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Federal govt. withdraws $10m Centenary funding

Lime_Green said:
Umm, no. It's the other way around. Socialism is about big government, about large amounts of government spending in all sectors.

In the U.S.S.R a huge amount of government money was spent on sport. Why else do you think they were so incredibly successful at the Olympics?

yes in theory your right.

but in reality it doesnt work that way.

communist countries dont spend money on all sectors. They spend money on what makes themselves look good to the outside world, hence the massive funds put into sport. See China and this years olympics as a great example.

Russia did the same with the space race , spent billions on it while people were dying of starvation.
fish eel said:

They failed to take up a promise made by John Howard.

You may have a case if Rudd had matched the committment himself.

The NRL should have sought an assurance during the election campaign that Rudd would match Howards promise. Did they do and get that?

thats a fair point.

but my stand is still the same , its a low act not to match the funding in the centenary year.

the ALP did promise to give $5 million to the panthers to upgrade the southern end of the stadium but yet they cant find $10 million to honour all of Rugby League?

and why the $5 mill for Penrith? why they wanted to win the seat offcourse.


Post Whore
fish eel said:
But why should he partially meet every promise Howard made?

Did he promise to match it during the election?

Tell you what why doesn't he hold a vote..more people would want the money going to league and otehr sports than some rubbish education fetish he has!


Just some figures for melonhead on wages...

Average Weekly Earnigs
Feb 1991 - $496.90
Mar 2007 - $863.40
a nominal increase of 73%

Average cost of housing for Purchasers/Mortgagees (i.e. cost of servicing a mortgage)
1991 - $182.00 or 36.6% of AWE
2006 - $338.00 or 39.1% of AWE
a nominal increase of 85%

fish eel

herbert henry1908 said:
thats a fair point.

but my stand is still the same , its a low act not to match the funding in the centenary year.

That should have been brought up though bu the NRL in the election campaign, surely?

the ALP did promise to give $5 million to the panthers to upgrade the southern end of the stadium but yet they cant find $10 million to honour all of Rugby League?

and why the $5 mill for Penrith? why they wanted to win the seat offcourse.

Of course, and I'd expect them to keep that promise.

Would you prefer if they canned that and put the $5 mill towards this?

fish eel

El Diablo said:
he didn't object to it when it was made on GF day. i believe Gallop said this in the press release

But did he match it?

Did he say he would match it?

Or was he just silent?

If he was silent, surely the NRL should have sought a firmer committment?

and why is he giving money to the AFL who are flush with cash?

read what yakstorm wrote here http://forums.leagueunlimited.com/showthread.php?p=3998694#post3998694

I just read that, and admit to knowing very little or caring very little about the AFL.

The money they are providing the AFL....is that what you would call normal govt funding for the AFL? Like plenty of other sports get.

Or is it a one of project similar to this NRL one announced by Howard late in the electoral cycle.

Because you can only compare apples with apples.

If the funding going to the AFL is like this $10 mill, a special one off announced on election eve, then yes, they should have been more consistant and looked at cutting that as well.

Fact is though there are always winners and losers when governments change.

Green Machine

First Grade
El Diablo said:
he didn't object to it when it was made on GF day. i believe Gallop said this in the press release

and why is he giving money to the AFL who are flush with cash?

read what yakstorm wrote here http://forums.leagueunlimited.com/showthread.php?p=3998694#post3998694

Come El, if you believe that, you would believe the current Government would be obligated to commit to Tony Abbott’s promise to upgrade Brookvale a few weeks later. The Labor party agreed to upgrade Energy Australia, Campbelltown and Leichhardt but the Liberals didn’t. If David Gallop thought the funding was that important, he should have lobbied the Labor Party during the election campaign to get bipartisan assurances. If he couldn't get those assurances, he should have informed the fans on what the situation was. Once they let John Howard in the commentary box in between Premier League and First Grade, they lost their independence. We all know the NRL can be loose with detail, we only have look back 12 months ago to the Telstra sponsorship and 3G rights

El Diablo

Post Whore
If David Gallop thought the funding was that important, he should have lobbied the Labor Party during the election campaign

unlike those other things you mentioned this wasn't an election promise

Green Machine

First Grade
Of course it was a promise. The Howard Government was in election mode for months before the actual election date. If it was government funding, the ARL should have got the funds transferred before the election

fish eel

El Diablo said:
unlike those other things you mentioned this wasn't an election promise

Of course it was an election committment.

Just because it was announced prior to the election being called doesn't mean it's not an election committment.

Howard made the committment - but didnt give the cash. If it wasnt a committment, he'd have given the funding straight up.

The rationale that it wasnt an election promise because it was made prior to the election campaign, means Kevin Rudd can get out of a whole stack of promises because they were mader prior to the elction.


melon.... said:
Today, My 3rd home is worth 1.2 million. My mortage is under 1/3 of this. My repayments are almost the same monthly....and I earn 4 times more now.my Salary is 4 times what it was in 91. Now tell me when was I better off?


What, you earn four times the amount of money than you did 17 years ago and it's to do with which government was in charge?

:lol: :lol: :lol:

It couldn't be due to the fact that you have 17 more years' experience in the workplace, with new skills etc undoubtedly coming into it?

Mate, I've quadrupled my income in the PAST THREE YEARS alone. Sure, it could have had something to do with the fact that I graduated uni, started working full time, and got a second job... but I'll just give the credit to whoever is in power, yeah?

Honestly, if I'm not earning four times my current wage in 2025, I'll only have myself to blame.


very sad to hear about the governments decision, $10 million is really a drop in the pond yet it would have meant a lot to a load of fans and volunteers.


I did not vote for rudd either.

