The 6th vote was probably Fitzy's :lol:
Seriously though we are a disgrace and it appears there is no light at the end of the tunnel. I was starting to warm to Sharpie but going public with info of internal board voting and crying to the media is beyond amateurish. It also appears our new CEO is just a puppet.
How can a guy who leaks to the press when he doesn't get his way constantly complain about leaks and disunity? :crazy:
Whoever they pick now is starting behind the eight-ball and embroiled in politics whether they like it or not. F$#king amazing stuff.
This is what concerns me.
Sharp for the last month has kept going on about Arthur and he being the person who should coach our club.
Hadley said on radio today that the 4 board members haven't included the 5th member of the board on the coaching appointment of the first grade side. Why?
Why would Sharp do an interview before a board meeting with Dean Ritchie and make those stupid statements.
So Sharp knew before the board meeting that he didn't have the full support from the board but made it public?
The majority of us bagged the previous admin regarding the leaks, this is right up there.
Taylor stands no chance if the Deputy and Vice Deputy don't want him there!!!!