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It may be meaningless but it gives us something to talk about. As soon as the games start we can talk about the great games we are winning.By then we will have learnt the make up of the side

Dave Q

PK, the Titans love me, some of the mods send me kind pm's and invite me to post. The last one I got was a few days ago.

What you cant seem to handle is differences of views and you jump to conclusions, you dont like being shown up, you get all upset and then have to write a thesis using dodgy and unsound abusive and silly statements to support your indefensible position.

If I had time to go through your points today, I would but its Sunday and I'm at work.

I am sure that underneath your vapid posts you are probably a very nice person, just a little misguided and defensive. That is a natural response.

If you are a fan of Craig Trindall's, it is incumbent upon you to offer him the support and best wishes for the season.

He's a player we want eveyone to have an awareness of and to track his progress this season.

Gower will escape his past while Craig Trindall already has.

And I still dont think you quite know what a troll is.

If I wanted to get under the Panthers noses I would post things from club people that are not very nice. But I choose not to. I like them.


First Grade
Dave Q said:
PK, the Titans love me, some of the mods send me kind pm's and invite me to post. The last one I got was a few days ago.
Dave it's a forum, not a family dinner.

Dave Q said:
What you cant seem to handle is differences of views and you jump to conclusions, you dont like being shown up, you get all upset and then have to write a thesis using dodgy and unsound abusive and silly statements to support your indefensible position.
LOL and a typical soft answer again from you Dave. See below for examples that describes yourself of handling differences of views, silly statements, getting upset and trying to support your indefensible position.

Dave Q said:
If I had time to go through your points today, I would but its Sunday and I'm at work.
LOL again! You only go through points where you try and offload, the last post of yours is a perfect example of one.

Dave Q said:
I am sure that underneath your vapid posts you are probably a very nice person, just a little misguided and defensive. That is a natural response.

No offload Dave, it shoots right back at you with you as being the boring and repititive one here with your "vapid" agenda pushing. Apparently I'm not the only one who thinks so either.

Dave Q said:
If you are a fan of Craig Trindall's, it is incumbent upon you to offer him the support and best wishes for the season.

You really need help. You are one crazy nut job. Just because I won't jump on your agenda barrow and help you push it by accusing my club's coaching staff that they are treacherous, isnt actually called full support Dave and isn't obligatory. :crazy:

Dave Q said:
He's a player we want eveyone to have an awareness of and to track his progress this season.
In your crazy nut job of a mind, since you are a huge fan of Trindalls then it is "incumbent upon you" to be at every game he plays with full reports to be on the main page of League Unlimited every week. A Dave Q philosophy would expect no less. :lol:

Dave Q said:
Gower will escape his past while Craig Trindall already has.

Just like Jason Taylor, hey?

Dave Q said:
And I still dont think you quite know what a troll is.

In Internet terminology, a troll is a person who enters an established community such as an online discussion forum and intentionally tries to cause disruption, often in the form of posting messages that are inflammatory, insulting, or off-topic, with the intent of provoking a reaction from others.

All of which has been done in this very topic... oh dave, you big ole Troll! :lol:

Dave Q said:
If I wanted to get under the Panthers noses I would post things from club people that are not very nice. But I choose not to. I like them.

Only trolls would post a threat like that. :roll:


Didn't think it would take to long for this to end up in the dump yard.
For the record DaveQ I'm with Lainey on this one. Craig Trindall while a great park footballer hasn't set the world on fire in the higher grades.
As for your comment about the current Penrith management and there grand plan of pushing juniors it has been well documented that they went all out for Jamie Lyon and when they missed out on Mr Lyon there was no one that would improve the team left on the market. They opted instead to invest in juniors this year and see who's available next year that might enhance the team. I as a Panther fan since 1967 have no problem with this at all. If your going to take a swipe at anybodies management try the Souths management. Didn't Peter Holmes A Court guarantee Shaun McRea WOULD NOT be sacked. He would see out his contract as 1st grade coach of Souths?

