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Discribe YOUR Grand Final Day


Saturday 9:30pm - Go to bed early so I can wake up early tommorrow to go to Blacktown.

Sunday 6:30 am - Have breakfast of bread cheese coffee. Nothing too heavy for the lunch at ANZ.

9:30 am - Drive off to Blacktown for parking.

10:30 am - Catch train to ANZ stadium. Check out the stadium and make fun of the Manly Crybabies.

12:00pm - Have lunch. Thinking steak and my first cold beer of the day.

1:00pm - Find my seat

1:30pm - Watch the undercard for the RL GF. Maybe even put in a few dollars on the NZ teams to make up for lunch.

4:30pm - Oogle at Kelly Clarkson.

5:10pm - Boo Manly and maybe even join the kiwis for the haka even though I'm not an islander. Have a couple more cold beers.

6:45pm - Get nervous as Manly leads by 5 points and Warriors are on their 10 metre line.

7:00pm - Make crying hand gestures at Manly fans as NZ Warriors come from behind due to a Kevin Locke 90m try under the posts. Their goal kicker easily converts.

7:20pm - Catch the train to Blacktown and go to Panthers to party.

12:00am - Get to bed and watch all the tears flow from Manly fans during the Monday morning news next day which is a Labour Day Public Holiday. :D
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Grand Final Day 2011

11:00am - wake up. masturbate fervently.
11:02am - cigarette + red bull (breakfast).
11:07am - stumble inside, flick TV on... shit... missed a bit of the footy show.
12:05am - better make a move... amble on over to mates BBQ.
12:18pm - NSW Cup final. time to crack into the bourban. Go Vulcans!
12:32pm - mates are playing pool n shit... i appear to be the only one interested in all grades. f**k 'em.
12:42pm - half-time? pool time!
12:52pm - f**k i'm bad at pool... back to the game.
02:30pm - bourban supply depleting rapidly... surely i'm not drinking that much...
02:45pm - bourban thief identified, remuneration in the form of more alcohol agreed upon.
03:05pm - f**k, there's 3 games today isn't there??! warriors up by 80 or so. interest wanes rapidly.
03:34pm - lose at pool without sinking a ball. nude run... again...
04:00pm - wtf? the news? oh right, footy. yeah.
04:30pm - can't feel my hands. is my face on right?
05:00pm - laugh at haka, but with total drunken admiration.
05:45pm - faceplant into garden


06:13am - is that... light... sound... ouch... f**k... am i wet?
06:14am - try to get inside mates house. locked. merkin.
06:17am - laze around on mates shed couch. my kingdom for a berocca...
07:06am - discover result of footy on morning TV.


God-King Dean

I'll have made preparations during the week for my private island to be fully stocked with alcohol, food, large television screens and dangerously overpopulated with bikini-clad bitches from those hip hop videos.

On Grand Final eve I shall dine on lobster steaks washed down with the finest Champange beer, poured down the arse crack of a Jessica Alba lookalike and into my frosty solid gold sippin' mug.

I shall order the servants to clear the table of dishes, food and bitches and demand to be carried to my largest bathroom in order to be scrubbed clean by various mostly naked models and then patted dry with towels made of finest Egyptian cotton. I shall wipe the remaining water and sweat from my arse crack with a Manly flag.

Striding manfully through my mansion, I shall throw open the double doors of my gigantic bedroom and plunge headfirst into the frenzied throng of tasty ho's on my large, circular bed. I shall outlast them all, these pretty playthings, and I shall sleep atop a pile of satisfied female flesh.

Kicking willing, beautiful s**ts out of my way I shall descend into my viewing chamber. This room will be my home for the next several hours. From my vast hot tub I will tilt my head ever so slightly back in order to allow sexy women to place tasty morsels and cold mouthfuls of the world's rarest and finest tipples onto my skilled tongue. Hovering overhead on silent jets will be the largest television screen in the universe.

I shall order silence for the 100 or so minutes it takes for the Broncos to beat the Warriors in this Grandest of Finals. I will rejoin you all after the reality of yet another Broncos Grand Final victory has well and truly been celebrated.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


haha f**k, i put that post into the tl;dr basket... but well played gUt. that was a fantastic read, LOL.

God-King Dean

Grand Final Day 2011

11:00am - wake up. masturbate fervently.
11:02am - cigarette + red bull (breakfast).
11:07am - stumble inside, flick TV on... shit... missed a bit of the footy show.
12:05am - better make a move... amble on over to mates BBQ.
12:18pm - NSW Cup final. time to crack into the bourban. Go Vulcans!
12:32pm - mates are playing pool n shit... i appear to be the only one interested in all grades. f**k 'em.
12:42pm - half-time? pool time!
12:52pm - f**k i'm bad at pool... back to the game.
02:30pm - bourban supply depleting rapidly... surely i'm not drinking that much...
02:45pm - bourban thief identified, remuneration in the form of more alcohol agreed upon.
03:05pm - f**k, there's 3 games today isn't there??! warriors up by 80 or so. interest wanes rapidly.
03:34pm - lose at pool without sinking a ball. nude run... again...
04:00pm - wtf? the news? oh right, footy. yeah.
04:30pm - can't feel my hands. is my face on right?
05:00pm - laugh at haka, but with total drunken admiration.
05:45pm - faceplant into garden


06:13am - is that... light... sound... ouch... f**k... am i wet?
06:14am - try to get inside mates house. locked. merkin.
06:17am - laze around on mates shed couch. my kingdom for a berocca...
07:06am - discover result of footy on morning TV.


