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Diagnosing Red V Fever

Father Ted

First Grade
Just wondering if off topic posts, like this one above, and the one I am writing now can be moved to another thread. This discussion is too important to be highjacked by one person's ego. Mods there isa precidence in the main forums where threads are considered Troll free.

Fans have waited a long time to read the original post and respond to the points raised.

I predicted there will be legal action taken by the TAJ over Zac, (they have soft cocks and glass jaws)

And expect a PLD statement as soon as wednesday.[/QUOTE

I can only say whoever Zac is he is pretty much dead on the money from what I can see. I was involved in most of those events and remember them pretty clearly. For that reason I'm happy I don't know which one of us Zac is but I admire his courage and honesty.

He could had said even more . He could have pointed out that after getting burned by the supporters about the attempted Easts sell off and sacking the CEO Geoff Carr to appease the masses we were promised there would never be another joint venture at the annual general meeting .

Books could be written about the mythical Concrete cancer it went on so long .Let me tell you they just don't like Kogarah , never have The right game right venue policy that seems almost designed to have most Kogarah games played at times not suitable to good crowds.

He could have asked after all the millions we were given by the NRL when we formed the JV ,Why are we cap in hand now? If the Red Vee fan figure's are that bad what about the even bigger number's of casual supporter's who have left?


Assistant Moderator
How do we come on board?
I didn't mean it like that. I was encouraging JBoy to "come into the light" or "join us on the dark side"... depending on his perspective.

From what I can gather you need to be a leagues club member for 3 years before you can become a football club member? Is it possible to join the leagues club if you reside interstate?

Any info you can offer would be much appreciated.

Yes, you can join the St George Leagues Club from interstate. See the 'Here's how you can help the club...' thread - it's a sticky thread near the top of this forum. And 3 years is not a long time.
Take up the 5 year FULL membership (the associate membership does not give you voting rights).

The Leagues Club is a major stakeholder in the Join Venture, so membership there is important.

The Football Club membership is entirely separate. You need 2 current members to nominate you. the application forms are at the Leagues Club. There are no such restrictions on joining the Leagues Club.

Can we identity 2 current football club members amongst us ?

I am going to join the Leagues Club next week.

Until we stack the numbers our teflon don board will continue to crap on its club supporters


How do we come on board?
Yes, you can join the St George Leagues Club from interstate. See the 'Here's how you can help the club...' thread - it's a sticky thread near the top of this forum. And 3 years is not a long time.
Take up the 5 year FULL membership (the associate membership does not give you voting rights).

The Leagues Club is a major stakeholder in the Join Venture, so membership there is important.

The Football Club membership is entirely separate. You need 2 current members to nominate you. the application forms are at the Leagues Club. There are no such restrictions on joining the Leagues Club.
Or you could start a petition. That might work.


I didn't mean it like that. I was encouraging JBoy to "come into the light" or "join us on the dark side"... depending on his perspective.

Yes, you can join the St George Leagues Club from interstate. See the 'Here's how you can help the club...' thread - it's a sticky thread near the top of this forum. And 3 years is not a long time.
Take up the 5 year FULL membership (the associate membership does not give you voting rights).

The Leagues Club is a major stakeholder in the Join Venture, so membership there is important.

The Football Club membership is entirely separate. You need 2 current members to nominate you. the application forms are at the Leagues Club. There are no such restrictions on joining the Leagues Club.

Thanks for the info, I'm going to look into it.


Assistant Moderator
Or you could start a petition. That might work.
Not a great believer in online petitions, the free sites that offer this are not secure enough and they are often advertiser driven. They only work if done on a secure website location, in conjunction with REAL street petitions and information nights etc. There's more work involved but IMO there has been some success with the face-to-face approach.

For example, out the front of Jubilee Oval actually talking to people in person. Getting people to sign petitions in this manner is harder work but achieves much much more. The club officials see you there, you're not some anonymous username on the internet.The feedback in 95% positive. I believe the last fan-driven campaign done like this did assist in getting the local derby back to Kogarah.
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Not a great believer in online petitions, the free sites that offer this are not secure enough and they are often advertiser driven. They only work if done on a secure website location, in conjunction with REAL street petitions and information nights etc. There's more work involved but IMO there has been some success with the face-to-face approach.

For example, out the front of Jubilee Oval actually talking to people in person. Getting people to sign petitions in this manner is harder work but achieves much much more. The club officials see you there, you're not some anonymous username on the internet.The feedback in 95% positive. I believe the last fan-driven campaign done like this did assist in getting the local derby back to Kogarah.

Willow it appears your sarcasm meter is busted.


Check out this article from 1995. You could just change the date and it would read as contemporary

Same arguments. Same agenda. Same shit blokes who are hell bent on ridding rugby league from the Leagues Clubs operation.


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It's now clear to me that the NRL is playing a signivicant part in the process of the demise of the Sydney arm of the Dragons. The desire to relocate the whole operation of the Dragons from Kogarah to Wollongong is the motivation.

Fans need to rise up and stop this process in an organised and forceful manner.


First Grade
It's now clear to me that the NRL is playing a signivicant part in the process of the demise of the Sydney arm of the Dragons. The desire to relocate the whole operation of the Dragons from Kogarah to Wollongong is the motivation.

