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Federal govt. withdraws $10m Centenary funding

fish eel

yakstorm said:
Penrith Stadium and Campbelltown Stadium where both Liberal promises, Leichhardt Labor offered 3 million, Liberals offered 7 million, Liberals also offered Brookvale Oval, Oki-Jubilee and Parramatta Stadium.

EnergyAustralia was Labor, so I wont deny that.

Not sure about Campbelltown, but Labor did make a significant promise in regards to Penrith Stadium.

Not sure the libs made a promise about Parramatta though? Got a link? Just curious...
yakstorm said:
Penrith Stadium and Campbelltown Stadium where both Liberal promises, Leichhardt Labor offered 3 million, Liberals offered 7 million, Liberals also offered Brookvale Oval, Oki-Jubilee and Parramatta Stadium.

EnergyAustralia was Labor, so I wont deny that.

Anyway the NRL didn't align themselves with a party, they rallied both for funding, but one was more supportive than the other. This deal, as it has been said before was made there and then by the current government, it wasn't a 'future' promise on the provision that the game would only get if the Liberals won.

The money was made available from late September last year, I guess League should have moved faster to spend it all, then they couldn't have taken it back...

Labor Promised 5 million for penrith.


Whatever your political persuasion, isn't it irresponsible to promise to spend money that you may not be in control of in a few months time?

If you were a serious conspiracy theorist, you could claim that the Liberal government deliberatly made fiscally irresponsible funding announcements, with the knowledge that they would likely loose, so the negative fallout on the Labor Government would help there cause in the future.

As for 10 Million on a Hall of Fame? No biggie, if it was Junior Development or Ground Redevelopment I could understand the angst.

PS How come once a government wins (and by a big margin), within weeks nobody claims to have voted for them???


Mr_Ugly said:
I read an article yesterday that said AusAid were paying to send 2 AFL teams to Dubai to play an exhibition match.

If we can cut the economic and political bullsh!t for a minute - I dug this out today. Seems the government doesn't mind spending $$ on AFL.


Sorry ... AusTrade, not AusAid (... makes a bit more sense really)

AFL Kicks Goals for Austrade Exports

The Government’s chief export agency, Austrade, is to attempt the most ambitious of Australian exports to the Middle East this month when it stages an exhibition match of Australian football featuring the Collingwood Magpies and the Adelaide Crows football teams.
The opening game in the Australian Football League’s 2008 NAB pre-season cup is to be held in Abu Dhabi, the oil-rich capital of the United Arab Emirates, and neighbouring principality to Dubai, the region’s main commercial hub.
“An AFL match may seem at odds with perceptions of the United Arab Emirates – including Abu Dhabi and Dubai – until you take into account their remarkable success in diversifying their economies,” said Australia’s Consul General to Dubai and Middle East Senior Trade Commissioner, Kym Hewett.
“In neighbouring Dubai, around 50 new five-star hotels will soon be completed. Dubai Airport doubled in size six years ago and is being doubled again, and there are head-turning construction projects such as the Dubai Mariner Complex and the world’s tallest building, the Dubai Burj,” Mr Hewett said.
“Abu Dhabi itself is arguably the world’s richest city, and has embarked on its own dynamic path of redevelopment, including Saadiyat Island, a US$30 billion project that includes 29 hotels, three marinas, two golf courses, and housing for 150,000 people,.
Austrade’s Chief Economist, Tim Harcourt agreed that a rapidly transforming UAE’s openness to new influences was good news for the AFL – and Australian exports.
“In 2006-07 Australia’s exports to the United Arab Emirates grew by a staggering 45 per cent, with total two-way merchandise trade expanding by almost 70 per cent,” Mr Harcourt said.
“Australian food, fashion, services, and a wide range of products are increasingly in demand. There are also more than 12,000 Australian expatriates in the UAE, compared to just over 3000 six years ago.
“The great Australian game is also the perfect platform to promote the great Australian brand – and Australian business capability – to international audiences.”
More than 20 Australian companies have been involved in preparations for the AFL contest, making sure an Australian presence would be highlighted beyond the on-field action.
“Multiplex were involved in building the temporary stadium at Ghantoot Racing and Polo grounds, and Fosters will be providing alcohol at an associated event,” Mr Hewett said.
As part of a longer term strategy for international expansion, the AFL may also stage games in destinations such as London and Tokyo, with a possible eight overseas locations currently being considered for future matches.

