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Eels deliver ultimatum to Daniel Anderson: Step Down or be Sacked & accused of racism

Should Anderson get the sack?

  • Total voters


:lol:....Now who's, what was the term....lemme see...
Whatever Baz, you know I have always given you credit for objectivity in many a past discussion on here but on this issue you are not so I'm just going to leave it at that.


How the f*ck do you know, what I know. This is FACT buddy, whether you believe it or not, I don't really give a sh*t. YOU "may need to make up crap, to go down that path", I don't.

BTW Agenda?
I know you DON'T know that because I know it simply isn't true you muppett, it is not a fact at all and likewise futue te ipsum!


Post Whore
Look, ultimately, the thing for me (like many others) isn't the decision itself. That's irksome and I wholeheartedly disagree with it, but I could live with it if it was reached professionally and with some dignity. But the way it was handled was loathsome, and it's just more in a long line of horrible management by our board of directors. THAT'S the reason I'll be sparing the club my money next season at the end of the day. If you want to question my objectivity, go for it...I don't really care. But I have as much right to comment and argue the point as you do, and as much right to question your objectivity. But surely, by the fact that we're even arguing the point, you can see where I'm coming from regarding the board? They're dividing their own club, more than those of us here are usually divided...


Look, ultimately, the thing for me (like many others) isn't the decision itself. That's irksome and I wholeheartedly disagree with it, but I could live with it if it was reached professionally and with some dignity. But the way it was handled was loathsome, and it's just more in a long line of horrible management by our board of directors. THAT'S the reason I'll be sparing the club my money next season at the end of the day. If you want to question my objectivity, go for it...I don't really care. But I have as much right to comment and argue the point as you do, and as much right to question your objectivity. But surely, by the fact that we're even arguing the point, you can see where I'm coming from regarding the board? They're dividing their own club, more than those of us here are usually divided...
Well I can't disagree with anything you have said there, I am not supporting the board or Osbourne in any way, total failures. On that part of it I totally agree with you on all aspects.

However, although I initially wanted DA as much as anyone on here, I do support the contention that DA has not lived up to expectations and has not improved the team, we are still a rabble IMO. I am very disapointed about that but I can't objectively justify the retention of DA and can see why he is being replaced. I personally wish he was allowed to see out his contract but understand their reasoning.

I never said anywhere you don't have the right to comment or argue Baz, stop putting words in my mouth.

Casper The Ghost

First Grade
Look, ultimately, the thing for me (like many others) isn't the decision itself. That's irksome and I wholeheartedly disagree with it, but I could live with it if it was reached professionally and with some dignity. But the way it was handled was loathsome, and it's just more in a long line of horrible management by our board of directors. THAT'S the reason I'll be sparing the club my money next season at the end of the day. If you want to question my objectivity, go for it...I don't really care. But I have as much right to comment and argue the point as you do, and as much right to question your objectivity. But surely, by the fact that we're even arguing the point, you can see where I'm coming from regarding the board? They're dividing their own club, more than those of us here are usually divided...

3P are the head of the family (the club of men, women and children). Over the years I have had the good fortune of staying overnight/weekends, etc, with many families whose integrity, sincerity, happiness, joy, peace, security, loyalty, honesty, stability, order, routine, passion and love radiated throughout their home. These families walked-the-talk and their homes echoed this love powerfully. The vibe was all unspoken, they were too busy being the vibe and had no time to fake it and show off the fake like strutting peacocks. I have always enjoyed the opportunity to meet up with these families ever since. It's a real joy. Now lets reflect on the vibe being created by 3P, the head of the family of the Eels club and lets experience how their vibe echoes throughout the Eels family home/world???? If a MAN married a woman who didn't love him, only wanted his money, home, assets & his savings etc, anyone intuitive close to him, who loves him, would pick up this vibe and try to help their friend see through this facade. This is what is happening to many Eels fans with 3P, they love their club and know (feel) they have a bunch of pirates who want to rape, pillage and plunder their world, their club.


