for players salary to be removed from the cap for exigent circumstances. Taking away the need for vengeance, the TPA's are added into the salary now and are being treated as salary. The NRL have made them legal by including them into the cap.

I'm also not convinced that the board are complete nupties to be arguing an unarguable point. They've fought this from the beginning. Why? Based on what? What evidence/argument do they have that makes them believe that they have grounds to fight this? You can say ego or foolishness all you want, but they've spent half a million on legal advice and are still going.

Nor do I like the black mail from the NRL by not letting Hayne return to us if we don't bring in their governance changes. I don't disagree with most of the recommendations, but black mailing the club into doing it is wrong and not what the commission was designed for.

In saying all that, we shouldn't be playing for points at all this year. The team is tainted. If they make any impact on the finals, the game will be in disrepute. The public and the media will not let it be legitimate.

It's just like Melbourne. So long as any member of the illegally assembled squad are together, they will be viewed as an illegally assembled team. Which hurts me so much as I've been waiting all my life to see my Eels win a Premiership and if they do in the next 5 years (conservative estimate. Probably will be more) it will be a tainted premiership.

It's a shame what we've turned into the last few years. I used to be able to be proud of our junior development and heavily home grown squad (something that rivals Manly couldn't compete with) , very low/minimum off field dramas (unlike our Bulldog rivals), and we weren't cheats (again unlike our Bulldog rivals and the Storm scum).

El Diablo

Post Whore
what are the NRL trying to hide? http://www.theaustralian.com.au/spo...s/news-story/a92139ce3051ea915114d65b420e2761

Parramatta prepare to appeal NRL’s salary cap sanctions
Parramatta directors last night voted to seek leave to appeal their sanctions from the NRL as details emerged of the club’s multiple attempts to secure access to interview transcripts from former Eels chief executive Scott Seward and ex-coach Ricky Stuart that formed part of the case against them.

The Weekend Australian understands the Eels board will press ahead with plans to maintain their vigil against the NRL, with the next step to seek leave to appeal the verdict through appeals tribunal chairman Ian Callinan QC. Last night’s decision will further antagonise the NRL and ensure the saga will continue for the foreseeable future.

The club has been locked in a spat with the game’s governing body for months, the relationship reaching its nadir last week when NRL chief executive Todd Greenberg confirmed the sanctions against the Eels — a fine of $1 million and 12 premiership points for salary cap rorts.

Parramatta’s legal representatives tried and failed on multiple occasions to gain access to interview transcripts from Seward and Stuart, only to be told by the NRL that the material was not required for the club to properly respond to allegations of massive salary cap rorts.

The Weekend Australian has obtained a series of letters exchanged between the respective legal teams of Parramatta and the NRL, which were included in the club’s response to the breach notice.

The Eels’ legal advisers, Carroll and O’Dea, sent a letter to the NRL on May 10 requesting all statements and interview transcripts from Stuart, Seward, former chief executive Ken Edwards and ex-chairman Roy Spagnolo, along with Newcastle businesswoman Tracey McKelligott, the club’s former recruitment manager Peter Nolan and ex-salary cap auditor Ian Schubert.

“After having reviewed the materials you provided us on 6 May last it appears there are a number of pertinent documents which we will require before our client can respond,” the Eels wrote.

“We consider that the requested documents are imperative to allow our client an opportunity to properly understand and respond to the breach notice by the NRL.

“Accordingly, we reserve our right to request further time to respond until we have read and considered the documents we have requested.”

A follow-up letter on May 16 again requested access to the transcripts of interview with Seward and Stuart — the NRL provided only a statement from Seward. It is understood Spagnolo and Edwards were never interviewed by the NRL.

The next day the NRL sent a letter via lawyer Tony O’Reilly which stated that the material the Eels had requested was not required to respond to the breach notice.

Again, the Eels’ lawyers sent a letter to the NRL on May 19 voicing their frustration at the NRL’s decision to withhold the transcripts.

“It remains our firm view that the modified list of documents we have requested remains of significance,” they wrote.

“You have not provided reasons why the transcript of interview/statement of Ricky Stuart or our request in relation to records of Scott Seward will not be provided.

“We remain of the view that these documents are critical to our ability to meaningfully respond to the breach notice. We once again re-state our request for this information.

“If you remain of the view that you are not willing to provide these documents, please provide us with your reasons.”

The board is in the throes of fending off challenges to their authority from three separate parties seeking to overthrow the directors at an extraordinary general meeting — the board opted to call an EGM on August 22, where they are expected to ask the members to vote for a full election on October 10.


Eels are a joke of a club now, any sympathy I started to have for them is quickly being erased.

Still can't accept they are cheats and want to blame everyone but themselves. Sound like all the criminals in gaol - "I am innocent your honour".

Get over it, accept your punishment and move on, or gtfo and start your own comp


So Parra isn't even allowed to see the transcript of interview from the chief witness against the club Scott Seward. This gets more suspicious by the day.
What is in the interview that the world is not allowed to see?
How close were Seward and Greenberg?
What did Seward and Greenberg talk about during their infamous "how you do it" TPA conversation?


The media will now be going ape-shit trying to get its hands on the Seward and Ricky Stuart records of interview.

Now that it is public knowledge that the NRL has refused to provide these statements to the Parramatta club it obviously needs to raise serious questions about what information is in the documents.

Its probably the case that Parra needs to take it all the way to the Supreme Court before we get to see these documents. Surely the right thing for the NRL to do if it wants Parra to just drop this is to release all of the information that has been requested right now.

Lets see where this goes.


First Grade
As s Parra fan , I would think makes sense to move on, as Toddy boy isn't going to have anyone question him .

But doesn't anyone think something is strange when the NR L won't provide the documents which they say is vital to proving their case. This doesn't reflect well on them, as any defendant needs to know what they are responding to.

That seems to be the elephant in the room, just provide the documents and if they are not hearsay ( or are they implicating other clubs or officials) , fair enough
It might be an enephant but isn't there a simple set of facts provided.

NRL alledge you did this and this and this and you also did these other stupid things

Now you had the right to respond to say, no that's not true. In fact we did this, this and this and those other stupid things was everyone else's fault.

You may have responded with the last part, but FFS it doesn't really matter who told them what, is what is claimed in the breach true or not?

Perth Red

Post Whore
I wonder if there is damning evidence on players in the transcripts and NRL doesn't want them Implicated? Parra arent saying they haven't done wrong, just that they want to see the evidence, lawyers will fight it on process rather than innocence.


So Parra isn't even allowed to see the transcript of interview from the chief witness against the club Scott Seward. This gets more suspicious by the day.
What is in the interview that the world is not allowed to see?
How close were Seward and Greenberg?
What did Seward and Greenberg talk about during their infamous "how you do it" TPA conversation?

You realise that there is plenty of evidence of the club knowingly cheating and covering it up, after Seward was gone, right ?


First Grade
I wonder if there is damning evidence on players in the transcripts and NRL doesn't want them Implicated? Parra arent saying they haven't done wrong, just that they want to see the evidence, lawyers will fight it on process rather than innocence.
Exactly ,they are guilty, that has been determined.the question is, why hasn't Greenberg released the transcripts.

I don't trust anyone that says ' I will front the players with the verdict" , then goes on the Hardley show 2 hours eArlier to promote himself , then toddles off to tell the team.

Most fans are very wary about his actions given the political nature of his appointment and club support base