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Eels Salary Cap MK II

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phantom eel

First Grade
Breaking... Telegraph seems to think that a couple of directors communicating with the Council around a failed TPA proposal from July last year (as openly detailed on the Council website) is somehow "investigation"-worthy news? :crazy:


Parramatta Eels: Secret text messages have club officials on the hook

EXCLUSIVE Nick TabakoffEditor-at-LargeThe Daily Telegraph

TWO of the Parramatta Eels’ top officials, chief executive John Boulous and football boss Daniel Anderson, were actively involved in discussions about a proposed $75,000 third-party agreement deal with Parramatta Council, text messages between the club and council indicate.
The TPA deal would have involved three Eels stars — club captain Tim Mannah, departed star Will Hopoate and hooker Nathan Peats — becoming council “ambassadors”. Jarryd Hayne was also originally proposed but was withdrawn because of his move to the NFL.
The new revelations follow a series of articles by The Daily Telegraph over the last seven weeks, which have prompted an NRL forensic investigation over alleged breaches of NRL salary cap rules by the Eels.
Its findings are expected in the coming days.
Text messages from October 2014 indicate Mr Boulous (then the club’s chief operating officer) and Mr Anderson discussed the TPAs with Parramatta councillors.
The agreements were ultimately shelved in mid-2015, but evidence from the text messages and documents shows that Boulous was actively discussing the deals with councillors for several months in 2014.
Third-party agreements must be on an arm’s length basis to ensure they do not become a way for NRL clubs to use sponsors to undermine the salary cap.
Parramatta councillors have a close relationship with their area’s NRL club, with current Lord Mayor Paul Garrard on the Eels board since May last year, and councillor John Chedid in a fulltime job as CEO of the Eels’ Premiership Club, a business networking group.
The text messages mention Mr Garrard as a representative of the council (before he was Lord Mayor and on the Eels board).
In a text exchange between Parramatta councillor Pierre Esber and Mr Boulous, Mr Esber talks about the TPA proposal and the council’s discussions with the Eels’ head of football, Anderson about the deal: “Paul Garrard and I spoke to the (Parramatta) CEO (Greg Dyer) tonight … he has been in touch with Daniel A (Anderson), he has the details of the players and there (sic) managers. Pierre.”
Mr Boulous later asks Mr Esber “If Greg (Dyer) has contacted the 3 managers (of Mannah, Hopoate and Peats)”. Mr Esber replies: “He said he has.”
Additionally, an internal council memo from March 2015 also mentions Mr Boulous. It shows that in July 2014 Mr Boulous and departed Eels CEO Scott Seward met with Mr Garrard and Mr Esber to discuss “the development” of the Ambassador Program.
At the time, Mannah, Hopoate and Peats were proposed to become part of “raising the profile of the city”.
Within two months of the memo, Mr Garrard became an Eels director.
Mr Esber last night confirmed he had held “preliminary discussions” with Mr Boulous and others at the club.
“I was texting John,” he said. “He was the deputy CEO, or chief operating officer.” He added that he “didn’t know that clubs can’t negotiate third parties … until you told me two minutes ago”.
When asked about whether Mr Boulous and Mr Anderson had been directly involved in the negotiation of the proposed Parramatta Council TPA, an Eels spokesman said last night: “Any specific discussions relating to third party arrangements must be done at arm’s length to the club through the nominated player’s management and with the NRL’s approval.”
Mr Garrard could not be reached for comment. A spokesman for Mr Dyer said the council ultimately could find “no value for council” in the agreement. There is no suggestion the players or councillors have done anything wrong. But the documents add weight to suggestions both Boulous and Anderson had been actively involved in TPA negotiations on behalf of the club.
Independent Parramatta councillor Lorraine Wearne has expressed surprise at the new revelations. “The evidence you have given me would appear to show that the Eels, through the ambassador program, were looking at using TPAs with Parramatta Council to get around salary cap rules. That’s certainly the way it looks,” she said.
“The Eels are a crucial part of the Parramatta community. But I have been concerned for some time about the close relationship between some of our councillors and the Eels, and the proposals — thankfully shelved — to use ratepayers’ money to fund these TPAs. These deals did not pass the smell test.”
The deal ultimately fell over in July last year because it was considered it did not provide value for ratepayers.
Former mayor Scott Lloyd said it did not represent “value” for the council.

phantom eel

First Grade
Am not sure... the proposal was quite public at the time - as anything brought to a Council meeting usually is. And it didn't get anywhere, beyond these initial TPA "courting" stages (which almost by definition, surely have to be instigated by the club if they are to sign off on their inclusion in a player's contract?)

