To everyone competing in NRLCEO - If you would like me to clarify anything I am available to answer any questions you may have.
From what I can gather so far -
1. We acknowledge the possible need for a time limit in making selections in the draft. This be be a addition to the 2010 version.
2. The draft will go slower if coaches do not make picks or check the site regularly. Be that as it may, the draft is not supposed to be over in 2 hours. Believe me, when conducted properly, it is great you see other teams change their tactics in their selection over a week.
3. The draft will obviously go quicker if all coaches can make a prearranged time to get on the draft page.
4. Having 12 teams in a comp makes the draft go slower as you have more coaches to rely on to make picks - that makes sense.
5. When in the draft page, you can't see who anyone else is going to pick until they pick them. Once you have made your selection, it will show up on the right of the page. The next rounds selection order will come up on the left as each coach makes their selection. THE DRAFT IS A PICK BY PICK PROCESS - no one can move forward unless the previous coach has mad a pick.
6. RE: Kickers (Griffo) You don;t need to pick kickers in their respective positions on the shortlist. It doesn't matter at all. See you could put Orford (and other kickers) into the shortlist in either their position list OR kicker the kicker list. Either way they count as a kicker - DUE TO THE KICKER POINTS THAT THEY HAVE BEEN DESIGNATED (eg Orford (8), Smith (9)
7. The auto list can be used if you are going away fro a period of time and want the site to pick up a player for you. Prior to your pick, click on the player you want from the shortlist and he should come up just below your team name where the draft order is....
Any other questions guys i am happy to help - As this is your first draft and is completely new, remaining patient is my best advice. Don't plan to sit in front of the computer all day but take note of when your next selection is and come back later......
Hope this helps?