So here is the question guys...
How do we get the best team possible?
Who is going to draw up a shortlist of maybe 50 players you want and in what order you want them? Or most of us just gonna impulse buy?
Who has played before any advice? How important is a good goal kicker?
When are we going to finalise the comp rules (I am in LU2).
Transfering players I had an idea:
Transfering players as just a straight swap wouldnt be ideal I dont think. All teams would want players who get more points wouldnt it?
Many things to think about... yes?
1. How NRLCEO works is that if you have coaches who know what they are doing then all teams should be fairly even on paper. Then it is just up to who performs each week. Obviously some teams will be stronger due to coaches knowing players better in terms of scoring potential but generally, coaches will pick these types of players first up in the draft. The talent therefore ghets spread across all teams.
2. It is up to the individual coach to draw up a list of players they want. However, you won't get your top 25 because other coaches will take them in their draft pick before it is your turn so you will need some back up players in case. eg Brett Stewart scores plenty of tries so will be one of the first backs picked....Sometimes you may have to impulse buy depending on who is left....
3. I have played NRLCEO for 6 years and am one of the founding members with Cappo - I say this only to let you know that in my opinion, good goal kickers are great for a team. However, the key for a coach is to try and forecast which team will give their kicker the most opportunities to kick points throughout the whole season....Of course if you like you can cut a kicker but with 12 teams in the comp, your options may be limited....
4. And finally, transferring players (called cutting and recruiting players) can be an intense time. How NRLCEO works is that the site locks come Friday afternoon 6pm so no one can make any changes to their squads over the weekends. Teams must obviously be locked in before this time. When the site unlocks after the Monday Night Game (about 9.30pm), coaches are free to cut and recruit any available players until the next lock out time (on the next Friday). If a player (like Jordan Atkins last year) has a massive weekend and no coach has him, you will find that the race will be on to sign him on Monday Night when the site unlocks.
Hope this helps.....