i joined twice
anyone want me to change details and give them an account? Johns Magic?
Go to join now website here ------->NRLCEO
drop down arrow select LU group 1
add the comp password - USMWRNUZQQ
Team Name
Team Nickname
Coach Name
Enter email addy (your new log in)
Password for the email addy above
the last 2 is your login details mate
You have succesfully created a the competition the password that you and your competitors will need to join this competition isHFZJF[HMDD You can paste the following into an invitation email to your fellow competitors.So you think you know more about rugby league than me! Prove it!.I have created a new fantasy rugby league competition www.nrlceo.com and will take pleasure in thrashing whatever poor excuse of a team you will put together.Our competition is called League Unlimted Group 2 and the password to join the competition is HFZJF[HMDD.
abpanther you're already there
for some reason there is no confirmation page
griffo, PM johnsy, EA and monk and NT to make sure they get a spot
or create 4 spots for them so they have a spot then you just change the details for them ... like i did with johns magic
yeh i will
AB that is the next group for those who dont get a spot in the 1st group
EA says he will be in tonight did you wanna create a account for him to save him a spot ? and pm him maybe ?