The Rhino

Just one thing DAVE Q, you brought about management doing the Kokoda trail last year? Question for you, WHO WAS IT and at the time of doing, WHAT WAS HIS JOB POSITION?

HINT FOR YOU: It was not MICK LEARY and it was not the club's GENERAL MANAGER (for us, the person who helps the coach sign players). It was the Panthers GROUP CEO (ie the CEO of the entire PANTHERS group of clubs, who took over from Roger Cowan) so please do as others have asked and feck off. I used to enjoy reading some of your comments but the last few months, you have dribbled enough sh*t that people from England can smell it and it can be seen from Mars (and that's from reading other sites as well as this one).
All you are now doing is :blahb: :BDH:(flogging a dead horse) and :^o(porkies - as far as I am concerned) along with :?: (confusing)

As for RICHO, anyone read on the weekend that he married HIS MISTRESS Kate (the 2nd person behind Richo's first marriage breakup)? AND THAT HIS JOB IS ON SHAKY GROUND AT SOUTHS? Couldn't deliver a premiership to Cronulla, was at Penrith when they won a premiership before pissing off and leaving Penrith in Salary cap dramas due to deals HE had made and is yet to make a dent at Souths. What have they done while he has been there??? Nothing, so I suggest when taking shots at Penrith management, you look at yours. They will continue to pay overs for players just to go there. There will be salary cap dramas at Souths in the next few years. And that's just sad!!!

Also DAVE Q, Richo didn't deliver anything to Penrith, The players, with the exception of Preston Campbell were already at the club or coming to the club BEFORE RICHO WAS APPOINTED. And if I remember correctly, John Lang was also appointed just before Richo was - I could be wrong on that one, and if so, I'll stand corrected.


First Grade
Bob said:
Didn't think it would take to long for this to end up in the dump yard.

Too long if you ask me. I had to wait for a few complaints before I moved any of them due to Dave the Troll jumping up and down about moderators moderating for their own purpose. :roll:

Dave Q

PK said:
Too long if you ask me. I had to wait for a few complaints before I moved any of them due to Dave the Troll jumping up and down about moderators moderating for their own purpose. :roll:

An "I was forced to" response is it?

Cry me a river PK!

Anybody who has an alternate view is getting bashed up these days.

Anyone who disagrees with club propaganda is going to get the good solid vapid treatment.

This club was built on embracing and uplifting the underdog and considering diverse views. That doesnt seem to be the case any more.

All we get these days is a commercial for the leftovers of Roger.

Its all getting too clubby and uninviting.

You can do that, it feels comfy, but you wont grow and develop.

Fresh ideas and new alliances are needed.

Maybe if the 'grand plan' fails people will re evaluate where the club is and where it wants to go.

Its a great club, it doesnt deserve to die a long drawn out death.


Dave Q said:
Fresh ideas and new alliances are needed.

What do you call Elliotts training regime?? Lang wouldn't have taken them to boot camp, he wouldn't have trained them this hard....you really are living in fantasy land aren't you....next thing you will tell us is that Souths will be in the top 8 this year...:lol:


First Grade
Dave Q said:
An "I was forced to" response is it?

An example of you jumping to the wrong conclusion.

Waiting and forced are too very different meaning words.

I have seen many examples of your dislike of moderators and being moderated on several boards now. Plus I have a very silly message delivered from you sitting in my PM Box that was brought to the attention to those who matter.
Caged Panther said:
this topic is going around in circles and has become meaningless...

Here we go here we go here we go.

Cant wait to the season proper starts hopefully then we can talk footy without the bickering cook a few rabbit stews:D.

Dave Q

I dont have choice about being moderated PK. I got on with many mods at Titans and even PI, not all of them, such is life.

Your PM threat doesnt worry me at all. Nothing in it. If so, please explain what you are inferring PK.

And surely you must have better things to do than to track me around forums far and wide.

Its a bit sad really.

Not everyone sits down and doesnt question. People will express their views in our society. Its called democracy.

My view is that the Panthers need a good shake up. Atmosphere is fading.


Dave Q said:
I dont have choice about being moderated PK.

