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Federal govt. withdraws $10m Centenary funding



The Free Trade Agreement was alawys going to kill our culture.

You'll have more cred if you spell Labor properly. L-A-B-O-R.

Liberal fiscal policy is pushing interest rates up.

The ALP has not sat in Parliament yet, no legislation has been passed.

We need to spend much more money on education obviously.


blah, blah,blah

Honestly the truth will be told in a year or two, when the suposed people of Australia have pie in thier face.

Atleast my seat stayed true to form and did the right thing Liberal

You'll have more cred if you spell Labor properly. L-A-B-O-R.

just not a word I like to use, as they are scum unionists.


Gee the Private School Boys and Girls have really got their panties in a bunch over their beloved Libs losing. Be careful guys dont spill your Chardonnay on your Range Rover's leather interior.


In-goal said:
blah, blah,blah

Honestly the truth will be told in a year or two, when the suposed people of Australia have pie in thier face.

Atleast my seat stayed true to form and did the right thing Liberal

just not a word I like to use, as they are scum unionists.

The education system really let you down, didn't it? Can't spell, incoherent... we need an education revolution and fast. It'll be too late to help you but maybe we can save your children. You've got nothing to say, and you say it poorly.


Fuggg Rudd And Labour, And fugg saying sorry for some thing i have no control over. he should say it personally has no right to say it for me.


In-goal said:
I will say this, the Labour fans are making sh*t excuses where as LJH made us a promise.

Labour intrest rates rocketing

Liberal 11 years of growth

do the math

We've had over 16 years of growth...the economic reforms were well in place on the way to delivering before John Howard came to power.
Liberals left a legacy of high out of control inflation under Fraser and Howard and an economy that was dead basically.
It took a lot of courage and hard work by Hawke and Keating and co to deliver the great economy we have had for the last 15 years.
Howard done a good job also but lost it for the last 2 terms.


Dogs Of War said:
I hope the government stops funding this sort of crap (AFL in dubai). It just makes Australian's look like we are all uncoordinated.

EDIT : My pick for the crowd 3000 (all free tickets)
They actually got 3,500 at a game in South Africa the other day, well that's what they claim anyway. I watched the first few minutes of it at my local club. Saw a virtually empty stadium and the bounce to start and that was enough for me, went for a flutter on the pokies instead.


Canard said:
Gee the Private School Boys and Girls have really got their panties in a bunch over their beloved Libs losing. Be careful guys dont spill your Chardonnay on your Range Rover's leather interior.

WTF>As a sometime Lib voter and one in the past in a a financial industry union ,the federal govt should reduce spending on private schools for starters,Chardonnay is for rugby ugly types,and I would't sh*t on a Range Rover if you provided the paper.
No it's a case of accepting what the Australian people in the majority decided,but having the democratic right to say the decision on the $10m is dumb,when govt is spending on AFL trips to Dubai and there has been hundreds of millions wasted by state Labor govts.
I agree with Blocker Roach it's ordinary,and affects in a small way acknowledging the history of the game which had working class origins.


We've had over 16 years of growth...the economic reforms were well in place on the way to delivering before John Howard came to power.
Liberals left a legacy of high out of control inflation under Fraser and Howard and an economy that was dead basically.
It took a lot of courage and hard work by Hawke and Keating and co to deliver the great economy we have had for the last 15 years.
Howard done a good job also but lost it for the last 2 terms.

One should have a look at what happened to Australia under the Hawke and Keating governments!!

The country was running into an unthinkable mess of union strikes and high intrest rates, I will never forget driving all around the suburbs looking to buy a litre of milk. These Labor mugs are socialist pigs at best, long live small bussiness.


Get the book called Ozenomics...read it once or twice and then we will begin to discuss the merits of each parties tenure. It gives a good history of the australian economy and the changes that it has been through and who should be credited.There were reason things were like they were in the early 80s and the reforms put into place by the then LAbor government were very un-labor like and set this path.
Don't you ever wonder why Keating was voted the worlds best treasurer???? By a right wing organisation. LAbor are not a socialist party they are centre right on econmic issues and centre left on social issues.

It was the union backed accord that got the country back on track after the almost hyper infaltion of the fraser howard era.
We have been blessed with good government at the right time since the demise of the manufacturing industry..... Hawke and Keating are credited by all economists as being the ones who laid the platform for this wonderful economy we have had and Howard continued the reforms (they all follow the economic pricipals of Milton Friedman..)
Howard would have done the same also...but he wouldn't have been able to get the unions onside and hence control the inflation.


LRC don't even try.

In Four Corners I once tried to post that it takes around 20 years for microeconomic reform to take full effect (as per what I was taught.)

The first post to reply was full of ignorance.

El Diablo

Post Whore
fish eel said:

Graham Annesly is a failed liberal party candidate.


is that the best you can do

Labor and the AFL are heavily linked

why do you think they're the only ones not getting rorted?


Well I happen to work in a sector that has significant cut backs when Labor are in power!

Why are all the state governments broke?(WA exclusive) what happened to the Victorian state surplus left by J.Kennett?

fish eel

El Diablo said:

is that the best you can do

Labor and the AFL are heavily linked

why do you think they're the only ones not getting rorted?

Perhaps the NRL should have tried to work in with the labor opposition and get Rudd to match Howard's promise. They didnt. Rudd didnt promise it. He has no obligation to match Howards promise. I wish he did, but the doesnt have to. The NRL should have covered all their bases. They didnt.

Is this another one of your labor consipracies?

El Diablo

Post Whore
sports should not align themselves with political parties and vice versa

and if Rudd had a prob with what they promised he should've mentioned it at the time