Look. I dont know the future or how he and his party will handle leading this country ahead.

But what I do know is this: His party and what they stand for, and how they go about things, and the way in which they reach their goals, and indeed their goals themsevles, are IN NO WAY agreeable to myself.

I think this decision was a shortsighted and poor one.

Rudd became elected because he was "trendy".

Rugby league will be with us forevermore - an institution.

Much talk is about interest rates at the moment, but what everyone fails to realise is that before the Howard Govt came to be, interest rates were 17%. Yeah, double what they are now.

My third paragraph stands up to some big opposition. Its not so much Rudd, its the entire Labour bulldust. The entire party and their core beliefs are a joke....the people behind rudd and around rudd are not the kind of people you want running a country. If you are a member of a Union, you helped bring down John Howard, because Union fees directly contributed to the advertising blitz that rudd got in on.

I will bring this back to rugby league soon, but this all relates....Unions people....the very ones who are anti-competitive and anti-productive....because Unions demand through their very nature that as a business a company has to increase costs in the long run because Unions demand that people are paid more for essentially THE SAME amount of production. Safe environments to work in aside, Unions are evil.

If you work in a labour job and you work hard, you are providing maximum value already to an employer, unless you yourself go and get better skilled to do more in your day to day working life (but how many people do that?)

Now, not only is that a crippling effect over decades on productivity and wages (equalling same company output for less profits which on a world scale equals less competitive and worse-off economy) but it is also useless because workers need to pay a Union to do a job they should be able to do themselves, but the simple fact is a BETTER METHOD of doing things is individual contracts....more efficient and the cream rises to the top.

Across the world now govts and people are moving away from Unions because of this....it takes decades to realise, but its there....Union systems cripple economies and make your life worse!

Anyway, if you think a govt that believes the above is going to make our economy better
then you are seriously mis-guided.

Your quality of life will suffer.

And look at league, its suffered already because we wont be able to invest in our future or help our kids...


taipan said:
Of course if the Libs had donme it it would have been poor thinking.
Even WayneSwan admitted,in a round about way that the economy they inherited was strong,although overheated.So much for the run down crapola.
If Rudd was genuine about reducing inflation,he would cancel the promised tax cuts for starters.If he was genuine about the environment he would have canned the paper mill in Tassie.
The Howard govt is not the only one to blame.How about us ,how about State govts.

Ever heard about overspending by the public credit card levels at an all time high,1million new cars sold last year(many I guess on credit),ever heard about the strength of the aussie dollar making imports cheaper(ask Gerry harvey and others why sales of huge Plasmas and LCDS are booming)ever heard of an economy with low unemployment and booming resource industry where labourers can earn $70,000 plus ,or mortgage lenders who have sprung up everywhere.Have a look at the development on the Gold Coast,this whilst good for jobs and the economy aids in a minor way the inflationary spiral.

The workers at Mitsubishi who were given the flick(due to b...all buying the 380 locally produced car) have been offered jobs in SA (where the state Labor govt claims there are plenty of jobs available and by the Qld Labor gov(where the state govt claims there are plenty of jobs available).The economy run down ????
The cross city tunnel in sydney a huge waste of money,the T card debacle and the desal plant all State govt intiatives in the hundreds of miilions of dollars all add to the inflationary cycle overall.

You don't have demand unless you have ability to pay,and you don't have that ability unless the economy provides the cash and credit.

Iwould be canning a couple of the defence purchases for starters.Whilst oil prices remain high inflationary pressures will still remain,regardless of whom is in power.We are so dependent on the greasy stuff.
We are a small country of 21 million,to save heaps on duplication,get rid of state govts and justhave Federal and local councils.

By all means cut back on grants to sport,but its pretty ordinary when the the centenary year celebrations have already started,not down the line.
I didn't suggest the Howard govt were the ONLY ones to blame. Nor am I suggesting cutting $10M in spending will make any difference in isolation. I am suggesting that reigning in vote grabbing pre-election promises is good fiscal policy - not to mention the fact they are certainly not obligated to pursue any verbal committment made by the previous government. This is only ONE step they're taking to reform an economy that is spinning out of control and dangerously focussed on one sector - while areas like tertiary education and medical research has been left to haemorrage for years.

There are far greater priorities for our tax dollar IMO. I'd even argue that $10M spent on junior RL would have been a better use of money than a hall of fame (which should be the responsibility of the ARL anyway).

Anyway, back on topic, I love a lot of things about Rugby League, but missing out on a hall of fame will make dick all difference to me looking forward to this season.


First Grade
Green Machine said:
Is that so? Didn’t Federal Labor commit to stadium upgrades at Leichhardt Oval, Campbelltown Stadium, Penrith Stadium and Energy Australia Stadium?
I’m amazed that the ARL/NRL would allow John Howard to launch an election promise in prime time on National Grand Final day. I’m amazed that during the election campaign that the ARL/NRL would not have got assurances from Labor that they would commit to the Liberals election promise to the ARL. I find it totally amazing that the NRL would allow themselves to be aligned to one political party prior to a Federal Election. Especially a party that was going to lose that election

Penrith Stadium and Campbelltown Stadium where both Liberal promises, Leichhardt Labor offered 3 million, Liberals offered 7 million, Liberals also offered Brookvale Oval, Oki-Jubilee and Parramatta Stadium.

EnergyAustralia was Labor, so I wont deny that.

Anyway the NRL didn't align themselves with a party, they rallied both for funding, but one was more supportive than the other. This deal, as it has been said before was made there and then by the current government, it wasn't a 'future' promise on the provision that the game would only get if the Liberals won.

The money was made available from late September last year, I guess League should have moved faster to spend it all, then they couldn't have taken it back...