Mr Parra Eels said:
Yep same here, id hate to play against him!
by the way Ratt are a mighty fine band! up there with the likes of Motley Crue, Guns N Roses and Quiet Riot
Ratt with Kiss, Van Halen & Gunners are my favourite all time a glam style gutarist you know the tapping, Sqiurreling, fast play etc
I grew up listening to this music due to my sister being one of the biggest rock promoters in Sydney at the time.....and i haven't turned away from it because i still love it!!, Gun's n' Roses was actually my first ever concert...80,000 at Eastern Creek....more like 100,000 though!!
I love Ratt...there guitarist Robin Crosby (big Blonde ) recentley died & Steve Pearchy Ratt is basically non existent these days...even though the remaining members are still's not the same...well atleast i can still listen to there old stuff!!
Also love Wasp, Motely Crue, Posion, LA Guns!!