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DT: Tim Smith leaves dark place for comeback


I would have him back,on the cheap at first to see if he can cut it again.If he did can you imagine him playing with the team we have next year.He would carve it up IMO


The origin halves in Thurston, Kimmorley and Lockyer (Origin and Australian halves) were all amongst the leaders when it came to missed tackles. I don't think Soward is famous for his defence either. Just a thought.

His defence is not as bad as it has been made out, he is actually one of the better defending halfback when you think of guys like Thurston, Kimmorley and Prince. Outside of Wallace, Mullen and Robson I think he would be the next best in defence tbh.

Casper The Ghost

First Grade
It's great to read that Tim sounds like he is facing up to the reality of his bi-polar, and that it is something that will be with him for life, and not something that can be run away from again, and again.

Time will tell whether he has turned the corner, and learned how to manage his condition, and behave appropriately for an NRL level player.

I wish him well, and hope that he can gain a roster place somewhere on minimum NRL pay of $55K. Hopefully it won't be with us, because the expectation will be massive and something that - as we have already seen - isn't in Tim's best interests.

The medical system/experts who say that Bi-Polar will not go away are talking rubbish. What they should be saying is that Bi Polar will not go away while Tim Smith continues to eat food and drink full of synthetic chemicals that rot the brain. Many men and women have successfully regained full health after switching to living raw food and minimising chemicals in other areas of their lives. The effect of toxins such as aspartame on the brain is enormous - many men and women diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis have found their symptoms fading away after only a couple of days off the diet soft drinks, sugar free gum, sweeteners etc.


Aspartame, MSG and a host of other nasties lurk in thousands of products, even so-called "healthy" ones, with those claiming to be "MSG free" using MPG - mono sodium potassium glutamate - which is even worse instead!

Sorry folks, the only way to go is with fresh, unprocessed living food (preferably freshly picked and eaten shortly thereafter from ones own food forest/organic garden) and if Tim Smith went down this road he would find his condition, if not totally gone, infinitely lighter and easier to handle. He would also be a better athlete because those athletes who change to living food find their strength and stamina increase immensely.


It almost (but not quite) goes without saying that those of you who are parents do your kids a favour when you limit (and I mean limit) soft drink, lollies, Maccas and other junk food. Give their brains a chance. Autistic children show dramatic improvements when their usually chronic gut issues are addressed and they are fed fresh foods. And of course, fresh food is "fresh" when it hasn't travelled miles and miles in trucks and even aeroplanes. Eat seasonal produce, shop at Farmers markets etc.


And I'm sure all those sportsmen and women amongst you will be interested to know that greens contain more soluble (easily digestible) protein than meat or dairy, which is actually a very poor source of calcium because the calcium it contains is very hard for our bodies to absorb. Why do the countries with the highest consumption of dairy have the highest rates of osteoporosis?

What you eat is what you are. When anyone feeds their dog junk so the dog becomes obese and sick, we are appalled, but we consider it "cruel" to "deprive" our children of their favourite poisons. Bizarre.


Some links to research done in these areas are....

MSG: http://nospam06.com.au/node/97
ASPARTAME: http://nospam06.com.au/node/95
HOMOGENISED MILK: http://nospam06.com.au/node/6783
FLUORIDE: http://nospam06.com.au/node/88
LIVING FOOD: http://nospam06.com.au/node/5068
HEALTH TOPICS: http://nospam06.com.au/node/511
VACCINATION: http://nospam06.com.au/node/106


Boooooooooooooooooo Casper

Casper The Ghost

First Grade
It's great to read that Tim sounds like he is facing up to the reality of his bi-polar, and that it is something that will be with him for life, and not something that can be run away from again, and again.

ASPARTAME (its in hundreds/thousands of products)








Boooooooooooooooo Casper

Casper The Ghost

First Grade
I personally wouldn't call the Black Dog, "Scary" as such, dangerous, destructive, debilitating, yes. If you were to walk around constantly scared of being depressed that would be a self fulfilling situation.

I don't know if I have heard of Hypnotism being used in cases of Depression. I am receiving CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Treatments) for it and an Eating disorder, but I know if my depression gets worse I am going to be refereed to a Psychiatrist for drug therapies instead of the Psychologist I am seeing now.

Its a known fact, one that is avoided as much as possible by the powers that be, that anyone who has depression can get rid of it 100% if they gave up eating and drinking processed (cooked/manipulated, altered, chemicalised etc) food and water.

Look at MAN as part of Nature, when he/she eats freshly picked organic living food (particularly food they have grown themselves) and drinks fresh clean water, he/she blossoms and radiates like the sun but when he/she eats food after removing the life (the consciousness) out of the food by cooking it etc, the food has now become dead-food (its now unconscious) and he/she becomes sick and unhealthy.

We accept sickness as "normal" but our sicknesses are just symptoms of the dis-ease our bodies experience as a result of all the crap we fill them with. Look at animals in the wild: they remain sickness free until the very end of their lives when they deteriorate rapidly over a few weeks and go off to die quietly. What a contrast with the animals in our care that are fed the processed crap marketed as "specially formulated", etc; they experience all the same sicknesses as us.