This is disturbingly close to what I will do.


Discribe? Oh well, I guess that if you're ever going to scramble your vowels, this is it. Seems like everyone is from Nu Zilund this week.


ps f**k you public holiday-having merkins in NSW

It should be on a Saturday with the Grand Final kick-off at 3 p.m. so people can still go out after the game and celebrate with others in the pubs/clubs.

Thats why I stay home theres day because after the games finished,everyone f**ks off after about 1/2 hour (well,around here they do) and its an anti-climax with no fans around.

Bring back saturday G.F.'s!!

Cowboys woo

Mine Is going to be rubbish

5am - wake up
5:30am - eat brekky etc etc
5:45am - help set up garage sale with aunty and mother
8:00am - Start garage sale
2pm - finish garage sale.
2:01pm - realize I missed most of the cowboys under 20's and NSW Cup game
2:30pm - finish packing up the garage sale
4:00pm - watch grand final
7:00pm - have dinner
10:00pm - go to bed



3:30 am Wake up and curse money spent on ticket, flights and digs.
3:45 am shit, shower, shampoo
4:00 am Leave for Airport
6:00 am flight to Sydney
8:30 am arrive in Sydney
laugh at anyone I see in 50uff$ gear
hate on Harrigant and his pink gimps

5:00am shit, shave, shower, shampoo
5:30am wander towards airport
6:30am fly home
7:00am Drive from airport to work
8:30am Arrive at work and start counting the days until the first game for 2012.
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First Grade

Then crawl from The Brewery to the ground.


7am - get up - wander around aimlessly wondering what im going to do for 3 hours before the footy show starts.
7:30 - killing time go get a cheese and bacon rolls for breakfast and get the paper.
8:30 - really bored now have worse ADHD than willie mason, cant wait to start the pub crawl.
9:30 - first mates show up for our big day out (tradition since we have all had a missus)
10 am - watch some of the footy show now more excited about out pub crawl we ditch the footy show and get on the bus headed for the city.
11 - crack first beer in some dive of a pub. During the breaks of the footy show and the roast move on to another pub.
12:00 - settle in to a pub for the first half of NSW cup. Move on at half time to new pub.
2 pm - new pub for each half of Toyota cup heading closer to the destination.
4 pm - pretty blind by now moved onto Vodka's as beers, chips and oporto has me bloated as. Start heading to the casino as it is always the only place that will let 10 drunks in with some atmosphere.
4:30 - put 100 bets on game to make up for the money i lost on the previous games. Complain that Kelly Clarkson is american and they should have had Barnesy.
5:00 - make an ass of myself during the crowd haka, almost get kicked out. Vodka red bulls now.
5:40 - manly winning 20 - 4. still convinced warriors can win, while I need to watch the game with one eye closed so i can focus.
6:30 - games ends and move away from the big kiwi guys in the corner because they look angry.
6:40 - 10 pm - lose/win a lot of money in casino.
10pm till home - dance the night away at Scruffy Murphys trying to find an irish lass to take me home.
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Who the f**k gets married on GF day?

Some couple with no interest in footy who want to annoy the shit out of you.

Feel sorry for the poor bastard.
My family and friends know the rules. Don't contact me during Grand Final Weekend unless somebody's kicked it. It's as my step father calls it my day of religious observance

Wake up round 7am and stay in bed ‘til 9 with the radio on 2KY listening to Fatso Zorba creaming himself over Manly knowing that come 7pm that night he’ll be crying in his beer.

9am the full cooked breaky

10am The Sunday Roast

11am The Sunday Footy Show

12pm NSW Cup Grand Final

1:50pm off to a mate’s place and get there in time for the Toyota Cup Grand Final

5pm Grand Final

7pm Know they’ll be turning cars over in Queen Street

I’m still trying to figure out where to insert “Order The Pizzas”
The night before,stack the fridge full of pi$$

9 a.m. Cooking a big English breakfast and pre-pare for the days various snacking such as Kettle fried chips,dips,etc.

10 a.m. Start the drinking with Channel Nine's The Sunday Roast (or do the racing pre-view on Sky-Racing Channel).

11 a.m. The Sunday Footy Show.

12 Noon N.S.W. Cup: Vulcans V Dogs.

2 p.m. Under 20's Cup: Warriors V Cowboys.

4 p.m. Tune in to radio ABC up till kick-off.(or better still listen to ABC all day with the volume of the T.V. down...by this time you'll be sick of the ads by then) And a bit of dinner (if I can fit it in):lol:

5 p.m. *Warriors V Manly 2011 Grand Final*

7 p.m. Grand Final Replay on FoxSports 2.

9 p.m. Under 20's Grand Final Replay FoxSports 2.

(Between 9 p.m. and 2 a.m. Fall asleep.)
hektik gunna wake up like usual at 10am. gunna play ps3 for 1 hour den girlfriends parents gunna make us breakfast, den watch da footy show coz its good, den watch the warriors 3 gamez with my cuzzins, my bruthas and my boyz too, den when warriors win every game we gunna go kings crosss to celebrate and party all night (be there, da cross is gunna go off sunday night,partytime)den im gunna go home, lots of sex with my girlfriend (we allowed to sleep together at her parents house) den i m gunna sleep, den wake up again, den play some ps3
9am: Flying from Melbourne to Sydney
11:30am: Get to our hotel.
12pm: Straight to the ground.
1pm: first beer.
1:10pm second beer...
5pm: Ready to roll - go Warriors !!
8pm: Ready for a few celebratory beers.


Back to Melbourne in the arvo with a massive hangover..