Dogs Of War

I hope the government stops funding this sort of crap (AFL in dubai). It just makes Australian's look like we are all uncoordinated.

EDIT : My pick for the crowd 3000 (all free tickets)


Dogs Of War said:
I hope the government stops funding this sort of crap (AFL in dubai). It just makes Australian's look like we are all uncoordinated.

EDIT : My pick for the crowd 3000 (all free tickets)


I think they are doing it primarily for the 12,000 expats there.


First Grade
So the funding was cut, always a chance of happening with a change of Government


Chachi said:
I didn't suggest the Howard govt were the ONLY ones to blame. Nor am I suggesting cutting $10M in spending will make any difference in isolation. I am suggesting that reigning in vote grabbing pre-election promises is good fiscal policy - not to mention the fact they are certainly not obligated to pursue any verbal committment made by the previous government. This is only ONE step they're taking to reform an economy that is spinning out of control and dangerously focussed on one sector - while areas like tertiary education and medical research has been left to haemorrage for years.

There are far greater priorities for our tax dollar IMO. I'd even argue that $10M spent on junior RL would have been a better use of money than a hall of fame (which should be the responsibility of the ARL anyway).

Anyway, back on topic, I love a lot of things about Rugby League, but missing out on a hall of fame will make dick all difference to me looking forward to this season.

I accept the decision(though I think it stinks) the govt has made on the $10m ,although I think it is doing it on the cheap,compared to the waste of govts such as NSW $250m up in smoke on a T card system,and the $1b desal plant FFS.
Perhaps the $250m (of which no doubt Fed govt contributed via State grants ex GST) would have done a lot for the education and or hospital system.
Well if you really truly believe in sensible fiscal policy,then Rudd should have the balls to renig on his tax cuts(a vote grabbbing election promise).Because 30billion whatever ? dollars back into the system ,is not exactly deflationary.It would hit me BTW.
Anycase whoever is in power is caught by the short and curlies by what happens overseas viz a viz oil/USA/China/Japan and even terrorism.
What you forget ,which will no doubt affect rl attendances:IMO If govt cuts back too hard and/or interest rates continue to rise,disposable income by people will not go towards watching or playing rl or other sports but in plain surviving.That will be more than a dick of difference to me because that will affect the game I love.


El Diablo

Post Whore
Dogs Of War said:
I hope the government stops funding this sort of crap (AFL in dubai). It just makes Australian's look like we are all uncoordinated.

EDIT : My pick for the crowd 3000 (all free tickets)

it's no surprise the Labor party doesn't mind throwing money at the AFL


AFL's Labor ties come under fire

Peter Ker
March 1, 2007

A SENIOR Bracks Government staff member has been recruited to fill a new high-powered role at the AFL, adding to the links between the league and the Labor Party.

In a move that prompted the Liberal Party to warn the AFL about public perceptions of its political leanings, Labor staffer Phil Martin has been lured by chief executive Andrew Demetriou to be a government lobbyist for the league.

Such a role has never before existed within the AFL and is designed to help the league retain strong links with governments over funding, and other sensitive negotiations.

Mr Martin could not be contacted yesterday, but his resignation as chief-of-staff to Planning Minister Justin Madden was announced to caucus by Mr Madden on Tuesday.

Mr Martin — a member of Labor's left faction — has worked for six different ministers within the Bracks Government, including deputy premier John Thwaites.