Fans need to rise up and stop this process in an organised and forceful manner.
I would rather the move to Wollongong than to not have a team to follow.


Important read.
Indeed it is. Even for the casual fans who only care about the on field side of things. They should start to realise that on field and off field success are intangibly entwined. It highlights a club in a deadly spin that has no hope of turning around its fortunes with a management group that has remained in charge for far too long, and has entrenched itself through corruption and deceit.
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Just for shit's and giggles i sent an email to the nrl outlining some issues at the dragons and if they were aware and how they would address them.
It was like writing to a politician
Here is their reply

Hi John,

Thank you for your email.

In regards to the Dragons, It is important to note that the clubs are independent businesses subject to their own corporate governance and they are tied to the NRL via a participation agreement which in turn binds them to our rules.

The club itself is working hard to try and address any issues at board level and while we are happy to assist in that process, the club has the right to determine its own future. We do hope like you, that the Dragons are able to have a more successful season next year.

Kind regards,


I understood your joke. Just didn't think it was very good. I decided to give an opinion instead.
You didn't find that joke funny? You must have a heart of stone or ...

fwiw I agreed with your opinion.


Staff member
Just for shit's and giggles i sent an email to the nrl outlining some issues at the dragons and if they were aware and how they would address them.
It was like writing to a politician
Here is their reply

Hi John,

Thank you for your email.

In regards to the Dragons, It is important to note that the clubs are independent businesses subject to their own corporate governance and they are tied to the NRL via a participation agreement which in turn binds them to our rules.

The club itself is working hard to try and address any issues at board level and while we are happy to assist in that process, the club has the right to determine its own future. We do hope like you, that the Dragons are able to have a more successful season next year.

Kind regards,

Interesting response.

Old Timer

I have gone back and re-read the article as it does taking some getting your head around.

It is easy to take all of the information (and I do not use that word lightly) as being gospel and therefore react accordingly.

Some of it can be easily verified but the emotive part

"Police attempted a house visit to one club member, seeking arrest, but were unsuccessful in finding him and requested his attendance at Kogarah police station. After engaging a lawyer, the club member attended Kogarah police station to discover they intended to lay charges but were unable to articulate under what act they could do so since their allegations were proven untenable in relation to fraud."

paints the club in extremely poor light and is what really gets the blood boiling but to be perfectly fair this needs to be substantiated if the article is to be a fair platform to build upon.

Whilst I do not claim to be an expert in these matters it seems very strange behaviour and TBPH one I would have thought we need to be determined in a court of law. It seems bewildering that the police would act independently of the judicial system regarding a petition and this section of the article needs a lot more clarification as to the circumstances of the police involvement.

I have been a director of a club in a former life and witnessed many peculiar things in relation to the process of running elections especially "how to vote cards and running tickets" being distributed within the club and by staff who had vested interest and to be honest all this behaviour is in contravention of the AEC laws.

The salient point is that practice it is not unique to St George it is commonplace. That in itself doesn't make it right but never the less to paint it is the defining "evil and betrayal" is a bit far fetched as the practise is time immemorial.

It is moreover a sad indictment of people who lust for power, not just here but everywhere and the extraordinary lengths they will go to maintain it.

In this case we are more pissed off because the performance or the increased lack there of, of the football team is linked to it.

The hydra has many heads and you will never IMO win trying to cut all the heads off at the one time, but sadly you will never win by cutting them off one at a time either.

"Very complex it be" may the force be with us as without it the dark side seem to have the advantage.
I have gone back and re-read the article as it does taking some getting your head around.

It is easy to take all of the information (and I do not use that word lightly) as being gospel and therefore react accordingly.

Some of it can be easily verified but the emotive part

"Police attempted a house visit to one club member, seeking arrest, but were unsuccessful in finding him and requested his attendance at Kogarah police station. After engaging a lawyer, the club member attended Kogarah police station to discover they intended to lay charges but were unable to articulate under what act they could do so since their allegations were proven untenable in relation to fraud."

paints the club in extremely poor light and is what really gets the blood boiling but to be perfectly fair this needs to be substantiated if the article is to be a fair platform to build upon.

Whilst I do not claim to be an expert in these matters it seems very strange behaviour and TBPH one I would have thought we need to be determined in a court of law. It seems bewildering that the police would act independently of the judicial system regarding a petition and this section of the article needs a lot more clarification as to the circumstances of the police involvement.

I have been a director of a club in a former life and witnessed many peculiar things in relation to the process of running elections especially "how to vote cards and running tickets" being distributed within the club and by staff who had vested interest and to be honest all this behaviour is in contravention of the AEC laws.

The salient point is that practice it is not unique to St George it is commonplace. That in itself doesn't make it right but never the less to paint it is the defining "evil and betrayal" is a bit far fetched as the practise is time immemorial.

It is moreover a sad indictment of people who lust for power, not just here but everywhere and the extraordinary lengths they will go to maintain it.

In this case we are more pissed off because the performance or the increased lack there of, of the football team is linked to it.

The hydra has many heads and you will never IMO win trying to cut all the heads off at the one time, but sadly you will never win by cutting them off one at a time either.

"Very complex it be" may the force be with us as without it the dark side seem to have the advantage.

Old Timer I would prefer "return of the Jedi" in the form of a first rate coach