Actually you do have a choice....if you choose to follow the rules then you won't be moderated....if you choose to not follow the rules then you will be moderated.. These rules are in place for a reason and that is why we have moderators not just here but at all the forums....


First Grade
Dave Q said:
I dont have choice about being moderated PK. I got on with many mods at Titans and even PI, not all of them, such is life.

Your PM threat doesnt worry me at all. Nothing in it. If so, please explain what you are inferring PK.

And surely you must have better things to do than to track me around forums far and wide.

Its a bit sad really.

Not everyone sits down and doesnt question. People will express their views in our society. Its called democracy.

My view is that the Panthers need a good shake up. Atmosphere is fading.

Lainey explained the first, it is a quite simple choice to make. In fact I and the other moderators hardly ever had to moderate until you and your friends came along...

Don't turn the tables on the PM Dave, it's you who sent the PM, not me. Since then you pretty much only address me whenever there are many of us who challenge what you have written. Another agenda perhaps, it wouldn't surprise me and I am awake to it.

And don't flatter yourself, I was given a link to your tantrum in the Titans forum becase they knew I would get a giggle out of it. I may not be a heavy poster on PI but unfortunately the topics I was interested in reading, I found you had monopolised many of them with your rhetoric posting and subtle agendas.

And of course I moderate here and it comes with the job that I must read *everything*. Otherwise I would probably be of the majority and put you on ignore...

Whatever Penrith has done to you personally, posting your antipathy on an unofficial forum can't and won't be heard by Penrith Management and is a fruitless tirade on your behalf.

We are just fans who love our club. Surely you are not dumb enough to get that!

Dave Q

PK said:
Lainey explained the first, it is a quite simple choice to make. In fact I and the other moderators hardly ever had to moderate until you and your friends came along...

Don't turn the tables on the PM Dave, it's you who sent the PM, not me. Since then you pretty much only address me whenever there are many of us who challenge what you have written. Another agenda perhaps, it wouldn't surprise me and I am awake to it.

And don't flatter yourself, I was given a link to your tantrum in the Titans forum becase they knew I would get a giggle out of it. I may not be a heavy poster on PI but unfortunately the topics I was interested in reading, I found you had monopolised many of them with your rhetoric posting and subtle agendas.

And of course I moderate here and it comes with the job that I must read *everything*. Otherwise I would probably be of the majority and put you on ignore...

Whatever Penrith has done to you personally, posting your antipathy on an unofficial forum can't and won't be heard by Penrith Management and is a fruitless tirade on your behalf.

We are just fans who love our club. Surely you are not dumb enough to get that!

Hidden agendas-youve been watching too much TV
PK said:
Lainey explained the first, it is a quite simple choice to make. In fact I and the other moderators hardly ever had to moderate until you and your friends came along...

Don't turn the tables on the PM Dave, it's you who sent the PM, not me. Since then you pretty much only address me whenever there are many of us who challenge what you have written. Another agenda perhaps, it wouldn't surprise me and I am awake to it.

And don't flatter yourself, I was given a link to your tantrum in the Titans forum becase they knew I would get a giggle out of it. I may not be a heavy poster on PI but unfortunately the topics I was interested in reading, I found you had monopolised many of them with your rhetoric posting and subtle agendas.

And of course I moderate here and it comes with the job that I must read *everything*. Otherwise I would probably be of the majority and put you on ignore...

Whatever Penrith has done to you personally, posting your antipathy on an unofficial forum can't and won't be heard by Penrith Management and is a fruitless tirade on your behalf.

We are just fans who love our club. Surely you are not dumb enough to get that!

First off its time for all to grow up.

Secondly why do you insist on bringing up others in your arguments its not only dave you have done it with that you mention there friends.

As far as im concerned the differences i have had with you are exactly that differences nothing to keep harping on about.

It's odd you mention you didnt have to moderate till dave and his friends showed up does that mean panthergrey is causing you to do your job his a friend of daves.

So i think while you argue with dave you should keep it between you and dave and if you insist on bringing others in you should name people instead of generalising.