Johnsy mateeeee never fear i have our fantasy league thing we can use mate
Thank you for taking the time to learn more about the game that has kept me in touch with friends all over the world, helped forge new friendships and at other times stretch friendship to the limit. I hope you become as addicted as we all have and I know you will never watch a game of rugby league the same again.
What is NRLCEO?
NRLCEO is a fantasy rugby league management game played against a number of other coaches. It is based on the NRL competition with players performance in the NRL determining NRLCEO results each week. NRLCEO runs exactly like the NRL in that a team plays another team with the winning teams each round getting two premiership points.
Like the NRL, NRLCEO has a draw with all teams playing each other in a round robin, home and away format. Depending on the start of the NRLCEO competition (normally round 1 of the NRL) the season will go for normally 22 rounds with three weeks of finals (note that NRLCEO does not operate during the finals series of the NRL). Depending on the size of the NRLCEO Competition and the number of franchises, the finals series length will vary but usually concludes with the Grand Final being played in correspondence with the final regular season NRL round.
The Franchise
A franchise is usually made up of 25 players. When you set up a competition may wish to enforce restrictions to the types of players that can be
recruited and these restrictions depend of the players NRLCEO position. The table below shows the typical maximum number of players of a certain position that a franchise can contain in their squad, when a competition is created these restrictions may be changed but keep in mind that restricting squad sizes and positions allows for a much more even competition by allowing users to recruit unsigned players and trade with another franchise.
As can be seen in the players list on the site, many players do not simply fall into a specific position. They are listed across numerous. Therefore, position numbers must be taken into account when selecting that player, a player who plays many position can provide your squad with versatility during injuries and byes but too many can also become restricting. This can also affect
trades and
recruitments. A player is only able to be picked for one team so once he is selected, that team has exclusive rights to him until he is cut or traded.
Goal Kickers
Goal kickers are also highly valuable squad members and have been given kicking ratings (up to 10) depending on their goal kicking ability and likelihood to kick points. A franchise is allowed to have unlimited goal kickers in its squad but is only allowed to have a limited number of kicker points (10 recommended but your competition can be cutsomised to suit). In general, NRLCEO is designed so that a team will only really be able to afford one full time goal kicker with other second string kickers available for recruitment depending on the goal kicker rating points available to that team.
Although all of your squads kickers can be selected in your team in any given match only one goal kicker's goals will be counted for your team.
Getting a Competition Started
To set up a competition, there must be enough coaches willing field a franchise in order to fill the competition. Competitions can be set up for 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14 & 16 franchises. However, something to consider is the less teams in the competition, the more quality players to choose from for each franchise and will generally lead to a closer competition and more enjoyment from interaction with other franshies in
trade deals.
Once enough franchises have been nominated, it is now time to select a squad of players. This is done via the Draft.
The Draft
The Draft is a pick for pick system that is designed to make it even for all teams in the competition to get a solid and competitive squad. Franchise owners are required to log onto the site in order to pick a player when the live draft page indicates that it is their turn. There are 25 rounds in the live draft meaning that up to 25 players can be picked up by each franchise during the draft process. They are able to do this one player at a time for each round of the draft. A player is only able to be picked for one team so once he is selected, that team has exclusive rights to him until he is cut or traded.
During the draft, the pick order is randomised each round and coaches are able to see when their picks are two rounds in advance only. However, coaches are able to forfeit a pick and once the live draft is over, they are able to pick players till their squad has the maximum 25 players. Once the NRLCEO franchise has 25 players, changes are able to be made to the squad via
cutting and recruiting and
trading players.
Cutting and Recruiting Players
A NRLCEO fantasy rugby league franchise often only has a limited number (19 recommended but your competition can be cutomised to allow for any number) cuts throughout the season. This means that your franchise can only terminate this many player contracts during the season. Players are normally cut due to injury or poor form (lack of point scoring); however, a coach may just want to cut a player to accommodate another because of positioning restrictions.
The anti-tampering deadline (recommended at start of round 20 but can be customised but bear in mind that this date has been the most effect to prevent the temptation by coaches who will miss the finals to help out a mate with a dodgy deal) was introduced to NRLCEO in 2005. The anti tampering deadline only stops trading and players cuts player recuitments (if squad limits permit)can still be made up until the end of the season. Tactics play a huge part at this stage of the game.
In order to cut a player, you must go to the Manage Team Link, and then go to Squad. A list of you squad members will be there with a green X next to each name. To cut a player, simply click on the green X.
To then recruit a player, go to the Manage Team link and then Recruit Player. A list of available players then comes up and to recruit a player simply click on them. Only players who fit within your competition's position restrictions may be added to your squad.
Coaches may wish to attempt to trade a player or players with another coach in the competition. There are a number of important factors to take into account when considering this option. First of all, each coach must be able to accommodate the proposed trade in accordance to the player positioning restrictions. Also, once the trade is offered, the other coach must consider and accept the trade. This does not always happen especially if the other coach feels that you (as the trader) are not offering a fair trade eg: a quality player for a poor one.
