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Diagnosing Red V Fever

Mr Red

First Grade
Dude, is that not Mary-esque blame shifting? If the board are jumping theough hoops in order to appease Gordon and the Illawarra, thats their doing! If they didnt need to sell off the club, they wouldn't need to appease Gordon. And theough it all, ita their responsibility to keep things running smoothly re: footy club. Its no excuse for decisions about the coach and ongoing poor transparency and financial management.

These men are meant to be professional business people, not school children. "They made me do it" is not an excuse, the accountability for their actions and decisions should be solely on them.

Jboy is an expert at the Mary-esque or Doust-like comments... Bordering on ludicrous at times.


Assistant Moderator
I think 'Zack' is trying his best to already do that.
The timing if this rehashed news from a non- mainstream, 'news web page' is interesting too.
Anyway, I sure hope the poor fella is ok and doesn't hold an axe or two to grind.
We should be trying to work together to be part of the solution. Would you like to come on board?

I personally did not see too much 'rehashed news' - perhaps you have 'heard it all before'.

Also, I noticed that you missed a question I asked in the 2017 membership thread:

Genuine question: Why do you think we have become the poor cousins of the NRL?

It must have been a simple oversight on your part because I'm sure you wouldn't ignore an important and fundamental question like that.


This avalanche on JB is really low. And its not just a one off. Things are bad, some one offers a differing view, then its game on.

Doesnt take long for the gang attack on someone whom dares to differ. Agree or disagree, he is as passionate as we all are.

And we seek unity ? How about civility.

Go ahead, and unload. Permission granted.
Suggest as supporters we keep our gun powder dry.

The story is a rehash of "known" facts.

Reality is the only part of the story we can rely on is that the membership of the footy club requires you to be a member of the leagues club before applying for footy club membership.

We know absolutely nothing about the NRL's intentions or those of the WIN group.

We know that the JV management has failed to attract adequate sponsorship and tpas for the club to be competitive in the recruitment stakes.

We know that the last 2 coaches have been very poor.

The situation is capable of rectification. It will take time and effort.

Maintaining the top juniors and promoting them to FG on merit over signing second rate players from other clubs is a big start. It will save us money and allow junior combinations to provide cohesion in attack and defence.


Assistant Moderator
This avalanche on JB is really low. And its not just a one off. Things are bad, some one offers a differing view, then its game on.

Doesnt take long for the gang attack on someone whom dares to differ. Agree or disagree, he is as passionate as we all are.

And we seek unity ? How about civility.

Go ahead, and unload. Permission granted.
With respect, your post offers nothing to the actual debate at hand.

There has been no avalanche, and I thought Jubilee Boy was the one unloading - ie giving as good as he receives.

If you feel he needs you to stick up for him, then that's OK, but that's how factions get formed.

Please, let's stay on topic, and not find ways to create offence.and derail this thread.

Mr Red

First Grade
This avalanche on JB is really low. And its not just a one off.
Because he doesnt
follow your line of thinking ?

No, because he's the first to reply with cynicism when some one posts something he doesn't agree on, but then attempts to justify his position with some sort of vague dribble that makes peter Doust look like a Mensa graduate...

As you said yourself, it's not the first time he's been ganged up on... Perhaps its time he looked in the mirror..


With respect, your post offers nothing to the actual debate at hand.

There has been no avalanche, and I thought Jubilee Boy was the one unloading - ie giving as good as he receives.

If you feel he needs you to stick up for him, then that's OK, but that's how factions get formed.

Please, let's stay on topic, and not find ways to create offence.and derail this thread.

Not derailing at all.
Seems to me every time the guy voices an opinion , its dismissed as not in sync with many, and is demeaned.
I have the right to say that dont I ?
Happy to stay on subject, so along as he subject is not dismissive to those with opposite or differing views.


Assistant Moderator
Not derailing at all.
Seems to me every time the guy voices an opinion , its dismissed as not in sync with many, and is demeaned.
I have the right to say that dont I ?
Happy to stay on subject, so along as he subject is not dismissive to those with opposite or differing views.
Goodo, so we can get back the the topic at hand? Thanks in advance.


First Grade
To elaborate, can you please outline which parts of the article are wrong.
I don't think I did say parts were wrong.
What I did say was that this opinion piece did not present all of the facts regarding some of the issues mentioned. There is a difference


Assistant Moderator
I don't think I did say parts were wrong.
What I did say was that this opinion piece did not present all of the facts regarding some of the issues mentioned. There is a difference
Not the impression I got from your post. But OK... so which parts were not factual?

Or are you saying it was all correct?
I don't think I did say parts were wrong.
What I did say was that this opinion piece did not present all of the facts regarding some of the issues mentioned. There is a difference

In the interests of completeness then, please present the outstanding facts relating to some of those issues.

Straight Shooter


First Grade
In the interests of completeness then, please present the outstanding facts relating to some of those issues.

Straight Shooter

Interesting...I thought you already knew everything?
Perhaps you and any others wanting further clarification on those points, should make direct contact with the club for your answers.
Anything I write would only have you and your mates deride my post and information. Perhaps it's better you hear it first hand?
Good luck in your quest for whatever it is you seek.


Interesting...I thought you already knew everything?
Perhaps you and any others wanting further clarification on those points, should make direct contact with the club for your answers.
Anything I write would only have you and your mates deride my post and information. Perhaps it's better you hear it first hand?
Good luck in your quest for whatever it is you seek.

So you know but wont say, instead you want people to accept everythings ok on your/the clubs say so. If there are no issues attached to any of this why are the people in the know fighting so hard not to provide any clarification? If its all innocent then surely explain things and clear it all up.

Weipa Dragon

Interesting...I thought you already knew everything?
Perhaps you and any others wanting further clarification on those points, should make direct contact with the club for your answers.
Anything I write would only have you and your mates deride my post and information. Perhaps it's better you hear it first hand?
Good luck in your quest for whatever it is you seek.
You seem to have a good insight into the turmoil the club has gone through due to a number of reasons. Do you think, we can pull through? Do we have hope with the impending takeover in your mind or will we simply self-destruct? What are your thoughts? Cheers

Mr Red

First Grade
Interesting...I thought you already knew everything?
Perhaps you and any others wanting further clarification on those points, should make direct contact with the club for your answers.
Anything I write would only have you and your mates deride my post and information. Perhaps it's better you hear it first hand?
Good luck in your quest for whatever it is you seek.

You call out an article accusing the writer of missing key facts, rehashing material that's not entirely factual, basically trying to give people the perception that you have more detailed information to add to the story, yet when several people ask you to genuinely clarify your stance on the matter so they can understand your perspective, you go into some sort of cryptic dribble...and avoid the question at all costs.
Easy to see why you're the forum pin up boy ....lol.....


Would you like to come on board?

How do we come on board? From what I can gather you need to be a leagues club member for 3 years before you can become a football club member? Is it possible to join the leagues club if you reside interstate?

Any info you can offer would be much appreciated.