Here is the Telegraph's infographic accompanying the story, featuring the suspect text message - i.e. one message from Boulos - asking a Councillor whether or not the Council hade made direct contact with the player managers, which is presumably the NRL-sanctioned process for two parties organising details of TPAs?

Absolutely desperate to seem at all relevant/remain employed, these sports "journalists".... :crazy:



First Grade
They sure got Lorraine Wearne to say exactly what they wanted to fit the story. I wonder if she came up with that on her own or had it force fed?

phantom eel

First Grade
I think Lorraine Wearne has historically been in opposing factions to the two councillors mentioned in the article - Esber (Labor) and Garrard (former Labor). Never heard of Scott Lloyd, but I'm guessing the same boat as Wearne? She probably leapt at this chance to sink the boot in to her rivals :lol:.


Post Whore
Well casper was a ghost so i am amazed he was able to communicate with us from the other side for so long.I guess he was just from another universe and we never really fully understod that.

The most inportant thing thou is Hindy111 is not a ghost.He is real.Very fu$n real.

The Colonel


The following is a statement from John Boulous, CEO of the Parramatta Eels, regarding reports in today's Daily Telegraph:

Today's story in the Daily Telegraph is wrong and omits important information.

The facts of this matter are:

A player ambassador program was certainly discussed as part of the Parramatta Eels' strategic partnership with Parramatta City Council.

The Eels were involved in making introductions between the players and Council, as is fully allowable under the NRL's rules.

Ultimately, after discussions with the NRL and player representatives, Council decided not to pursue the ambassador program.

Again, there were discussions with the NRL about all relevant issues relating to the potential program with Council.

Any specific discussions relating to third party arrangements must be done at arm's length from the club, through the nominated player's management and with the NRL's approval.

The above information was provided in full to the journalist in question who authored the story, after he contacted the club for comment at 6pm last night.


Post Whore
Hindy111 keeping this place real!!

If they get rid of you mate they will have to close this place down.


Staff member
OMG chasing up a TPA to see if it's a goer. Lock them up and throw away the key.

Talk about vexatious journalism.


I think the club would be better off not saying anything to the Telegraph as they're just going to make it up anyway.

84 Baby

Yep. Looks like horse's head in the bed stuff.

PS: I'm not actually a lawyer (84 Baby is), I just work with lots of them from time to time and have a fair bit of background in commercial contracts.

No he's not. You'd be bored by what I actually am. Nothing like those 2 on Mkr, the idiot who buys cars beyond his ability and the bish who's mouth looks like it constantly having strokes

phantom eel

First Grade
More details on this Nick Tabakoff bloke...


Nick Tabakoff appointed Editor-at-Large of The Daily and Sunday Telegraph

September 29, 2015

NICK Tabakoff has been *appointed the Editor-at-Large of The Daily Telegraph and The Sunday Telegraph.

Tabakoff, a Walkley Award-winning journalist with almost 25 years’ experience in print, radio and television both locally and overseas, will write a weekly column in The Saturday Daily Telegraph in *addition to covering a wide range of major stories.

Currently Business Editor-at-Large and Business Confidential Columnist, Tabakoff has served in senior roles, *including Associate Editor of The Telegraph, Media Editor of The Australian and Senior Producer at the Nine Network’s A Current Affair. He *rejoined The Telegraph this year after a stint with *Commonwealth Bank.

Tabakoff, who won a Walkley for Business Journalism, will cover the big end of town, keeping track of the city’s movers and shakers and the biggest deals and other developments in Sydney and Australia.

He will replace John Lehmann, who has been in the role for two-and-a-half years and is leaving to take another senior editorial role at News.

The Daily Telegraph’s *editor, Paul Whittaker, said he was delighted to have Tabakoff in the role.

So he went from A Current Affair, to the Commonwealth Bank and eventually the Telegraph's Editor At Large... :crazy:. Oh, and here's the photo from that story:



Staff member
Senior Producer at the Nine Network’s A Current Affair

See, I told you he was a real journalist. He would never stoop to sensationalism to get ratings. :sarcasm:

84 Baby

Wrong again sorry. I'm actually currently on the international space station preparing for a mission to mars


Nice response by Parra (though the average league fan will never see it or know the story has been totally debunked).
I think this is News Ltds way of saying to Greenburg & the NRL "we are not going away, we are going to continue digging for leaks, give us what we want or we will turn on you".
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