Several AFL commissioners boast ALP backgrounds, including Sam Mostyn — a former staffer to former Prime Minister Paul Keating — and former ACTU secretary Bill Kelty.

Mr Demetriou famously incurred the wrath of Liberal MPs including federal Treasurer Peter Costello in 2005 after he criticised Australia's attitude toward migrants at an Australia Day speech.

Mr Martin's appointment prompted state Liberal sport and recreation spokesman Nick Kotsiras to issue a warning to Mr Demetriou.

"The perception could be that he (Mr Demetriou) supports the ALP," he said. "The danger is that the AFL might be seen as politicised."

Mr Kotsiras said Mr Demetriou should run for parliament if he wished to make political statements.

Former Liberal premier and current Hawthorn president Jeff Kennett said he judged senior AFL executives on their performance, and to date he had not seen "any overt political interference by anyone".


It was a vote buying excercise by a desperate outgoing govt. I dont really think its a withdrawel, rather they just didnt win.


lockyno1 said:
exactly, watch the Labor fools defend the next recession under Rudd!

Just for you Locky


Some reading


I know it's Wiki but hey it's pretty close to all the stuff from my textbooks.

Green Machine

First Grade
yakstorm said:
Penrith Stadium and Campbelltown Stadium where both Liberal promises,
I can’t find anywhere that the Liberals offered to fund either Penrith or Campbelltown at the 2007 Federal election. I was under the impression that Pat Farmer opposed upgrades at Campbelltown at the 2004 Federal election when the Federal Liberals made funds available for Penrith. Also on the 22 June 2007, the NSW Government had commited $5m to Penrith Stadium:


Farmer Moves to Mosman
Mr Farmer's margin was slashed from 11.2 per cent to 0.8 per cent after a swing of more than 10 per cent to Labor candidate Nick Bleasdale. Mr Farmer's popularity slumped in recent years due to his support of WorkChoices, and dismissal of calls to widen the F5 Freeway and upgrade Campbelltown Stadium.

A Rudd Labor Government will deliver $8 million towards the upgrade of Campbelltown Sports Stadium.

The $5 million will go towards the construction of a double sided grandstand, which will include:
A 4,000-seat spectator grandstand at the southern end of Penrith Stadium
A new pavilion and clubhouse at Howell Oval
Food and beverage facilities and shared amenities servicing both Penrith Stadium and Howell Oval
Multi-purpose rooms to be used by the cricket club and for sports administration, junior sports development activities, and sports injury treatment, including physiotherapy


Council welcomes Penrith Stadium funding
June 22 2007
Penrith City Council has received $5 million from the State Government toward Penrith Stadium upgrades.

Leichhardt Labor offered 3 million, Liberals offered 7 million,

That is true

To mark the centenary of the Balmain Tigers and of Rugby League’s first game in 1908, a Rudd Labor Government will invest $3 million to assist in upgrading Leichhardt Oval, one of Australia’s most historically significant football grounds.

I find it interesting that week after the Labor Party make a federal commitment to Leichhardt Oval, the prime minister, who is not only going to lose the election, but there is real fear he could lose his own seat, suddenly finds $7m for Leichhardt Oval


A little bit of persuasion from club CEO Steve Noyce saw Prime Minister John Howard pull on a Wests Tigers jersey at Leichhardt Oval on Sunday, November 4.

Mr Howard was at the historic oval to pledge the Liberal Party’s $8 million for improvements at the ground as part of his election campaign in his own seat of Bennelong.

Although Leichhardt Oval is not in his backyard, Balmain Junior Rugby League has plenty of players registered from the Bennelong electorate.

Liberals also offered Brookvale Oval, Oki-Jubilee and Parramatta Stadium.