This entire fiasco will continue to buckle over like dominoes.
Smith was first to go, then Taylor, then Hagan and now DA.
I wonder how long it'll take until Kearney starts appearing under the headline 'Kearney to be sacked by board' because he doesn't look like he's going to take us into the top 8 next year.
I can live with the sacking of Smith, Taylor and Hagan, however, the sacking of DA, imo, is unprecedented and largely unjustified and as I just mentioned, likely the beginning of a series of events revolving around mindless chopping and changing of coaches.

Casper The Ghost

First Grade
You don't have a clue you muppett :lol:
Latin Swearing ------------- English Translation

Te futueo et caballum tuum [ALSO: “Te futueo et equum tuum”]
Screw you and the horse you rode in on


Bastard (lit. submits to fellatio)


Flocci non faccio
I don't give a damn

Mihi irruma et te pedicabo
Give me head and I'll ass f–k you



Bovis stercus
Bull s–t

Spucatum tauri
Bull s–t

Es stultior asino
You are dumber than an ass

Dorme mecum
Sleep with me

Es scortum obscenus vilis
You are a vile, perverted whore

Es mundus excrementi
You are a pile of s–t

Cupis homines
You crave men

Bibe semen meum
Swallow (drink) my —

Bibe semen meum e baculo
Swallow (drink) my — from a cup

Globos meos lambe! [ALSO: “Pallas meas lambe!”]
Lick my balls

Es stercus!
You s–t!

Moecha Putida
Dirty s**t

Canis filius
Son of a Bitch (lit: son of a female dog)

Podex perfectus es
You're a complete a–hole

Futue te ipsum!
Go f–k yourself!

Stercorem pro cerebro habes
You have sh*t for brains

Caput tuum in ano est
You have your head up your ass

F–k off!

Impudens es leno
You shameless pimp

Vacca stulta
You stupid cow

Vescere bracis meis
Eat my shorts

Tu scronium es
You are a whore


Caput stercoris S
–thead (lit. head of s–t)

Mentulam Caco
I s–t on your prick

Obesus porcus
Fat pig

Cupio te meam mentulam sugare
I want you to suck my d–k

Matris futuor Mother f–ker

Te odeo, interfice te cochleare
I hate you. Kill yourself with a spoon.

Matris Prolapsus

Filius Nolius
Bastard (lit. nobody's son)


A person who carries his own cross

Ad nauseam
To sickness

O tempora! O mores!
Oh, the times! Oh, the customs!

Stercus accidit
S–t happens

Hic puer est stultissimus omnium!
This boy is the stupidest of all!

O di immortales!
Good heavens!

Non Gradus Anus Rodentum!
Not worth a rat's ass!

Vescere bracis meis.
Eat my shorts

Fac ut vivas.
Get a life.

Qui vir odiosus!
What a bore!

Quomodo cogis comas tuas sic videri?
How do you get your hair to do that?

De gustibus non est disputandum.
There's no accounting for tastes.

Tum podem extulit horridulum
You are talking s–t

Potes meos suaviari clunes
You can kiss my ass.

Saltatrix tonsa
Drag queen (lit. “shaved dancing-girl”)

Prostitute (lit. “she-wolf”)

Quando podeces te regi eorum fecerunt?
When did the assholes make you their king?



Plenus stercoris es
You are full of s–t

Antiquis temporibus, nati tibi similes in rupibus ventosissimis exponebantur ad necem
In the good old days, children like you were left to perish on windswept crags.

Apudne te vel me?
Your place or mine?

Caesar si viveret, ad remum dareris
If Caesar were alive, you'd be chained to an oar.

Cepe indicum
Take a hint

Derideo te!
I laugh at you!

Estne volumen in toga, an solum tibi libet me videre?
Is that a scroll in your toga, or are you just happy to see me?

Fabriacate diem,
punk Make (my) day, punk

Fac ut vivas
Get a life

Apudne te vel me?
Your place or mine?

Hocine bibo aut in eum digitos insero?
Do I drink this or stick my fingers in it?