My dog experienced skin problems for years until I switched him to a raw diet. Gone overnight, as were fleas. Same with the cat.

Life (consciousness) begets life (consciousness)

Boooooooooooooo Casper


Its a known fact, one that is avoided as much as possible by the powers that be, that anyone who has depression can get rid of it 100% if they gave up eating and drinking processed (cooked/manipulated, altered, chemicalised etc) food and water.

Look at MAN as part of Nature, when he/she eats freshly picked organic living food (particularly food they have grown themselves) and drinks fresh clean water, he/she blossoms and radiates like the sun but when he/she eats food after removing the life (the consciousness) out of the food by cooking it etc, the food has now become dead-food (its now unconscious) and he/she becomes sick and unhealthy.

We accept sickness as "normal" but our sicknesses are just symptoms of the dis-ease our bodies experience as a result of all the crap we fill them with. Look at animals in the wild: they remain sickness free until the very end of their lives when they deteriorate rapidly over a few weeks and go off to die quietly. What a contrast with the animals in our care that are fed the processed crap marketed as "specially formulated", etc; they experience all the same sicknesses as us.

My dog experienced skin problems for years until I switched him to a raw diet. Gone overnight, as were fleas. Same with the cat.

Life (consciousness) begets life (consciousness)

Boooooooooooooo Casper

The fleas and the cat disapperared over night when you changed the dogs diet!!

Might try that with my dog, wouldn't mind losing the girlfriend's cat!!

fish eel

I dont think we need a half that does what Tim can do in anycase.

With Hayne popping up the line so often, Mateo slowly coming back, Mortimer getting better and better, throwing a half like Smith in the mix may just give you a case of too many cooks?


I'm just saying Daniel excites me more as a footballer now, than Tim Smith did even back then.

And I think his potential is even better.


On the eve of Parramatta's biggest game of the year, their former playmaker Tim Smith has returned home - and he's hopeful of an NRL comeback with the Eels.
Nothing quoted in the article implies that Tim is even looking at the Eels... and Osborne has categorically denied that Tim is a prospect for 2010.

It's all just paper talk.


that is not any inside knowledge but more a guess....
Pearce isnt looking to good and with Brian there it could be an option.

Pearce is playing behind a pack of turnips ...put him behind a decent foward pack and he'd go gangbusters .....doubt the Roosters would turf him for Smith .


Staff member
I think when Tim was playing well, the sides attack was centred around him, so kicking game and passing game were his forte.

Now we dont have such a thing (attack coming from one bloke), we have 5-6 blokes that can genuinely pop a pass, our support play is uncanny. Hayne can roam were ever he likes etc...

Tims Long cut out passes were terrific in his hey day, and this might be one thing he can give us, but its not enough to slot back into our side. Robson/Mortimers defence hasbeen A1. Plus they are pivital in directing the side around. Keep in mind we have a kid called kris keating who has a damm bright future in the halves as well

I feel for Tim with his Bi Polar, but do we hire the bloke because we have sympathy for his condition or for whats best for the side? Personally the way our attack is structured now I dont believe Tim will give us anything offensively. Defensively we will lose a lot

1 Eyed TEZZA

I would like to see him play for a team outside of the Sydney fishbowl. I would like to think that he could get back to where he was, and I can't really see that if he were hounded wherever he went. Maybe Storm or Warriors could be a good place for him.

With the amount if Tim Smith love on here, some people here would want us to move to Adelaide to accomodate him.

Look, I love the kid, but if we offer him a contract over Robson, we need to have a good hard look at ourselves.

And if he does comeback, if he gets a look in before KK or Morts, then there is even more problems.

He seems to have his head on straight, which is first and foremost. And if DA can get Lowrie and Robson playing the way they are, im sure he can get Timmy to defend and make more stable decisions in attack.

In DA we trust.
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Post Whore
Wow, after reading all this, I would have no idea how scary this black dog is.

It's terrifying for those of us with behavioural disorders like bi-polar. Mine is anxiety rather than bi-polar, so my "black dog" (excellent choice of wording by the journo, that) is fear, and panic, and constant anxiety. It's very similar to bi-polar, just the highs are period of relief from the anxiety, and the lows are either gut wrenching anxiety/fear or full blown panic attacks that can last for hours. Even medication really only takes the edge off, so to speak...it flattens the waves. Highs aren't as high and lows aren't as low, essentially. That's why I have such a low opinion of people, here and elsewhere, who pass the condition off as nothing. The "Tim Smith is a dickhead" crowd are a handy example of the type. I've been told I'm too, I dunno, scornful I guess but I couldn't care less because those people don't have to go through this every single day, and they clearly can't and won't understand that some of us actually do.

Anyway, it's excellent to see Tim in a good place, and wanting to work hard and get back to what he loves doing. I for one hope it's with us, even if he never plays first grade...

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