Well, lets clear a few things first, there was no committment from either Party to Oki or Parramatta at the 2007 Federal Election. Parramatta were looking for Federal funding to add to the $6m made available by the NSW Government. Just another thing, Parramatta Stadium would have been built if it was not for former sports minister John Brown

New stadium grandstand is on its way
Scott Howlett
A NEW southern grandstand, with seating for 4530 people, will be built at Parramatta Stadium, if the Parramatta Stadium Trust can find between $9 million and $14 million to fund it.
In the lead-up to the Eels' season-opener against the New Zealand Warriors, which the Eels lost 34-18, Western Sydney Minister Diane Beamer gave the Eels $6 million to kick off the project at Parramatta Stadium on Thursday.
The upgrade is expected to cost between $15 million and $20 million, Ms Beamer said.

As far as Brookvale goes, here is an interesting thing I found dated 8/11/07 at the start of the election campaign:

The time is right - we need Government support now!
By Manly Sea Eagles
We have it from a reliable source inside the Liberal Party that Brookvale Oval will not be receiving funding from the Federal Government.
Tony Abbot has been a lone voice of support for Brookvale funding and has obviously been let down by others in his party.
Fax Tony Abbot and lobby for a fair go for Brookvale funding.
02 9977 8715

I wonder if funding from Rugby Union old boy Tony Abbot, in the last weeks of an election was just a hollow promise and to save face with Rugby League fans in his electorate?

EnergyAustralia was Labor, so I wont deny that.

The commitment from Federal Labor is $10m plus 12m from the NSW Government


Anyway the NRL didn't align themselves with a party, they rallied both for funding, but one was more supportive than the other.

What party was Graham Annesley running for at the recent state election? I'm amazed the NRL kept his job open. Didn’t John Fahey lobby John Howard on behalf of the ARL for the funding? As I said before, I find it amazing that that Rugby League would allow John Howard to pork barrel in prime time on National Rugby League Grand Final day in front of the biggest national TV audience, with new fans tuning in for the first time, all viewing an unpaid political advertisement from the Liberal Party. The NRL should send the Liberal Party an invoice for unpaid advertising
This deal, as it has been said before was made there and then by the current government, it wasn't a 'future' promise on the provision that the game would only get if the Liberals won.
Every newly elected government has a razor gang go throught and cut commitments from previous governments. John Fahey did just that in 1996. The ARL/NRL should have studied their politics.
The money was made available from late September last year,
Late September? The grand final was a week off late September.
I guess League should have moved faster to spend it all, then they couldn't have taken it back...
How could they give it back if they didn’t have it?
I would like to see some kind of proof that the ARL/NRL lobbied the Labor Party for the $10m funding. The ARL/NRL could have approached Robert McClelland to lobby on their behalf,

Perth Red

Post Whore
No good complaining abou the AFL's political influence. I want to know what the NRL/ARL are doing to counterbalance it? AFL has positioned itself again to reap max rewards (as any good business does) and the NRL strategic plan is ????????

"The great Australian game is also the perfect platform to promote the great Australian brand – and Australian business capability – to international audiences.”
More than 20 Australian companies have been involved in preparations for the AFL contest, making sure an Australian presence would be highlighted beyond the on-field action.
“Multiplex were involved in building the temporary stadium at Ghantoot Racing and Polo grounds, and Fosters will be providing alcohol at an associated event,” Mr Hewett said.
As part of a longer term strategy for international expansion, the AFL may also stage games in destinations such as London and Tokyo, with a possible eight overseas locations currently being considered for future matches"

They have a plan, do we?

Red Bear

lockyno1 said:
Tell you what why doesn't he hold a vote..more people would want the money going to league and otehr sports than some rubbish education fetish he has!
i'd prefer to see a sh*tload invested in education, our uni's and especially our public high schools can improve greatly on where they are with a bit of funding, and uni in particular can be made more accessable for more people.


I will say this, the Labour fans are making sh*t excuses where as LJH made us a promise.

Labour intrest rates rocketing

Liberal 11 years of growth

do the math

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