Trades can be conducted throughout the season but the anti-tampering deadline applies to trading as well. Trades can not be conducted after this period. A coach can trade as much as possible and as many players at a time as possible there are no limits. It is not uncommon for 4 players from a team to be traded at once as long as both coaches have agreed on mutual beneficial terms (not always easy to achieve!).
To offer a trade, go to Manage Team, Trades, and Make Offer. You will then be asked with which team you would like to trade. Once you have decided who you would like to trade with, simply select the appropriate trade. You can view whether your trade has be accepted or rejected on the Manage Team, Trades, Trade Market Page.
Selecting you Lineup
Each week, coaches are required to name their team. That means, with 25 players to choose from in the squad, a coach must select their best 17 based on who they think will score them the most points during that round. That means 8 players will sit out and be rested from the team for the week. Be careful, your selections could mean the difference between a win and a loss.
The coach must also choose a kicker for that week as well as the captain. Depending on how your competition is customised your captain either be just another player or could score double points (except goals) for the week. Similarly the bench players could either be regular players or score half points.
Players must be selected in appropriate positions with the bench made up of two backs and two forwards. Where players have multiple positions, coaches have that luxury to position them in the team in any of the nominated positions.
Example:Robbie Farah os listed as a Halfback and a Hooker. That means if selected by the NRLCEO coach, Farah can be listed in the team as either a Halfback or a Hooker.
The Scoring System
Points are allocated for each team based on individual players and the points they score each week. Just like the NRL, if a player scores for their team, the NRLCEO team also gets benefited with those points as long as they have been named.
Example:Israel Falou scores three tries for the Broncos in round 1. A NRLCEO franchise has recruited Falou and named him in their round 1 team. That team will be accredited with 12 points (3 tries x 4 points).
All players can score points through scoring tries in the NRL game.
Kickers must also be named by coaches and score two points for each successful kick as well as any other points they get through tries and forward tries.
Example: Jonathan Thurston scores two tries and kicks 6 goals in round 1 for the Cowboys. The NRLCEO franchise that has named Thurston in their team as their kicker and therefore gets accredited with 20 points (8 points for the two tries and 6 conversions worth 2 points each)
There is also another scoring feature called a Workhorse Try. A 'Workhorse' Try is only awarded to players named in the forwards for the NRLCEO team and is achieved if that forward makes a combination of 40 or more tackles and runs. If they do achieve this, the Forward Try benefits the team with 4 points. Each forward can only get one Forward Try per round but the player must be selected in the forwards for the weeks lineup. Using the previous example if Robbie Farah was selected at halfback he could not earn your team a Workhorse Try.
Example: Nathan Hindmarsh is named by a NRLCEO Franchise. He scores one try in round 1 for Parramatta but also makes 35 tackles and 18 hitups. The NRLCEO franchise that has named Hindmarsh in their team gets accredited with 8 points (4 for the Try and 4 for the Forward Try over 40 combination of runs and tackles)
Players can also be deducted points based on on-field infringements. Below is an example of point of how a player can score and be deducted points and the amounts awarded:
Scoring Method
Field Goal
Workhorse Try
Sin Bin
Send Off
These points are an example only each competition can be customised to allow for many point scoring systems. Also avaiable to be used for your players to score points are:
Scoring Method
Line break
Try Assist
In a winning NRL match
In a losing NRL match
In a drawn NRL match
A coach also has the ability to influence a match (if your competition is customised for this), use your knowledge of the game to helpyour players from time to time by also allocating points for correct or incorrect tips in the tipping competition.
Winning Each Week
The winning team at the end of the round is the team with the highest total of points. Typically, a NRLCEO team will score between 30 and 50 points but more or less points do occur depending on the quality of the NRLCEO team and how the individual players perform in the NRL.
Like the NRL, two points are awarded for a win, one point for a draw and none for a loss. At the end of the regular season, the top team is crowned Minor Premiers and the Finals series begins.
Results each week can be seen on the News & Results, Results Page. This is updated as often as possible throughout the weekend as games are played. However, the final result is not completely final until midday on Tuesday AEST (after the final game of the round on Monday Night)
Writing News Articles and Sledging Oponents
Sledging of fellow coaches and their teams is strongly encouraged to promote inter team rivalry. However, this is not the only use for the News Articles Page. Trades can be offered in this page unofficially to other coaches and important news from NRLCEO Administration is sent via this page. Therefore, constant checking of this page is essential throughout the week.
It is generally common practice for a coach to write at least one sledge per week talking up or down his teams chances of victory for the coming week or rubbing your vanquished opponents nose in the dirt. This creates a competitive atmosphere and makes the game of NRLCEO much more enjoyable!
NRLCEO NRL play result result
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