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Diagnosing Red V Fever


First Grade
JB, you clearly state this:

That gave me the impression, as I think a few others did too, that you were challenging the facts. It is helpful for you to now clearly state you are not. Thank you.

On that basis, your disagreement with the article is fine and I think constructive criticism of any journalism is healthy and positive. On that note too, since you AGREE with all facts, I retract my thought of 'slander', as I misunderstood you to be questioning the facts without giving reason for why or which facts.

Lastly, no, I am not threatening me. I am slightly frustrated at your consistent 'play the man, not the ball' approach but that is for me to get used to.

My question to you, now, is since you AGREE with the facts, do you still support the boards performance and what is your reasoning on why we have reached this point of financial and supporter crisis for our club?

A factional board is the reason.
A board that is currently bent over by a large carrot on offer from WINCORP.
Almost 18 months we have been in limbo due to this private ownership model. Until this is implemented and the St George side of the JV are happy with any new ownership model, we shall remain in limbo.
It has impacted the ability for transparency due to negotiations and financials. It has impacted the much sought after 'Governance Reforms'. It has impacted coaching appointments. It has impacted almost every decision made to date....All to appease the Gordon's and Illawarra side of things.
Just so we are clear, I don't agree with all of 'the facts' as presented in the opinion piece article. This excludes your adventure.

Mr Red

First Grade
A factional board is the reason.
A board that is currently bent over by a large carrot on offer from WINCORP.
Almost 18 months we have been in limbo due to this private ownership model. Until this is implemented and the St George side of the JV are happy with any new ownership model, we shall remain in limbo.
It has impacted the ability for transparency due to negotiations and financials. It has impacted the much sought after 'Governance Reforms'. It has impacted coaching appointments. It has impacted almost every decision made to date....All to appease the Gordon's and Illawarra side of things.
Just so we are clear, I don't agree with all of 'the facts' as presented in the opinion piece article. This excludes your adventure.

Doust like performance at its best....
Answer the simple question asked... Do you support the boards performance ?


First Grade
I can't shake the feeling that the deal with WIN maybe a Faustian one in the end. It won't change or improve our ability to have any say in what happens, just mean it will be driven as a business with profit the only desired outcome.


Staff member
A factional board is the reason.
A board that is currently bent over by a large carrot on offer from WINCORP.
Almost 18 months we have been in limbo due to this private ownership model. Until this is implemented and the St George side of the JV are happy with any new ownership model, we shall remain in limbo.
It has impacted the ability for transparency due to negotiations and financials. It has impacted the much sought after 'Governance Reforms'. It has impacted coaching appointments. It has impacted almost every decision made to date....All to appease the Gordon's and Illawarra side of things.

Sure. But may I propose a few things that are still problematic:

* These issues have been going on longer than 18 months. How do you justify the decisions of the board and their success and governance model prior to Gordon? How do you justify their performance since the JV?
* Do you think it is correct the LC have significantly reduced their funding for their own private ventures external to the JV club?
* Do you think the lack of democratic process is acceptable?
* Do you think it is right that members have no say in the process of the clubs running?

Also, the 'appeasement' of Gordon; do you think this is a positive and constructive thing that should be allowed to continue? In line with this, the decisions being influenced by Gordon, WIN and Illawarra have caused enormous fan disengagement, paralysed and hampered our clubs future and prevented financial stability - is this acceptable? And if not, do you think it is right that the board will have no accountability placed on them for their mishandling of affairs?

I don't know your stance on this so genuine question - do you agree with Gordon buying the club or not?

Just so we are clear, I don't agree with all of 'the facts' as presented in the opinion piece article. This excludes your adventure.

Can you define what you mean by 'don't agree'; do you agree they are correctly representing the truth or are you saying they are false?

St Georgio

Hopefully these mother arkers will fall on there own swords, there growth of disdain towards the board is ever apparent, it is certainly interesting times for our team with so much uncertainty of its survival in its true form, we were the first to be forced to merge,our team will probably end up relocating to another country(the prostitutes of the NRL) like China..the St Shenzhen Dragons..the vision of John Ribot coming to fruition!


Staff member

Slander is making false or misleading statements. Whether you like it or not, by questioning the articles truthfulness without justifying it, he slanders the articles author.

I'm not suggesting he suffer repercussions for it at all, but I do think he needs to justify it if he does in fact believe facts are wrong.

I'll admit I'm notnsure what his position is as he appears (at least to me) to keep flip flopping. Hoping he can clear it up.