Obesa cantavit
The fat lady has sung

Id imperfectum manet dum confectum erit
It isn't over until it's over

Illegitimi non carborundum
Don't let the bastards burn you

Labra lege
Read my lips

Lege atque lacrima
Read 'em and weep

Morologus es!
You're talking like a moron!

Noli me vocare, ego te vocabo
Don't call me, I'll call you.

Noli nothis permittere te terere
Don’t let the bastards get you down.

Nullo modo
No way

Puto vos esse molestissimos
I think that you are very annoying

Qualem blennum!
What a doofus!

Qualem muleirculam!
What a bimbo!

Quisque comoedus est
Everybody's a comedian

Quo usque tandem abutere patentia nostra?
How long are you going to abuse our patience?

Quomodo cogis comas tuas sic videri?
How do you get your hair to do that?

Radix lecti
Couch potato

Raptus regaliter
Royally screwed

Recedite, plebes! Gero rem imperialem!
Stand aside plebeians! I am on imperial business

Scio vos esse molestissimos
I know that you are very troublesome

Stultus est sicut stultus facit
Stupid is as stupid does

Tace atque abi
Shut up and go away

Ut si!
As if!

Utinam barbari spatium proprium tuum invadant
May barbarians invade your personal space

Utinam coniurati te in foro interficiant
May conspirators assassinate you in the mall

Utinam logica falsa tuam philosophiam totam suffodiant
May faulty logic undermine your entire philosophy

Vacca foeda
Dirty cow


Viri sunt Viri
Men are slime

Immanissimum ac foedissimum monstrum!
Gross and putrid monster!

Faciem durum cacantis habes
You have the face of a man with severe constipation

Mala pituita nasi
Nasty nasal drippings!

Recedite, plebes! Gero rem imperialem.
Stand aside plebeians! I am on imperial business.

Si me rogas, potes abire et tu ipse cacare.
If you ask me, you can go and s–t on yourself.

Semper in excremento, sole profundum qui variat.
Always in the s–t, just the depth that varies.

Varium et semper mutabile femina
Women have fickle temperaments

Commodum habitus es
You have just been owned

Canis matrem tuam subagiget
Dog has desecrated your mother

Hic erit in lecto fortissimus
He is Hercules in the sack

Asinus Stultissimus
Dumbass (lit. “Very stupid donkey”)

Caput tuum in ano est
Your head is in your ass

Quid agis faces tuas comas sic facere
How do you get your hair to do that?

Quaecumque virgo adest ille amat
He loves whatever girl is present.

Sic (ita) age ut frater tuus
Behave as your brother does.

Tuam matrem feci
I did your mother

A tergo
In the ass

Scio erit in lecto fortissimus
I am Hercules in the sack.

Filius tu canis et cameli
You are the son of a dog and a camel

Nothus homo
Bastard (of a known father)

Bastard (of a unknown father)

Link: http://www.curufea.com/hero/doku.php/resources:latin_insults

Also: f**k You All!!!! Caput tuum in ano est is the fifth studio album by Norwegian black metal band Carpathian Forest. The title's second part is Latin for "Your head is up [your] anus".
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Craig Johnston

First Grade
we have self righteous merkins here that are going to punish the club to show how much they support it.


now i understand how the koran works.


First Grade
How the f*ck do you know, what I know. This is FACT buddy, whether you believe it or not, I don't really give a sh*t. YOU "may need to make up crap, to go down that path", I don't.

BTW Agenda?


You come on here and you give sh*t to a person that takes his time to tell us stuff about what 3P is trying to do.
Coming on here and saying 'ooh I know facts buddy, f**k off' won't get you an audience, and won't get you any believers.

FFS, this thread needs to be closed. Too many people thinking they know everything making unproven allegations, moderators; please close this thread.


Staff member

You come on here and you give sh*t to a person that takes his time to tell us stuff about what 3P is trying to do.
Coming on here and saying 'ooh I know facts buddy, f**k off' won't get you an audience, and won't get you any believers.

FFS, this thread needs to be closed. Too many people thinking they know everything making unproven allegations, moderators; please close this thread.

Nooooo. Don't close threads.

Boxhead -->

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