It has impacted the ability for transparency due to negotiations and financials. It has impacted the much sought after 'Governance Reforms'. It has impacted coaching appointments. It has impacted almost every decision made to date....All to appease the Gordon's and Illawarra side of things.
Dude, is that not Mary-esque blame shifting? If the board are jumping theough hoops in order to appease Gordon and the Illawarra, thats their doing! If they didnt need to sell off the club, they wouldn't need to appease Gordon. And theough it all, ita their responsibility to keep things running smoothly re: footy club. Its no excuse for decisions about the coach and ongoing poor transparency and financial management.

These men are meant to be professional business people, not school children. "They made me do it" is not an excuse, the accountability for their actions and decisions should be solely on them.


Staff member
Erm. There's a bit more to it than that.

Sure. And nobody else on this forum, or anywhere, questions the validity of an article?

From a criminal point of view, yes. But its still the case.

And I am absolutely the first to question and support questioning of an article. 100%.

But equally so, if you actually say 'elements of that article are not true', which is what I believe JB is saying, then you have to be able to back that up with more than a 'its false' statement.


First Grade
Doust like performance at its best....
Answer the simple question asked... Do you support the boards performance ?

Like I care what you think or I MUST answer you !.... Lol
Will you be following the 7th best second rower in the comp through the 4 Nations Tournament? Frizzell is his name - plays for The Dragons. Keep an eye on him :smile:


First Grade
From a criminal point of view, yes. But its still the case.

And I am absolutely the first to question and support questioning of an article. 100%.

But equally so, if you actually say 'elements of that article are not true', which is what I believe JB is saying, then you have to be able to back that up with more than a 'its false' statement.

Back up elements of the article that are not entirely correct? Or are missing parts of the equation as to why decisions were made would be more appropriate.
It is an 'opinion piece' with some factual information provided but is still missing components...let's leave it at that, hey?
You've seen the reaction from some already ! Ha...and you want me to provide my opinions and additional information? Not happening dude. I end up arguing with 20 different people :)


Great article, touches on the issues fans are upset about.
Hints at mismanagement as part of a predetermined outcome, the questionable influence of Gordon, the threat of relocation, the perceived unaccountability of the board, the doubt over whether the club is fulfilling its purpose.
In my opinion we need a media personality to take up our case, not just the odd article but someone willing to launch a full blown campaign, there's an expose type story here.
What we don't need is advice like there's more to it than you know so just suck it up, real fans shouldn't express their dissatisfaction, become a member and wait for three years (I think) to vote.
Also, the story about no money seems to be a myth and even worse with the asset rich balance sheet of the leagues club why haven't our board leveraged this (see sharks) to generate income instead of using loans from the NRL and Gordon?


Exactly what questionable influence has Gordon had.

Very bold statement with no real facts to back it up.

There is nothing bold about this statement, Bruce Gordon has had influence at the club and with the lack of transparency from the club that influence in my opinion should be questioned given the fact he is trying to privatise the club.

I couldn't say whether his influence has been advantageous or not because the facts I need are not made available and this is the reason I am not convinced that he is the answer for the clubs survival.


Ssshhh. The big people are talking about business things.

Just wondering if off topic posts, like this one above, and the one I am writing now can be moved to another thread. This discussion is too important to be highjacked by one person's ego. Mods there isa precidence in the main forums where threads are considered Troll free.

Fans have waited a long time to read the original post and respond to the points raised.

I predicted there will be legal action taken by the TAJ over Zac, (they have soft cocks and glass jaws)

And expect a PLD statement as soon as wednesday.


Exactly what questionable influence has Gordon had.

Very bold statement with no real facts to back it up.

well being on record as paying for the coach, Bennett and guaranteeing Bellamy should he have made the trip. That means influence in my book.

Makes sense to assume he is the one paying Mary and the (only?) one backing him to stay in that position.

The article should have also said WIN lost 30% revenue when they went from NINE to TEN affiliate. Thats not a one off but year on year, until ten beat nine in the ratings. Sometime next century. In the meantime digital advertisingis eating TV revenues lunch by 15% a year. WIN is sacking people, closing news rooms across the country, got staff on tenderhooks, being told what to do from the Bahamas. With the idiot son in charge.

Do the math.

If the Taj had not been run in to the ground by "a part time employee" who is paid 2.5 times approx more than the Prime Minister, STgeorge Leagues could have purchased WIN, not the other way around.
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